1st no hate just stick to the facts.
2nd 3DS needs an addon to add another analogstick, which means consumers are being ripped off who bought the first 3DS.
3rd Why I'm saying first?? Cuz its clearly a new 3DS is on its way with two analogsticks.
4th Consumers are being confused by this marketing, like I said many people will feel to be ripped off by Nintendo. Of course monsterhunter is the only game to support this slidepade but once its there and once vita comes out with two analogsticks many programmer will make their games on this addon too and persuade Nintendo to bring a new version.
5th the thing needs batteries, which I thought would be a thing of the past in this generation.
6th It looks goofy too, and remembers me of this Gameboy lens.
7th Not only gamers will be confused by it so will the programmers as they have the choice to support one analogstick controls, two or both for their games.
8th 3ds is still too expansive in comparison to the vita.
9th 3DS is also the first Nintendo device to be sold lower than it should be, the same goes probably for vita too, but sony has a better online service which makes more money with the enduser on time. Nintendo just failed to make a good and profitable online service.
10th people can't see the 3d effect in videos or pictures unless they tried it out, many casual gamers who aren't that much of an insider in gaming but want to buy a new handheld will see a Nintendo device with Dreamcast-ps2 graphics and a Sony device with xbox-highend graphics in online footages.
11th Vita can be linked with the ps3 which makes the console a counter selling argument against the wiiu until ps4 comes. People can buy the vita instead of the wiiu, having a handheld which is as strong as your consoles and having the same experience as wiiu can last the ps3 probably for another 2 years.
12th Nintendo can't do something like this as the 3ds as for now has no two anologsticks, there are also no plans to release Nintendo wiiu without the controller to give consumers who bought a 3ds an opportunity to save money by buying a new console. We also don't know if its technologically possible unlike they bring a whole new 3ds. If they do they will face a lot of distrust by consumers as I said.
13th The 3d effect can be influenced by your playing as you might walk with it or just smash too hard on the buttons.
14th As I said sony has a way better online service which can make the vita a direct competitor to apple and android while Nintendo has to do a good online service at all.
15th sony has still a backdoor with xperia play if mobilephones get too mighty, Nintendo is lacking something like this at all.
16th vita has more and better controls than the 3ds.
17th vita is a device of its time, the thing is way stronger than 3ds and the pure power in it can even keep up with gaming laptops seriously. Being hermit myself I don't see a point in requiring laptops for gaming only if vita is out. Of course it comes down to choice like controls or resolution to ''I can hold everything with my hands'' views but when it comes to price all what you can get in the laptop market is an intel atom netbook with an intel gpu for vitas price. Also the Vita isn't as loud as netbooks too and you have to think about that for many notebooks and tablets the software is made for different devices from their kind to tower pcs while vitas software is made for vita making the device even more competitive to the above.
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