You know I would really like for them to shake things up and change the gameplay to a traditional fighter.kage_53
And if they did that, what would make the Smash Brothers stand out from Street Fighter outside of having Nintendo characters? We have enough fighters that are based on Street Fighter II's and Virtua Fighter's formula, there's no need for Smash Brothers to go in that direction. To be honest, alot of the reason why I pefer Smash Bros over other fighters is due to its gameplay.
I like the idea of stage control(something that rarely matters in most fighting games) and the fact that characters have total freedom of movement. As much as I like Street Fighter, I think Nintendo would make a horrible mistake if they went that direction. If Smash played like all the other fighting games on the market, then what would make it unique outside of Pikachu and Mario being playable.
We have enough traditional fighters on the market as it is. There's no need to mess with Smash's formula. If we do that, then why don't we also turn Mario Kart into Gran Trusmio with Mario characters?
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