[QUOTE="TheArmyGuy48"] Lol, who cares about the sales charts. A bunch of nursing homes bout Wiis big whoop. People act like the PS2 won because it sold 140+ million units. No, it won because it had 49AAA titles on gamerankings(22 AAAE), while the xbox had 22 AAA (7 AAAE) and Gamecube 19 AAA(7AAAE). The Ps2 had more AAAE than the GC had total AAA. but whats even funnier, is that the PS2 had more AAA EXCLUSIVES at its LAUNCH than the Wii has TOTAL AAA right now :lol:
LOL, the Wii has 6 Total AAA going into its 4th year, and 3 of those games are Ports/Rereleases of last gen games, what would we be bitter about?:?
Well, Wii has more AA's than 360 and Ps3 if im not mistaken.Wii has the most new IP's if im not mistaken and new indie developers,
Wii has the highest critically acclaimed exclusive this Gen and of all time (second to Zelda of course)
Its been reported that people who own all 3 systems; the wii is played the most.
and the average age of a Wii gamer is 22-29 (or around there, forgot the exact numbers)
Wii has the most exclusives this gen, coming up and current.
Yay for facts and not opinions :P
Really you can't compare wii games to ps360 sorry , you just can't...whole other league.. the wii has around 1 RPG ... and its not a good one. There is no final fantasy XIII coming to the wii, don't say crystal chronciles as that is a dumbed down game for the younger audience. Where you got the 22-29 age range is totally off... The average wii gamer is under 13 or over 40 with 50-60% being women (imo --see what I did there, anyone can make up numbers... that' s just my guess which sounds more appropriate to the babiez, and colorful kid games and the fitness games for the moms of the world.) If you are a long term gamer and have enjoyed all the great games, the more cinematic titles that the playstation and later xbox brand brought out, then you would be needing a console like the ps3 or the 360...AS much as lemmings and cows duke it out, they always can agree on the game tastes compared to the wii. Wii sports gets old fast , its fun for a few days when you have people to play with. When you don't its not fun at all. The wii in my eyes is like a board game, you take it out for parties, and when everyone leaves you put it away.. These are just my views. i am in no way stating that people can't like the wii as obviously they do.. I just wonder how many of those people are new gamers, kids just getting into gaming, kids of parents that bought them the family friendly console and now can't get anything else, or just people that were nintendo fanatics the previous gens... I really can't see anyone who has owned a ps1 or ps2 and loved the great jrpgs, mgs games, devil may cry games, god of war games, killzone , halo, elder scrolls , time splitters, red faction, gt series, ratchet, jak, ico , indigo prophecy, tomb raider, final fantasy series etc etc... wanting a wii only.
Wow, this post is epic.
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