Wait, wait...
Will the 3DS also have an account System? Why did they only mention the Wii U.
And why is it still called Nintendo Network!?LegatoSkyheart
I have a feeling that this is also going to be for the 3DS as well. I mean Kid Icarus is supposed to come out on both the 3DS AND WiiU, according to Charizard anyway. What he said made it sound as if The eShop is also the WiiU's shop, So by the Time the Store Launches there would already be loads of content ready for download.
No, you misunderstood lol. What I meant was that Wii U will get downloadables for its OWN retail titles. As in, Wii U titles will be downloadable on the Wii U's eShop. I didn't mean the Wii U would be able to access the 3DS eShop. Sorry about the confusion :P :)
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