@cainetao11 said:
@SolidTy you sometimes, unfairly imo, get called a. But that first post is a reason why. I don't deny the facts you listed in regards to more games/better multiplat performance on PS4. But telling someone to get new friends when he clearly states he misses playing with these particular friends is a bit stupid imo. He can and I would hope get new friends playing anywhere. But he clearly misses playing with the ones he has.
I think it's stupid to rely on "friends" entertainment choices to dictate a path on what entertainment machine someone spends their hard earned money on (unless the friends are helping finance the machine change, which they most likely are not). Why didn't the friends ask this user what machine to get when they were making the next gen leap? It goes both ways. Being honest will get you called names by fanboys, and I never care about their ignorant opinion anyways. That's why I don't quote you and tell you why users call you lem, I just tell you what I think of your post.
Unlike the TC, I have had both machines since launch so I can tell him my perspective honestly, especially considering the hundreds of hours I've spent on my Xbone and PS4.
That's the difference between a leader and a follower...and that's under the assumption this thread is legit, when let's be honest, this kind of "friends bought the wrong machine" pop up every few weeks for a decade plus. I've seen these kinds of questions since the N64/PS1 days and especially here in SW with the PS3/Wii/360 days. There is nothing unique about this thread, and right from the get go it looked like an alt account troll thread.
If I let my friends tell me how to spend my money be leading me around by the nose, then I would be playing PC only, and probably MMOs, MOBAs, and the occasional FPS. I have far more diverse taste in that. The advice I would have got from you and others is to continue playing on PC and that would have been advice for me. We already have posters giving advice, despite some qualifications, at any rate.
Be your own man/woman is the real answer.
Regarding his choice, he should do whatever he wants, but he should also know the two machines libraries are not equal, because some here think they are, especially casuals (which he also might be).
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