i am sure those number includes yahoo and facebook game, and MMORPG revenue too. of course they are not included in NDP neither.
btw WOW = 12million subscribe and $15 per month, that's 180M out there, not mentioning other monthly fee mmorpg
I hightly doubt they can more $ on pc especially those multi-platform games. i am sure you guys are comparing multi-platform games like bioshock 2, BFBC2, and MW2. lol console definately generates more sales than pc on this types of game. otherwise why would they want to make console version on crysis 2? unfortunately, action games = console owning now.
PC = MMORPG, flash games (farmville), and RTS.
RPG, FPS, TPS, Platforming, and all action games = console.
Did you just say FPS = console? I must be dreaming.yes fps's mainstream is on console now. mainsteam = whoever has more sales (pirated gamers are not included, $5 stalker or $10 crysisbuyers dont help much).
Halo 3: 10m copies, MW2: 15M+ , Waw: 10M, MW1: 12M, BFBC2, Bioshock 2, borderland.....they outsell pc by a huge number in $.
otherwise why would they decide to make crysis 2 on console? they makes games on the platform which they can generate the most profit, for fps, pc is definately worse than console now.
Using your logic the Wii is the gold standard of console gaming.
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