RROD= the flu , PS3 issues= cancer

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#101 Km0n
Member since 2008 • 337 Posts
xbox 360 is the worst, sure it has some good games but the RROD is not worth it. My cousin spent like 300+ $ on it and it got RROD and he cant do anythign about it cuase he just left the country. I feel sorry for him spent so much money on t and now its trash. 1 in 3 xbox is broken is a pretty big chance.
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#102 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

Here are some facts:

360 - I've had one die on me, forcing me to deal with 2 refurbished units, which also either died or came back with issues it didn't have when it was shipped off. My brother is on his 3rd newly purchased 360. Brand new. He never sent any to the refurb shop. All his old ones straigt up died. RROD. No issues other than RROD to speak of.

PS3 - My brother's PS3 died on him after seeing minimal use over 14 months. And when I say minimal, I mean maybe 10 hours total play time. It probably spent more time downloading OS updates than gaming. Yet and still, yellow light of death (YLOD). My PS3 has had cancer-like issues since the beginning. BlueTooth has a mind of its own sometimes, causing the controller to malfunction and cease controlling the game for a few seconds. Nothing like running through an area in resistance, when you decide you need to try to spin and shoot someone...only for your character to keep running in the same direction (because the Bluetooth is freaking out) costing you a life. Or driving in Burnout and...well you can imagine. Or in SC4 just standing there and getting pummeled in a ranked match because you have no control.

Wii - Has been a rock. it was having issues reading games, but I opened up and cleaned off the laser lens with alcohol and a cotton swab and it worked normally again. Other than that, no problems.

So yea. In my book, neither the PS3 nor the Xbox 360 are without hardware flaws and issues. I've seen more issues than I'd like to see. My brother will have to ship his PS3 in for repair one day. I'll be returning mine while my 1-year extended warranty at EBGames is still valid. Then I'll be on my own with yet another questionable piece of hardware.

Lesson: ALWAYS buy the extended warranty.


I too have see plenty of my friends PS3s die, most of the time due to firmware upgrade faults or YLOD.

On a board full of console misinfomation and myths PS3 reliability may be the biggest one.

I don't doubt it.
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#103 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

xbox 360 is the worst, sure it has some good games but the RROD is not worth it. My cousin spent like 300+ $ on it and it got RROD and he cant do anythign about it cuase he just left the country. I feel sorry for him spent so much money on t and now its trash. 1 in 3 xbox is broken is a pretty big chance. Km0n
Next time, tell your cousin to be smart and buy the extended warranty with any console he purchases.

My PS2 died twice.

My 360 died once. My brothers died twice.

My PS3 has been sick since birth. My brothers died.

For all of them, I had the extended warranty. For all of them, I got free repairs or replacements.

Anyone who doesn't buy the extended warranty on either console is asking for trouble. Drop the extra $50 for a 2-year or 3-year warranty and live worry-free.

Best Buy comes highly recommended from me because they never asked me any questions.

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#104 verbtex  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 9196 Posts

I see a lot of 360 hating threads tonight so now it's time to counter.

People say the RROD is affecting like 70% of consoles . That is false . It's much lower than 30 for the earlier models. Now,,,

RROD :if your 360 breaks warranty most likely covers it , you send it for repairs and get it back in 2-4 weeks . You pay nothing.
Many people have done this and the fact is Microsoft knows how to deal with this.360 has a hige warranty of 3 years

PS3 problems : PS3s have a small warranty of one year

RROD : In the future more RROD proof models are released . Better prevention devices are present ( new intercooler ).I expect
RROD proof consoles to be out by x-mas . The ones now have a reduced chance.

PS3 problems : since the tray doesn't have a disc dust can get in affecting the console. maybe it can minimize the damage since some of you claim it has a curtain thingy.

RROD : There are many tech experts who can fix it for you for cheap .

PS3 : Again , Sony is probably the only one who can do that.

So in concolusion although teh RROD is more common it's not so bad since people can easily deal with it , but if PS3 gets busted your screwed.


You might find this as an interesting read....

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#105 AtrumRegina
Member since 2008 • 1584 Posts

I see a lot of 360 hating threads tonight so now it's time to counter.

People say the RROD is affecting like 70% of consoles . That is false . It's much lower than 30 for the earlier models. Now,,,

RROD :if your 360 breaks warranty most likely covers it , you send it for repairs and get it back in 2-4 weeks . You pay nothing.
Many people have done this and the fact is Microsoft knows how to deal with this.360 has a hige warranty of 3 years

PS3 problems : PS3s have a small warranty of one year

RROD : In the future more RROD proof models are released . Better prevention devices are present ( new intercooler ).I expect
RROD proof consoles to be out by x-mas . The ones now have a reduced chance.

PS3 problems : since the tray doesn't have a disc dust can get in affecting the console. maybe it can minimize the damage since some of you claim it has a curtain thingy.

RROD : There are many tech experts who can fix it for you for cheap .

PS3 : Again , Sony is probably the only one who can do that.

So in concolusion although teh RROD is more common it's not so bad since people can easily deal with it , but if PS3 gets busted your screwed.


You might find this as an interesting read....

when theres nothing to say just post a fail link!

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#106 verbtex  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 9196 Posts

You might find this as an interesting read....


when theres nothing to say just post a fail link!

Well you have to admit, it was funny.

And yeah, your post isn't very informative. It has no facts nor links to back it up. And if you paid attention to your thread you would have known that I had posted something before. This is one of those threads that should be locked according to that new crackdown. I wonder when the mods will start that.

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#107 ceruxx
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The funny thing is, you couldn't come up with any real problems for the PS3 so you theorized.

Xbox360: 3 year warranty, but RROD problems.

PS3: 1 year warranty, and beware .. uh ... POSSIBLE dust .. problems. o_O;

There's no problems the PS3 has that can even compare to the RROD, or at least from the information in your post. Xbox360 = cancer, PS3 = healthy.You didn't list any real problems for the system.

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#108 mclovin401
Member since 2007 • 899 Posts

(1)The 360's problem is hardware and with time the hardware will get better and be problem free. (2)While the PS3's problem is due to firmware updates that's suppose to fix an issue that's suppose to fix another issue and so on.(3) So yeah RROD is like the flu, while the PS3 issues are like cancer because it's(4) kinda hard to detect these firmware update issues until it happens. Also the(5) flu is curable while some types of cancers are incurable.


(1)....3 years and nothing.........

(2)....r u talking about FW:2.40? thats the only FW to my knowledge that caused VERY FEW BRICKS.

(3)....do you ever think before you post???:?

(4)....(read #2)

(5)......(repeat #'s 1-5)

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#109 ceruxx
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Doesn't SONY fix firmware update problems for free?
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#110 AndYOU
Member since 2005 • 6712 Posts
The original warrenty for ALL 360 systems was a year. Around July-August last year, MS tried to hide the fact that a lot of 360s were being affected by the RRoD, so they offered a two year extension on all 360s, and the problem has yet to be fixed. The PS3 has a one year warranty, but there isn't as much hardware failure between the two systems. And you forgot to mention that the 3 year warranty is only for RRoD
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#112 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="ceruxx"]Doesn't SONY fix firmware update problems for free?mclovin401

yes. if your 8yr old ps3 dies from FW updates sony fixes it for free. thats their faulty programming. MS on the otherhand knows their 360 was shoddy from the git go but offer a 3 yr replacement pollicy. whats going to happen when theres 20 million 360's with a SUPPOSED 13-33-god knows what %'s fail outside the 3 year pollicy???

I cant wait to see the angerd people complain about the sh***y hardware.

Completely separate issues. Try compring apples to apples:

If a PS3 bricks because of Firmware, Sony will fix it for free.

If a 360 bricks because of Firmware, Microsoft will fix it for free.

If a PS3 bricks because of YLOD, BD drive no longer reading or some other hardware issue, Sony will fix it within the 1-year warranty, unless you purchased an extended warranty. If it fails outside of the warranty period, you're screwed. Expect to come out of at least $150.

If a 360 bricks because of RROD, Microsoft will fix it for free for up to 3 years. If a 360 incurrs any other problem, Microsoft will fix it within the 1-year warranty, unless you purchased an extended warranty. If it fails outside the warranty period, you're screwed. Expect to come out of at least $150.

Again, bottom line: Both consoles can fail. Based on my experiences, both consoles WILL fail. always buy a replacement warranty from the vendor you bought the console from. Preferably, a vendor you can walk into with your broken console, and walk back out with a new one, no questions asked.

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#113 insomnia37
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PS3 has a year warranty by Sony= FAILkillzowned24

From what I remember the only reason MS released the 3 year warrenty was because of all the complaints about the crappy hardware.