Oh, by the way, you all do realise half the people who slam crysis have never actually played it. I mean its amazing just how many people, people who have never ever posted a thing on the pc forum nor mentioned anything about being a pc gamer suddenly have high spec pc's on which to play crysis. Also the op is on another thread asking for a high res crysis video to watch, would he need this if he'd played it?
Ok the its gameplay isn't breaking any walls but why fix something that isn't broken it works it quite a good game so and quite fun to play and the AI is quite good they flank call in renforcements throw grenades. Great fun.
Crysis wasn't made for pcs today they wanted to make a game that would be trying to break the hardware of our computers trying to get us to advance faster.
I'm not up to the level where I can play Crysis yet (need to save up a few hundred), so I'm curious. Just how smart is the AI? Do they perform covering fire advancement? Do they try to shoot you through flimsy cover, etc.? How about some examples of where the AI did (or nearly did) surprise you with its grasp of tactics?
THe AI is good it only knows as much as the programmer Ai here can't cheat the only machine to do anything close that was that chess playing robot i'ts still good and they did try firing into the buildings at viehcles ok its not perfect but what is your just nit picking at it.
I'm not nitpicking. I'm just trying to get a figure for the sophistication of the Crysis AI, which is supposed to be at least a level higher than current FPS AIs.
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