Lets look at some of the things people are saying about Killzone.
You'll travel from a bombed-out city to an industrial-docks area, from the jungle to the desert, from a snowy mountain region to an orbital defense platform that's key to the Helghast invasion strategy. So there's a lot of variety in the game's backdrops.Gamespot
All of the visual components help to make plowing through the bunches of Helghast shock troops fun.IGN
Reaction: Looks like people are rightfully hyping Killzone 2's visuals.
In addition to the expected deathmatch (solo and team varieties), you have domination, which has your team competing to control nodes scattered around the battlefield; assault, which has the offensive team trying to destroy an object being protected by the other team; defend and destroy, which is like assault but tasks both teams with defending an object; and supply drop, which is like capture the flag in that it has you running supplies dropped in the middle of the map back to your base for points. The game runs smoothly enough over a fast Internet connection, even with 16 players involved, and there's some decent variety in the maps, so you can get a lot of extra mileage out of it online.Gamespot
Reaction: Sounds like the online will be as good as Halo, if not better.
Visually it is an artistic achievement. The levels have been painstakingly designed to resemble real world locales, so that a futuristic shipyard based off a real dock strikes a chord of familiarity in gamers. The trenches are trenches, the gardens are gardens, and the government buildings look like once functional, plausible facilities. It's a wonderfully grounded, amazingly cohesive title and it never lets up.IGN
All of those things where said about Killzone on the Playstation 2.
The Cows have returned to hype Killzone "Halo Killer".
Unfortunately, there's not such a great range of enemies to fight. The vast majority of your opponents are basic Helghast grunts, occasionally joined by other Helghast grunts who look slightly different and fight with shotguns or rocket launchers rather than the standard-issue assault rifle.Gamespot
Verdict: Hasn't changed since Killzone.
Guerilla clearly intended for Killzone's battles to have a cinematic feel, and these minor touches do enhance what's otherwise a pretty average shooter.Gamespot
Verdict: Hasn't changed since Killzone.
Killzone's single-player campaign isn't awful, it's just not very inspiring. At its worst it can feel like a chore to plow through another wave of Helghast to get to the next level. At its best, you just feel like you're going through the motions of first-person shooter gameplay you've seen plenty of times before.Gamespot
Verdict: Hasn't changed since Killzone.
Verdict: Same Killzone, different platform.
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