Ah now I remember you. You hate AC:B even though it's arguably the best game in the series. Storyline isn't crap. You have to realize you're in the minority in thinking that AC:B is a bad game and I think you do. You just want to put your different opinion out there so others will challenge it. In other words, you're trolling.
yeah that's me! But no It definitely isn't. Yes it is. & yes Im obviously in minority if the game got 91 on metacritic and I say it deserves 65. Ehm no I don't want people to challenge it, I want people to agree with me so it gets lower reviews & Ubisoft realize they can't continue with crap story, characters, gameplay & framerate.I can see while some people didn't enjoy ACII, I can't for the life of me see how anyone could love ACI and think ACII was bad. ACI did have an interesting premise, however the game play was seriously flawed on so many levels. AC2 did a good job of taking the great idea of ACI and getting rid of the biggest game play issues.
- Don't ride your hose at a normal speed, that's a major felony around the 14th hundred. They will kill you on sight.
That was annoying I agree.
- After you did the first assassination you'd tried most of what the game had to offer. after that it just recycled just about everything.
I dissagree, well maybe a little but I liked what the game offered I didn't mind it, but anyway it was a great start for the series if they'd continued with this maybe the third AC would have been more assassiny where you hade to prepare & be stealthy but unlike ACI the preparations would've actually meant something.
- Just how many times did the game make you bloody ride back to that bloody mountain fortress.
- Altair was a far less interesting character, arrogant, and he showed fairly little character development through the game compared to Ezio.
Altair was the weakest character in ACI while Ezio was the best in ACII & AC:B, but he was much more intersting he develops alot from being arrogant->returning to his master with respect->questioning all his master, his believes etc. On the other hand Ezio goes from young naivesterotypic italian wannabe badasstoold naivesterotypic italian wannabe badass & he is very boring, just being naive all the time walks around as if he owned the place & he likes girls. that's it no depth whatsoever.
- While I agree that the combat in ACII and AC:B is too easy, that was also true in ACI. Block and counter attack to insta-kill any opponent.
Agree but it was harder at least. I say they shouold just rip off the Demon's Souls combat system & 5 guards vs you=DEAD. So you have to use stealth.
- No real meta game like AC2 and AC:B. AC1 had no side missions or goals beyond finding the 100 flags. AC2 and AC:B offers far more stuff to do and far more reasons to explore the game world.
Agree with this but the sidemissions are so boring in the later games. It'sstuff like run faster than some guy or go punch a guy. Boring...
- The same 4-5 mini-games repeated over and over in order to unlock the assassinations. AC2's mission structure offers far more diversity more complex storytelling, more interesting characters, more character development and more player choices on how to enjoy the game world.
You had to prepare like a real assassin, it didn't help you but it was something they should've developed in the later games. Yes more diversity but it doesn't matter when it is crap anyway like in ACB when you have to kill 5 guards withouth them noticing you but if one sees you 1 sec before he dies=DESYNCRONIZED but it's ok to leave a trail of corpses... & all the tail mission are so boring and annoying, I liked much more eaves dropping and you learnt where are your target what kinda defence he has etc. Story is maybe complex but incredibly shallow, and the same with the character, the worst set of characters I've ever seen in any game, incredibly shallow characters.
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