You are missing the point.
Consoles = very traditional market (slowly shifting).
PC = non traditional market (in constant evolution).
This is an indicator that the PC as a gaming platform is doing just fine as it is.
I believe the point is twofold, as repeated a number of times in this thread.
1) That PC games "sales" are doing so much better than the PS3 and 360 combined. This is misreading the data because the PC number is worldwide profits and include a number of categories that have nothing to do with actual game "sales." Meanwhile the console numbers reported for consoles is only for North America. The actual worldwide sales for consoles totals roughly 30 billion and while that does include consoles themselves, it does NOT include all those other areas that the PC alliance is reporting. For example, the console numbers do NOT include microtransactions, subscriptions for XBL, or online advertising. So the PC alliance is once again misleading its fanbase.
2) That PC games are selling so amazingly well, especially through DD. However, if PC games were selling so well, why are a number of developers moving towards consoles and/or expressing disappointment over the level of piracy on PC? Further, there is NOTHING in the PC Alliance report that actually talks about actual sales numbers. Only profits. Yes, I agree that PC gaming is doing just fine in terms of certain areas of profit, but we aren't given context. We know with the NPD that when X games are sold, that is the actual sales. However, with the PC Alliance Press Releases, we are only givern dollar amounts...much of which comes from things that have nothing to do with actual sales. For example, please explain to me how online advertising counts as "software sales"? Or subscription fees for
I don't have any arguement against your post here, because I agree with it. However, I think your point here has nothing to do with the PC Alliance's continual release of misleading PR or the PC fanboys who want to read into this misleading data in ways that aren't represented by the actual data. Yes, PC gaming makes a healthy profit...but you can't logically or honestly read this report and say that sales are on the rise, that DD accounts for 80% of all game SALES or that this is an accurate comparison to console sales.
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