@i_p_daily: Nope. I'm not attracted to brands just for the sake of it. I'm attracted to brands because of quality, and that's why I don't give a shit if the PC has a "brand" or not. I only care that I can play my games the way I want to; either with a keyboard/mouse or controller, with the best graphics options or not, with mods or not, etc.
I don't care about brands unless they already provide me a quality experience. Then, sure, a brand is cool, but if I get a quality experience without a brand, then I don't give a shit. For me, I don't care about not being able to use Steam to play a game, so the multitude of launchers doesn't bother me, as long as I have an enjoyable experience, then it doesn't matter.
Only sheep care about brand names. Consumers that consume because commercials tell them to. That's basically what you're saying.
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