I wish I had the time to read through this thread, but as is, forgive me if I repeat points everyone's already made. (Which I'm sure I will.)
Anyway, my opinion.
Minimum Poster Level
A significant percentage of spam, trolling, and flaming comes from low-level posters, either because they are alt-accounts for troublemakers, or inexperienced users who do not see a higher purpose in System Wars.
I propose a minimum level of 10, and a minimum post count of 100 to post in System Wars. This level is not hard to achieve, but it will force new accounts to prove they can contribute meaningfully to GameSpot before participating in System Wars.
An added perk is this will reduce the moderation load in SW - ban-dodgers will have to spend more time with an account before they are able to disrupt the SW board.
No. Level restrictions will also reduce the amount of genuinely new people to System Wars. Plus, trolling is part of SW. What threads are most remembered? What quotes are most remembered? Those of trolls. You may not like it, but removing trolls is removing part of the community.
Change of Leadership
CaseyWegner has been an important supporter of System Wars both on the board and behind the scenes for years, however it is not secret he's been burned out for quite some time, and, let's face it - jaded by his experiences.
It's high time we introduce a newer moderator to the position of "master mod of System Wars" - perhaps CakeOrrDeath, or newly elected moderators.
You can give Cake the title, but can you really change responsibilities? I agree with this, but it will never happen.
Admin Involvement
A big part of keeping other boards on GS healthy has been the work of admins in making the site, TOU, and enhancement transparent. As such, it'd be nice to see an admin turn a loving hand toward system wars.
Many SW posters don't venture further into GS, and without doing so may never discover that there's more go GS. Having an admin volunteer a bit of their time on this board would create more of a sense of community and solidarity with GS - something system wars is sorely lacking.
I don't care for admins, unless they're actually willing to participate. Having an admin merely lurking around would just feel like parenting. And good luck finding an admin who would actually do SW.
Encourage a Community of Discussion
Moderation should be used harshly on spam, trolling, flaming, grouping, and anything that comes close to the spirit of doing this, even if within the letter of the law, and relax on other areas. In essence the ideal System Wars is one in which "Lemming Pwned, Forza 3 Flops" is locked immediately.
No. What we need is less threads locked, period.
Also in this vein, serious, contemplative posting should be encouraged - this means anything (and anyone) who treats System Wars as a game should be removed. Joke comic strips, bets threads, "flop / score-hype" threads and the like should all be unstickied and locked for good.
:roll: Of course.Here's where theagenda comes into play.
Removal of Reward Mechanisms
Removing Bets, Hype, and Flop stickies would remove a large part of the "game" reward mechanism, but it means sacrificing other threads too - "best poster", "best thread", et cetera are all a breeding ground for troll-worship, encouraging porn-suicides, fakeboys, and intentionally stupid posting.
Enough is enough, and these types of threads need to be shown the door. If intelligence is to win out in the end we have to remove reward mechanisms for thoughtless, stupid behavior.
Sure, let's just remove all of the community and spirit of SW while you're at it. SW is a game to not some people, but most people. And that's perfectly fine.
Acceptance of Positive Outlook
System Wars currently takes a negative outlook - that is - a war of mutually assured destruction, in which we debate not on strengths but on weaknesses - not on good but on bad. System Wars encourages the "I hate", "I won't", and "this sucks" posting.
Rarely, if ever, does System Wars celebrate a greatness collectively, or embrace titles despite them being a positive for the "other guy", or push away and compliment competition when a title seems like a victory for "your guy".
Without a positive outlook, System Wars becomes needlessly bleak - the outlook of a war-torn, horrific future, in which each platform struggles to survive benefits no one.
This is where we'd have to say "If you don't like it, there's the door." This is SW, a war-torn, horrific future, and game in and of itself. Changing that leaves us General Gaming Discussion.
We need less rules, less strictness, and more anarchy. We need to literally be the garbage dump of Gamespot. Then, the community will rule, and so the community will thrive.
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