@Phazevariance said:
Lol PC is a microsoft platform for the most part. So glad at least MS is supporting it. Now if only Sony would support PC instead of being greedy shits.
No PC is an OPEN platform not owned by MS at ALL,sony use to make games for PC dude where in hell have you being? Did you ever read about SOE..? It was sold early last year by sony.
Everquest,Planet Side2,DC Online H1z1.
Why would i want sony to do that.? PS4 exclusives are its soul,if the xbox doesn't have exclusives why in hell would any one buy one.? The same apply to the PS4,if i could get all PS exclusives on PC why in hell would i want or need a PS4 for.?
PC is stronger more open and multi use and has free online play.
Nice DC dude,i remember a time where last gen was great for the xbox 360 because it had so many exclusives and the PS3 didn't have many,those were the days...lol
@kwns said:
. I still wouldn't buy the PS4 its AAA games suck, has no dedicated server support and crappy network. People from the west will buy the xbox one i don't want any of those weirdo type games PS4 gamers play.
Hahaha yeah that is why the PS4 sold more.
@spitfire-six said:
@quadknight: windows 10 pc is not a microsoft platform? Since when?
PC is an open platform the OS is make by MS but they don't control what goes in it,as simple as that,even sony use to make games for windows,steam doesn't respond to MS at all as well as other gaming platforms inside PC like Origins.
So yeah MS make windows but now PC is not a MS platform at all the xbox one is a MS platform.
@nyadc said:
Egh, the operating system and games that are available are essentially what makes a platform what it is, consoles, PC, it's no different when you get down to it except the PC has more sub-options and hardware configurations. So technically PC is basically a Microsoft platform considering they control the OS market on 91% or so of the PC market.
If you're on a Window's based PC you're on Microsoft's platform.
So steam belongs to MS and Origin as well.?
No.? Oh then it is not their platform.
PC is an open platform it doesn't belong to MS in any way.
PC is not MS platform and in court they loss that,in fact that remind me of a time when they wanted every PC manufacture to come slapped with windows because they claim piracy was a problem,they loss in court MS doesn't own the X86 design they make software for it,and so restrictive is MS on its own platform that there are things they can't even do on their own software without getting sue,much like it happen when they bundle IE in the 90's to destroy netscape.
Again MS has no control on what goes into windows and trying to pretend that windows is to MS what the Vita is to sony is a joke,even more trying to justify the loss of a game,PC is PC and the xbox is the xbox,they are 2 separate platforms PC games don't work on xbox one and xbox one games don't work on PC as simple as that.
So yeah the xbox one just loss another game,and from what i can see it only has 3 exclusives this year,Gears crackdown and Quantum Break,gears has gone down hill and is not made by epic any more,Crackdown was never a great game,and it last chapter sucked,and Quantum Break which is the one interesting is an unproven series could be great could be bad.
@spitfire-six said:
lets add to this that this will most likely be released as a windows store title. Which means you cannot purchase it on Steam/ubutu/Mac or whatever other OS is the flavor of the month. In the development world Windows is a platform, Mac Os is a platform, and linux is a platform its not lumped together as PC. Revenue from MS store obviously goes to MSFT.
You don't need an xbox one to play Recore THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM HERE FOR THE XBO,windows store or not is on PC i don't need an xbox one for it,that is the blow is multiplatform the xbox one loss another game.
No amount of damage control can change that.
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