:lol: owned
Owned by what? A figure Ubisoft pulled out of their ass to make Piracy look bad and force their DRM more because it failed? They haven't provided a shred of evidence to support those figures at all
Why don't you tell us what the true figure and also provide the evidence for that? Companies like Ubisoft follows the market as closely as they can, using the best analysis tools/data available. I'll take their estimate before what hermits think they know any day in the week.Then think about this. If the piracy rate was so high (which that figure is astronomically high) it would leave no room for profits to be made on PC at all, so why do they continue to support the platform? If it was as bad as they say then they would cut off the PC side of things to save their money.
Also it's still only Ubisoft if it's true anyway, doesn't paint a picture of the whole platform or PC itself, A dev like DICE would have a far less piracy percentage due to the nature of their games. People also pirated Ubisoft games because of their intrusive and limiting DRM they implemented and the pirated versions work without it making them far easier to use. Ubisoft shot themselves in the foot with their DRM.
And again people only pirate what they believe is not worth their money. If a consumer sees a product worth getting with high quality they will buy it, that's why iTunes became popular, CDs costed too much so people pirated, then they release a service that has hugely lower prices and it booms. Same with netflix, people pirated movies all the time and still do yet netflix is hugely successful too. Why? because they have a service people deem good enough to pay for.
Ubisoft want less piracy? remove the DRM that alienates people and make better quality games. Simple
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