@i_p_daily: Literally demonstrating your hypocrisy and shitty troll tactics.
>Almost everything on Xbox is available elsewhere
You: Hur hur I don’t care, laster race
Then why should we care about the so-called "truths" you’re stating when you evidently don’t care about the problems of your own system? Don’t throw stones from a glass house right?
Further more, Kerbal Space Program, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, X-COM 2, Elite Dangerous etc all came way later for consoles. I guess consoles are the laster race huh? If I cherry pick and I’m being an hypocritcal two-faced brat like you are, I can paint any "truth" I want.
Hilariously, you’re the most pathetic poster here. Even more so than the Sony fans. Don’t even know how you pull that off.
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