Skyrim goes up against Dark Souls on GameTrailers bonus round.
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I don't think I'll be buying another Bethesda product anytime soon. So I'll be choosing Dark Souls many times over.
That's not fair. You're comparing two of the games I want the most. I'm just going to have to take and play both of them.
I watched it yesterday and one of the guys said something very true: Game of Thrones will help Skyrim. I, for once, am only looking foward to it because of GoT... but the same goes for Dark Souls, they said the combat with sword/spear/shield is amazing and I really want a game with that. So I might get both, it will depend if they deliver or not.
Getting both. It's nice to have two great RPGs this year.
If HR delivers and TW2 is released this year, it will be very, very awesome.
Dark Souls for me, easily. Bethesda games are great but kind of slow and plodding whereas you can die at alomst any time in Demons Souls, which made it constantly exciting...
Dark Souls is going to run circles around Skyrim. While you guys are marrying your NPC's I'll be slaying a number of nasty demons 8)
Going by developer history and what is known about both games.
Dark Souls 8.5/10
Skyrim 2.5/10
My personal hype level around both games.
Btw, Skyrim is more of an action adventure than an RPG, a lot of hardcore rpg fans are disappointed in skyrim, especially fans of Morrowind, Arena and Daggerfall. They are most likely right about Skyrim being buggy at release though.
Oh and there are way harder games this gen than Demons Souls, there have been plenty of cult hits (for instance, minecraft could be described as a cult game initially when it was released 2009), the multiplayer options in Demons Souls were either poorly designed or just backwards from what PC games have had for over a decade. There are also several games that also have the whole sword cant hit through walls before Demons Souls/Dark Souls, even action RPGs.
Going by developer history and what is known about both games.
Dark Souls 8.5/10
Skyrim 2.5/10My personal hype level around both games.
Btw, Skyrim is more of an action adventure than an RPG, a lot of hardcore rpg fans are disappointed in skyrim, especially fans of Morrowind, Arena and Daggerfall. They are most likely right about Skyrim being buggy at release though.
Oh and there are way harder games this gen than Demons Souls, there have been plenty of cult hits (for instance, minecraft could be described as a cult game initially when it was released 2009), the multiplayer options in Demons Souls were either poorly designed or just backwards from what PC games have had for over a decade. There are also several games that also have the whole sword cant hit through walls before Demons Souls/Dark Souls, even action RPGs.
How can they be disappointed in a game they have yet to play?
those games are nothing alike. sure, they kind of share the same genre, but... iono, they're insanely different.
Going by developer history and what is known about both games.
Dark Souls 8.5/10
Skyrim 2.5/10My personal hype level around both games.
Btw, Skyrim is more of an action adventure than an RPG, a lot of hardcore rpg fans are disappointed in skyrim, especially fans of Morrowind, Arena and Daggerfall. They are most likely right about Skyrim being buggy at release though.
Oh and there are way harder games this gen than Demons Souls, there have been plenty of cult hits (for instance, minecraft could be described as a cult game initially when it was released 2009), the multiplayer options in Demons Souls were either poorly designed or just backwards from what PC games have had for over a decade. There are also several games that also have the whole sword cant hit through walls before Demons Souls/Dark Souls, even action RPGs.
How can they be disappointed in a game they have yet to play?
They are disappointed in what they are hearing. They were hoping for something with more depth than Oblivion, instead they get the contrary. But others are underwhelmed or let down. As for me, the more I am hearing of Skyrim, the worse it seems.
Going by developer history and what is known about both games.
Dark Souls 8.5/10
Skyrim 2.5/10My personal hype level around both games.
Btw, Skyrim is more of an action adventure than an RPG, a lot of hardcore rpg fans are disappointed in skyrim, especially fans of Morrowind, Arena and Daggerfall. They are most likely right about Skyrim being buggy at release though.
Oh and there are way harder games this gen than Demons Souls, there have been plenty of cult hits (for instance, minecraft could be described as a cult game initially when it was released 2009), the multiplayer options in Demons Souls were either poorly designed or just backwards from what PC games have had for over a decade. There are also several games that also have the whole sword cant hit through walls before Demons Souls/Dark Souls, even action RPGs.
How can they be disappointed in a game they have yet to play?
They are disappointed in what they are hearing. They were hoping for something with more depth than Oblivion, instead they get the contrary.
didn't they say Skyrim on the PC would have a much better user interface and that the environments will remind people of morrowind?didn't they say Skyrim on the PC would have a much better user interface and that the environments will remind people of morrowind?[QUOTE="Maroxad"]
They are disappointed in what they are hearing. They were hoping for something with more depth than Oblivion, instead they get the contrary.
They will have a seperate UI for the PC version? If so, I will need to change my sig. Environments look better than Oblivion for sure, but so far I am unimpressed by the environments I have seen so far. Maybe my standards are too high though. I have been awfully pessimistic and difficult to please since Civilization 5 (AKA Civilization Revolution 2).
The reason they are let down is because the game removes attributes, some skills (including my favorite, Athletics), merged leggings and chest slots, no classes and romances... something a lot of RPG gamers seem to hate with their guts.
Skyrim will smash Dark Souls just because of the mods on the PC version. I can see Dark Souls winning if its just console versions though.
Skyrim No online = make me sad..... Dark Souls online = :) It's a close call but Dark souls online won it for me Bethesdas refusal to do online cost themShielder7
Skyrim not having online is a good thing. The mechanics are built around a single player experience anyway, so many things about skyrim would not translate well to online multiplayer.
[QUOTE="Shielder7"]Skyrim No online = make me sad..... Dark Souls online = :) It's a close call but Dark souls online won it for me Bethesdas refusal to do online cost themMaroxad
Skyrim not having online is a good thing. The mechanics are built around a single player experience anyway, so many things about skyrim would not translate well to online multiplayer.
For you maybe not for me and a lot of great games that are built around a single player experience also have great multiplayer.Daemon souls was amazing the gameplay darkworld/lightworld black/blue phantoms and the game was hard but for me that it, i put about 150 hours into demon souls completing NG+. Dark souls will be more of the same.
In oblivion i would just choose a direction and go, the feeling of being lost in this unknown world and everyplace you go is a new experience was something truely great, I must have put about 300+ into oblivion. Skyrim will be more of the same.
I'm with skyrim.
[QUOTE="Maroxad"][QUOTE="Shielder7"]Skyrim No online = make me sad..... Dark Souls online = :) It's a close call but Dark souls online won it for me Bethesdas refusal to do online cost themShielder7
Skyrim not having online is a good thing. The mechanics are built around a single player experience anyway, so many things about skyrim would not translate well to online multiplayer.
For you maybe not for me and a lot of great games that are built around a single player experience also have great multiplayer.While it is true that there are games with great SP and great MP. Skyrim would not be such a game. Do you understand why MP for Skyrim would be a problem? I will list out all the problems with a MP in an elder scrolls game.
For you maybe not for me and a lot of great games that are built around a single player experience also have great multiplayer.[QUOTE="Shielder7"][QUOTE="Maroxad"]
Skyrim not having online is a good thing. The mechanics are built around a single player experience anyway, so many things about skyrim would not translate well to online multiplayer.
While it is true that there are games with great SP and great MP. Skyrim would not be such a game. Do you understand why MP for Skyrim would be a problem? I will list out all the problems with a MP in an elder scrolls game.
2. See above
3. There are so many ways to get around this I don't know where to begin see above for starters they could take a page from Fable 3
4. Not really no see above for why
5. Not a problem if theres a level restriction to join your world or to join together
6. It worked well for NWN
7. Bethesda polishing up their games? Since when? Also under that logic no Video game should have multiplayer.
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