Well most Ps3 users cannot enjoy them and it isnt certain yet because Fable 2 was 360 only and MS made Splintercell not out on PC.
Even if they are mulitplat the PC is not a console so it is a console exclusive to the 360 as you will never press x o square or triangle in them :)
Also most Ps3 users do not even have gamming PCs
This isn't about who can play them on gaming PC's or not, fact is its on PC regardless and therefore multiplats, not console exclusives, they don't exist in the context your using them in. Console exclusives are games exclusive to consoles.
Yes and they are exclusive to one console, you can't play Mass Effect on Wii or the PS3 that is a fact. The PC is not and never will be a console not matter how hard it tries or people try to make it.
PC may not be a console, and thank God it isn't... it can still play Consoles games and vice versa for PC games.
This whole exclusive talk is for fanboys only.
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