Brutal Legend maybe. I'll buy Uncharted 2 when I get PS3.
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Uncharted 2, no question about it. I HATE Jack Black, the guy is a prat who thinks he is awesome and isn't funny even slightly. You couldn't pay me to play Brutal Legend.
Uncharted 2. I could care less about Brutal Legend.
+1 Brutal Legend will be a joke, trust me. And I hate buying products made with celebs.Why do you have celebs plastered in your sig, then? Just curious.
They belong in movies nothing else. I don't like celeb commericials, products out side of movies, or on games.Whats with all the Brutal Legend hate :cry: SAGE_OF_FIRE
Uncharted2 has been pumped up to be the greatest game in human history, just like every other PS3 exclusive these days.
Most PS3 fans began gaming with PS, and they probably never bought Psychonauts, just those Naughty Dog "greatest games EVAR" games, so they haven't had any history with Schafer's greatness. But hey, they sure know how to pick fights with Jack Black. Grrr, tough gamers!
No offense to my fellow PS3 owners, of course. Uncharted 2 will be great, but will it be memorable like Schafer's games? We shall see. Most people will agree that a game like Deus Ex is much better than the so-called "AAA exclusives", just like Schafer's games like Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, and Psychonauts, yet somehow people can't see the hypocrisy when they won't apply that to todays games, but only the fantastic classics.
Psychonauts was overrated. Like WAY overrated. I don't really pay attention to the blind Schafer praise after playing that game--especially not when the praise endorses a project that involves Jack Black.
Psychonauts was not overrated. Of course, though, that is your opinion. Most see it as the classic it is and rightfully so.
Uncharted on the other hand, really has nothing that sets it apart. It's good and all. And I've given it some praise. But really, it's like Tomb Raider meets Gears if it weren't AAA.
You said so yourself: It doesn't need to set itself apart to be a good game.
Psychonauts couldn't be either one. It was just overrated trash.
"Overrated trash"...
Hmm, yeah, you can have your own opinions and all, but saying "overrated trash" completely oliterates any hope that we could have a good discussion on your "thoughts".
Uncharted 2.
Its really quite a shame. Brutal Legend went through so much to finally be released. The developers of it are relying on its sales as to weather or not the company stays alive. This game is their last stand! And it looks like a shallow, overpriced piece of crap...
>: | how does it look shallow/overpriced/crap?Uncharted 2.
Its really quite a shame. Brutal Legend went through so much to finally be released. The developers of it are relying on its sales as to weather or not the company stays alive. This game is their last stand! And it looks like a shallow, overpriced piece of crap...
You said so yourself: It doesn't need to set itself apart to be a good game.
Psychonauts couldn't be either one. It was just overrated trash.
My thought is that Schafer's past work has been trasg. Therefore, I will put no stock in another project spearheaded by him. Not sure how that obliterates discussion.
What you say?
[QUOTE="BoloTheGreat"]I just think BR isn't getting as much love here becuase it done not have "Teh betterz than teh Crysis Cell Graphix!!" :roll:BoloTheGreat
You know that's why. At least Brutal Legend is different. And we know it'll be good. It is from Tim Schafer. We know that much. Uncharted 2 will be very good, too, but will it live on in the same way as Schafer's games do, or will it be topped by another sequel, then forgotten in years?
Uncharted 2 is a summer blockbuster in every sense, it's a tird person action game with a cover system. w00t. That has NEVER been done before :roll:.It will be polished, the story will be pretty bland but well done and Drake will be as an annoying douchebag as ever. it will also have loads of bullshots posted to drool over for the cows and it will look nice in the "WE HAVE GAMES TOO!!!" Section of SW.
Brutal legand is a erm... well i guess its a brawler RTS music game with driving sections and possible Win, whatever it is we have not see the likes of it before. You cry for originallity, innovation and humour? Well here it is!! Why do you people worship U2 and dismiss BR? This is what is wrong with gaming!!
Wow! Dude, you sound like this is really getting under your skin. Tissue?Uncharted 2.
Its really quite a shame. Brutal Legend went through so much to finally be released. The developers of it are relying on its sales as to weather or not the company stays alive. This game is their last stand! And it looks like a shallow, overpriced piece of crap...
What's that based on? Schafer has never had a huge selling hit. His games are praised classics, but never got the mainstream hooked. I think Brutal Legend will get attention. But yeah, they're still in business. Psychonauts lacks of commercial success didn't close them down.
Shallow, overpriced piece of crap? Yup, sounds like someone who has no experience with the game whatsoever. And let me tell you, it shows.
I think the biggest reason people hate on Psychonauts (the only Schafer game I've gotten to play, but it turned me into a fan) is that the gameplay itself is just serviceable. It gets lots of praise, but not for its gameplay. It got it because the art, graphics, sounds, acting, story, characters, humor, and just overall being the sheer ludicrous, original adventure it was. I mean when you think about it, older Schafer fans that I loved him for a lot of the same things, and the older stuff really didn't have riveting gameplay (they were adventure games, after all).
I'm ignorant if I don't like Jack Black? Everyone isn't going to like the same thing. I haven't played any of Schafer's games so I won't comment, but it surprises you that some people just aren't into it?All this thread proves is that Cows are uterly ignorant. Seriously look at the comments about burtal legend, Schafer, Jack Black hell people are even hating on psychonaughts and his entire past libaray (hating on Grim Fandango wil not be tollerated):evil:
I know how can you hate on Grim FandangoAll this thread proves is that Cows are uterly ignorant. Seriously look at the comments about burtal legend, Schafer, Jack Black hell people are even hating on psychonaughts and his entire past libaray (hating on Grim Fandango wil not be tollerated):evil:
UC2 I don't buy single player only games on consoles anymore.
BL has multip[layer
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