You heard it here, straight from the horse's mouth. SH Downpour is one of the greatest horror games of the current generation. It's pure, oldschool Silent Hill (plus a few new additions which don't take away from anything). You people asked for classic horror, well there it is. Don't listen to those goofy, money grubbing, two timing, greedy, dishonest, shady, sleazy, corrupt cretans like those guys over at IGN that gave this modern day classic a 4.5.
Games like Downpour are a rare breed folks, and if we want the survival horror genre to stay a float we need to support games like this, not disown them for archaic controls and being slow paced. Lets face the simple facts: Silent Hill Downpour simply didn't have enough explosions to appeal the modern day critic and gaming masses. It's story was too psychological, too intelligent. It's atmosphere too foreboding. It's characters too realistic. It's pacing too methodical and well thought out. Brilliant game design such as this does not pass for quality in this day and age.
Now I'm not saying Downpour is on par with classics like SH2 and SH3, but this is as close as the franchise has come in eons, and is one of the finest examples of modern day survival horror. My word not good enough? Here's what notoriously hard-to-please critic Jim Sterling (a huge Silent Hill fan) had to say about Downpour -
If we want to save this great genre we must stop paying attention to garbage and focus on the hidden gems that today's gaming press doesn't want to you to know about.
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