[QUOTE="arkephonic"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] Bull**** It's just a group of glorified opinions with no real merit, and worse yet it's taking review scales that aren't universally the same, and trying to add them up as if all things are equal. An 8 here is not the same as an 8 at Edge or Eurogamer or IGN. The same way 4 stars on Giantbomb is not the same as an 8.0 on gametrailers. And you're telling me that broken system holds weight? get real. jg4xchamp
What holds more weight? I didn't see an alternative given.
Nothing holds weight in a quality judgement argument, because a quality judgement argument is all going to be stuff that is purely subjective. Is there a such thing as stupid opinions? sure Trying to use "well a group of critics loved it, so it must be exactly that good" is a flawed argument for any piece of entertainment's quality. By that merit The Wire sucks as a TV show because it never even got nominated for an Emmy. And **** off that show is GODLY! Anyway I'd rather deal with people making their own argument, presenting their own argument(albeit one without typical SW douchery) than some BS "the critics" loved it defense. At least that type of discussion is interesting and worth my effort. When it comes to something like sales, a game's impact, or the quantity of exclusives a platform has sure there is black and white facts going on there. Quality judgement? there is no arguing facts, and "close enough"(which is the usual defense for why people use metacritic) does not count. Well I'll tell you the last thing people will listen to around here, and that's someone's personal opinion on a game. Heck, you can't blame them either, because a lot of the time I see people criticizing games that they've never even played before. I have seen people rant on Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted for paragraphs, pages, days, months, and come to find out they have never even played the game, nor do they even own the system it plays on.
Around these parts, you don't listen to the opinion of a forum poster, it holds no weight. A lot of views are skewed. People are deathly afraid of buyer's remorse, and they try to justify their console of choice by heralding everything on it, and discrediting everything on a competing system. Not only that, many people around here throw around their 2 cents on games after only having played the demo, or half of it.
At least with a professional review, they have people looking over their shoulder. At least you know they've played the game. I'm pretty sure that professional reviewers don't let buyer's remorse and purchase justifications blind their views as much as forum posters do.
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