What do you guys think is the scariest game you have ever played in your entire life? In any platform. Real world does not count and neither do movies, television, etc. Strictly video games.
For me it had to be that game called Shadowman 64. It was also available on Playstation 2. I ended up downloading the rom but I just couldn't keep playing it. I don't know what the hell the development team was thinking. There is one thing I do know. They made perhaps the scariest game I have ever played in my entire life.
Just crossing the corner in a muddy level and you start hearing the sounds and moanings of these "creatures." Oh but it didn't end there. Abandoned houses with weird pod looking things. Characters that were involved in voodoo and all kinds of crazy magic. That is one of the few games that made me afraid of getting nightmares.
I've conquered Doom 3, Quake, and the Resident Evil fears. However this is just one game I never really beat. Has anyone completed this thing?
What about you guys, which game was scariest for you?
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