Everyone who supports Sony on this should go get molested by the TSA. Its literally the same thing, your giving up freedoms for security.
Anyways this does't mean much other then the fact that Sony has at least just enough of a leg to stand on for the judge not the throw the case out. Its standard procedure in civil cases for judges to order defendants/plaintiffs to hand over evidence.
Even if Sony succeeds all they will do is drive console jailbreaking underground. The FBI has been going after cracking groups for decades and it hasn't had any effect.
you want freedom, go play on the pc.consoles were designed to be streamlined, the ps3 is a gaming machine first and everything else second.
you want to mod, go play on the pc
you want to watch pron whilst modding?, go play on the pc
you want to hack the pentagon using linux so you can launch a tactical nuke on north korea?....you psychiatric help
The bottom line is, the primary purpose of the machine was to play games.
Yeha I know you bought the console you have rights, but when the rights start to infringe on everyone elses, its time to stamp it out
Thats an extremely narrow minded view point. It's no wonder the console designers get away with so much BS.Call it what you want.
Keep your hacking to the pc, console gamers dont care about 99% of the homebrew nonesense you're pushing, if they did they would invest in the pc
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