As i said it depends, i can forgive some games. But not finishing a game that is less than 10 hours is lazy, they shouldn't be reviewing games. Don't tell me about pressure and deadlines, that comes with any job, if they can't perform their job then they shouldn't be doing it.
As i said games like Total War, Civ and similar games which aren't about story its understandable. If a game has a story which is essential to the experience then not finishing it but still passing judgement is poor reviewing.
If someone reviewed Heavy Rain without finishing it would that be a good review? No it would be pointless.
Sure does but as I said, is it realistic for me to expect a reviewer to play a 40 hour main story (40 hours is a work week), write the review and still get out all their other responsibilities? Does that make sense? And even then, there is things like FF13 where some people hated it for 20 hours and then kinda liked the rest. In the wake of reviewing for the masses should they be obligated to play through 20 hours of garbage to get to the good? I sure as hell know as a player I wouldn't.
I said it depends,i will forgive if a game is very long or very crap, but even then some long games need to be reviewed to the end. Reviewing say Dragon Age or Mass Effect without completing it would be wrong as its a story driven game. Lets not forget as well, game reviewers play games outside of their work hours, because they love games, they don't just have 40 hours.If they're not they should find another line of work.
The better option would just be to take their time with reviews, id prefer to wait for a good review than a rushed lazy review without even finishing the game, but i understand not everyone would agree there because i know some people base everything off reviews and can't come to a opinion on their own.
I think its wrong to cut out of a 40 hour game story and review it but I also know that its not realistic to expect 1 game to be a weeks work. As for reviewers playing games outside of work, well that's fine but realistically that's of their own choice on games they personally like and buy. They have to review games they also won't like. I don't really have interest in DA or ME and am not going to play them on my own time but if its my job I still have an obligation to be fair and not skip out because it was crap to me or boring or too long. I don't think its fair to say, if the game is excessive crap and long you can skip out early but if its DA or ME you can't. That's incredibly unprofessional.
As for taking their time, sure ideally that's what I want but I am talking realistically and realistically most games make their mass bulk of money first month and specifically first week or 2. Can't be posting reviews 2 weeks late for quality purposes in business sadly. Hence why my opinion stands that the game doesn't need to be finished but they need to tell me why it wasn't and how much of it was finished.
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