Sega, Konami, and Warner Bros as potential acquisition targets, according to insider.
It seems to me MS is just buying up everyone. Not sure this level of consolidation is good for the industry.
Don’t particularly care for all these acquisitions myself but I’ll kind of make an exception in the case of Konami. They have some very cool IP’s that they’re not really doing a whole lot with.
Sega would be interesting but can't see it happening. It's been a tough job for ms to control the acquisitions they currently have.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
No, no its not. Its Microsoft, the 2024's EA. Thanks for reminding me.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
No, no its not. Its Microsoft, the 2024's EA. Thanks for reminding me.
I too am tired of Sony closing studios and laying off people. They make MS and EA look like saints.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
No, no its not. Its Microsoft, the 2024's EA. Thanks for reminding me.
I too am tired of Sony closing studios and laying off people. They make MS and EA look like saints.
Do you know why MS had such a good show a few weeks bad? It was on purpose so everyone could forget the closure of studios that they themselves said did well, and their game was successful. Imagine that.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
No, no its not. Its Microsoft, the 2024's EA. Thanks for reminding me.
I too am tired of Sony closing studios and laying off people. They make MS and EA look like saints.
Do you know why MS had such a good show a few weeks bad? It was on purpose so everyone could forget the closure of studios that they themselves said did well, and their game was successful. Imagine that.
Do you think Sony would hire the people from Tango at their London Studio?
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
No, no its not. Its Microsoft, the 2024's EA. Thanks for reminding me.
I too am tired of Sony closing studios and laying off people. They make MS and EA look like saints.
Do you know why MS had such a good show a few weeks bad? It was on purpose so everyone could forget the closure of studios that they themselves said did well, and their game was successful. Imagine that.
Do you think Sony would hire the people from Tango at their London Studio?
From what i heard, not only were they fired, but MS sent them to North Korea. So no, nobody will hire them again. Thanks to MS.
Don’t particularly care for all these acquisitions myself but I’ll kind of make an exception in the case of Konami. They have some very cool IP’s that they’re not really doing a whole lot with.
Imagine getting a new, highly focused Castlevania game? It would be pure joy. Konami seemingly has no interest.
Sega, Konami, and Warner Bros as potential acquisition targets, according to insider.
It seems to me MS is just buying up everyone. Not sure this level of consolidation is good for the industry.
Well, we know that if they do, they will close some studios. Hopefully this is false and if true they stay away from Sega.
I really don't want them buying up established studios. Though similar to some comments here, I'd say yes to Konami I suppose. Konami is barely make any games right now, so purchasing them is a net gain.
@GameboyTroy: Having Duke Nukem under Microsoft would be good. Microsoft already has Marcus Fenix, Doom Slayer and Master Chief. Adding one more tough guy with a gun would suit them perfectly lol.
Oh, and adding Shelly Harrison from Ion Fury would be awesome too. Microsoft needs a tough girl with a gun as well lol.
@davillain: Microsoft is a two trillion dollar company, they can easily afford to buy more publishers. The only challenge is getting approval from anti-monopoly regulators.
Sure, they can; it's a fact they just spend massive amounts of money as it is. One would think they need to make diminishing-returns for their shareholders like asap. I don't like sudden buyout moves unless it's for a good reason.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
yeah shut down money wasting dev team. i would
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
yeah shut down money wasting dev team. i would
Then why are they lying about HiFirush doing well?
Of course they are. It's not like they can make games themselves.
And really, if you can buy ActiBlizzKing which is basically 50% of the whole gaming industry, you can probably buy whatever the **** more you want. Bit odd that they haven't bought Epic Games already with Fortnite, but in due time I guess. Maybe they'll buy Tencent.
Sega has the rights to the Alien(s) franchise, not sure for how long. But it would be nice for someone to swallow them up so that we can get more Alien(s) games. :( I want another game akin to Alien: Isolation. :((((
I'm honestly not sure shareholders would want them to buy out another publisher at this point. They've already spent a record-breaking amount on gaming and, Microsoft is going to need a few hundred billion dollars for AI and stock buybacks over the next decade.
Acquire to shut down within the first two years. The new EA of the 9th generation.
^this isn't Sony we are talking about.
No, no its not. Its Microsoft, the 2024's EA. Thanks for reminding me.
I too am tired of Sony closing studios and laying off people. They make MS and EA look like saints.
ok what major studio did sony close during ps4 and ps5? few studios during ps3.
but I can't think of any.
most studio being closed is from microsoft. even after a huge hit that made a profit. but not enough woke people working for them so they shut them down.
Konami and Warner Brothers would be nice pickups.. I kind of figured SONY would try to acquire Capcom, Konami, Square, or Ubisoft but it seems they've mismanaged their spending cash. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if MS picked up another chunk of the industry.
I too am tired of Sony closing studios and laying off people. They make MS and EA look like saints.
ok what major studio did sony close during ps4 and ps5? few studios during ps3.
but I can't think of any.
most studio being closed is from microsoft. even after a huge hit that made a profit. but not enough woke people working for them so they shut them down.
Just in the past couple years, London Studio, Japan Studio were closed. Sony also laid off most of Firewalker as well. Rumor is they are about to close. It's pretty bad over there at Sony. Sony is the KANG of buying developers and publishers and closing their studios and laying them off.
Yeah, this is not a reliable source. MS cannot afford to spend more money then they already have. I'm calling this BS!
They kinda can. One thing MS is not short of is cash. Potentially everyone is on the table. Even big guns like EA. They'd buy Nintendo tomorrow if they could. As an organisation, they can keep this level of spending up for years.
Whether the top brass would actually sign off on it is another matter (more than likely: no). But they have the capacity to do it.
Anyway the old rumour is true: I have it on very good authority that MS is buying Valve :P.
In all seriousness: if it is true then it will probably be a smaller operation. Perhaps Devolver Digital or something. Or maybe a publisher in Korea or China to try and get their toe in that market.
I do with MS would spend the money on building new studios with new Ideas and some new IP though.
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