This is just rumor, and there's no real source (like someone in the know leaking info or anything like that), only speculation. But the subject has been making the rounds for various reasons, such as Square Enix didn't bother to show or make any announcement of the PS4 port at E3. Or that the game is still unavailable for pre-order from major retailers like Amazon, GameStop, Best buy, Walmart, Toys R Us, etc. And, it's nearly 4 months until the 1 year timed console exclusivity would expire, so they're cutting it short as far as announcing anything.
Most interesting among the speculation though was running across comments that said Square Enix reconsidered mainly due to animosity held toward the game being a timed console exclusive on the Xbox One. That's an interesting notion, because if that were true, it would mean all that shit talking was the most counter productive thing for the PS4 fanboys to do if they really wanted this game, as months before it released on the Xbox One people were saying they weren't going to buy it for the PS4 or even the PC when it released because they were sour about the deal.
Though, other speculation I've seen thinks that Square Enix might not have wanted to show Rise of the Tomb Raider at E3 being so close to Uncharted 4's release and phenomenal success, and that seems like an equally plausible excuse for not showing it or announcing anything.
Anyhow, just a rumor, very very rumor, not even a big one and one where I'd think Square Enix would even bother responding. To my knowledge neither Square Enix nor Crystal Dynamics have commented on this. It would be nice nonetheless to get some reassurance.
As far as I see it, it'd be stupid of Square Enix to skip a PS4 port even if it won't be a stellar seller because there's going to other games in the series to come, and it would be a good thing for people to have more familiarity and be up to date with a series for the sequels to have legs to stand on.
But, better safe than sorry. If you own a PS4 and are waiting for Rise of the Tomb Raider to be ported before playing it, and you're looking forward to it, better sound off so Square Enix knows whether it's worth the trouble or not.
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