and yet we are to believe that a cross-system title such as Breath of The Wild will actually sell NX's.

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People around here will rave about Zelda and the NX endlessly but only a fraction of them will buy either.
People around here will rave about Zelda and the NX endlessly but only a fraction of them will buy either.
Yeah dude, a lot of people are mostly all talk.
When it comes to actually "do the deal" if you will, few actually show up.
It's a literal echo chamber on here, nothing on these forums are indicative of what ever actually happens on the real.
New game launching with a new console might help. Skyward Sword was at the end of the Wii's lifespan after all.
Not making excuses for it or anything, just thinking that could push copies forward. Do we know how much Twilight Princess sold on the Wii? It'll be a similar situation to Breath of the Wild now so it would something we could compare.
New game launching with a new console might help. Skyward Sword was at the end of the Wii's lifespan after all.
Not making excuses for it or anything, just thinking that could push copies forward. Do we know how much Twilight Princess sold on the Wii? It'll be a similar situation to Breath of the Wild now so it would something we could compare.
TP sold 7 million on the Wii which was due to it being launch game to a system with an insane amount of hype at the time to Wii bolstering the motion control gameplay as an added sales factor.
People upgrading from the GC surely bought one as a launch title too.
are both at round 1.7 Million each in current times.
The Wii killed a lot of people's confidence in Nintendo and it shows with the Wii U, 100M down to 12 Million.
Gaining confidence is something like this, PSone 100M to PS2 150 Million, means your consumer was/is satisfied and bought the successor.
Well, it was at that moment the vast majority of Wii owners stopped playing their Wii, and started playing on their smartphones.
Yep, what freedom said. The Wii was dying then, Skyward Sword had the hype of being a Zelda game post Twilight Princess, which is to say a lot fucking less than Twilight Princess.
Even if that is the case, the console had a frickin 100 MILLION INSTALL BASE.
3 million out of 100 million consoles sold is pathetic regardless of whether the console was dying or not, people knew the game existed. They just didn't care.
This is supposed to be one of the consoles key franchises, this is worse than Halo 5 flopping sales wise.
@freedomfreak: you could say that, or you could say that Skyward Sword looked very uninteresting to the public eye as well as having to force to use the wii motion plus.
It doesn't help that Nintendo never lowers the price of their games. And they don't even have it on the VC smh. I can't play that game anyway it's ugly as **** but I do like the wiiggling you do to walk around and fight lol
A whole host of antiquated and consumer hurting practices, coupled with a long term pivot away from investment in games will do that. 5 franchises wont do it decade after decade.
It doesn't help that Nintendo never lowers the price of their games. And they don't even have it on the VC smh. I can't play that game anyway it's ugly as **** but I do like the wiiggling you do to walk around and fight lol
They probably don't have it on the VC due to motion plus being a requirement to play the game.
That's a PS4 type attach rate. Yikes.
:/ Oh brother. I wasn't aware PS4 has sold 100 million units.
You learn something new on SW every day.
Back on topic, the NX and Breath of Wild will get plenty of praise on SW but in the real world NX will most likely flop. Sheep around here make a lot of noise but the sad reality is that Nintendo has completely lost the mainstream gamer audience on consoles and it won't be getting them back anytime soon.
Yep, what freedom said. The Wii was dying then, Skyward Sword had the hype of being a Zelda game post Twilight Princess, which is to say a lot fucking less than Twilight Princess.
Even if that is the case, the console had a frickin 100 MILLION INSTALL BASE.
3 million out of 100 million consoles sold is pathetic regardless of whether the console was dying or not, people knew the game existed. They just didn't care.
This is supposed to be one of the consoles key franchises, this is worse than Halo 5 flopping sales wise.
100 Million consoles sold != 100 Million users.
Since it was a casual fad thing that mostly peaked in 2008-2009, by 2011 only a small chunk of those consoles were still active. Although it is strange that the Mario game sold so insanely well, but Zelda was a relative flop. Most of the top selling Wii games were motion control, or bundles. Still, pretty crazy that even Mario and Sonic at the Olympics sold 7 Million, Link's Crossbow Training sold 6 Million... and a full fledged Zelda only did under 4 Million.
Looking the top selling Wii games, it's apparant why 3rd parties abandoned ship. Very few games reached 1 Million. A few games had insane attach rates, and then everything else struggled.
That's a PS4 type attach rate. Yikes.
:/ Oh brother. I wasn't aware PS4 has sold 100 million units.
You learn something new on SW every day.
Back on topic, the NX and Breath of Wild will get plenty of praise on SW but in the real world NX will most likely flop. Sheep around here make a lot of noise but the sad reality is that Nintendo has completely lost the mainstream gamer audience on consoles and it won't be getting them back anytime soon.
Yeah, Zelda has always sold ok, but it's never done "crazy" good in sales. Why would gamers who can play Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, Skyrim, God of War, or Bloodborne buy a Nintendo console just to play Zelda?
First of all 3.7million copies is not a low number by any means. It was ok but considering the userbase it could have been way higher.
On the other hand though im with you but not because Wii had 100 million userbase but for the fact that Wii was STARVING for something big at the time ( Console was in life support by then which is way more ridiculous than if Zelda could sell more than it did considering the 100M usebase ) while it was in life support which clearly shows who bought Wii and for what.
Also games like Wii play had more sales than both MArio Galaxies and Zelda combined. I mean , "epic fail" ! Games like Wii fit , Wii play , Wii sports etc DESTROYED games like Zelda , Galaxies and alike. Pathetic !
First of all 3.7million copies is not a low number.
On the other hand though im with you but not because Wii had 100 million userbase but for the fact that Wii was STARVING for something big at the time ( Console was in life support by then which is way more ridiculous than if Zelda could sell more than it did considering the 100M usebase ) while it was in life support which clearly shows who bought Wii and for what.
Mario Galaxy + 2 . SSB AND zelda combined didnt sell as much as Wii fit
Also games like Wii play had more sales than both MArio Galaxies and Zelda combined. I mean , epic fail !
EDIT : Lets not talk about the middle finger Nintendo gave to all those 100M+ consumers by letting Wii die so fast lol !
3.7 million is extremely low relative to the user base.
Ah but you need to factor in the Wii Motion Plus peripheral that was requisite for the game to give a real breakdown. Do those numbers first.
The game was bundled with it.
Not to mention it should still sell on name value alone assuming Zelda is the juggernaut this forum would have to believe.
That would be because it a) sucked, b) came when the audience had moved on from the Wii, and c) required an accessory to be played.
I find the sales of SS quite impressive. That game wasn't very good and it was on a console people had stopped caring about. And it still sold much. My hunch is that Breath of the Wild will sell. A lot.
Or, by the entire internets logic, never did give a remote **** about, considering any interesting third party games on it were port begged to hell and back and retreated to the GameCube, a console that was initially panned up until the Wii's launch (because apparently they always liked it... bull****).
That's a PS4 type attach rate. Yikes.
lol pretty much. plus it required motion plus and it came far too late. If it launches two years earlier it sells better.
First of all 3.7million copies is not a low number.
On the other hand though im with you but not because Wii had 100 million userbase but for the fact that Wii was STARVING for something big at the time ( Console was in life support by then which is way more ridiculous than if Zelda could sell more than it did considering the 100M usebase ) while it was in life support which clearly shows who bought Wii and for what.
Mario Galaxy + 2 . SSB AND zelda combined didnt sell as much as Wii fit
Also games like Wii play had more sales than both MArio Galaxies and Zelda combined. I mean , epic fail !
EDIT : Lets not talk about the middle finger Nintendo gave to all those 100M+ consumers by letting Wii die so fast lol !
3.7 million is extremely low relative to the user base.
It is but on the other hand all it matters in the end is if game was profitable or not. So if game made some millions to Nintendo is not bad at all. Could it be way more , sure it could BUT as i mentioned above with examples , Wii sold for ENTIRELY other reasons than what it should. That of gimmick control games that casual found funny to spend few hours on.
When you have games like Wii fit and Play and more like these DESTROYING literally ( except mario kart ) every single of Nintendos 1st exclusives ... there you have it.
I consider Wii as the BIGGEST bubble in console history.
Wii got to 100 million because of casual people wanting the motion technology and Wii Fit and Wii Sports not because there were 100 million nintendo fans. Casual fans don't care about Zelda and that's all there is to it.
Ah but you need to factor in the Wii Motion Plus peripheral that was requisite for the game to give a real breakdown. Do those numbers first.
The game was bundled with it.
Not to mention it should still sell on name value alone assuming Zelda is the juggernaut this forum would have to believe.
Half-truth. Limited time and copies only.
You need to factor that it before making meaningful conclusions. You need to count up how many Wii Motion + were sold and use that as your base, not just the amount of Wii Consoles.
People around here will rave about Zelda and the NX endlessly but only a fraction of them will buy either.
Yeah man, the way people rave about the NX here. I mean me and... *hears wind, whistling and sees tumble weed. :-/
Yeah man, I'll rave about the NX here endlessly, but will I actually show up to buy it, that is the question. Almost philosophical in the third person.
Casuals usually just buy the console that is "winning". It's the so called hardcore gamers who are the early adopters. You can be sure that a very large chunk of the people who bought the Wii on release day before it was a "thing", also picked up a copy of Twilight Princess.
@brah4ever: Been saying that 4 years. This place is full of know it all's that are safe behind a screen and kb. No way to know who's real and not
I consider myself a huge LoZ fan yet I didn't even bother to play it myself, had no interest (still don't), probably didn't help it required a controller upgrade to play
anyhow, came out next to Skyrim (another way overrated title) which probably took a lot of attention away from the Wii with it releasing on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, plus by the time Skyward Sword released the Wii was nothing more than a dust magnet in most people's living rooms
@Telekill: Exactly why i skipped SW. I was really starting to dislike motion controls and that game was super in your face about it. Not to mention you needed the upgraded wiimote to even play it.
Really nice to play TP now with a Pro controller instead ofswinging your arm all the time
God of War II sold 4.24 million copies on the PS2 which sold over 150 million systems.
What do God of War II and Skyward Sword have in common? They were both late arrivals on aging hardware at the time they first came out.
I don't honestly get the point of this. Even the best selling game on the best selling system of all time which is the PS2 managed to sell 22 million, and that was Grand Theft Auto: San Anderas.
But since people love to toss some numbers around, here's some numbers for games that were major titles on the PS2.
Metal Gear Solid 2: 7 Million
Final Fantasy X: 6.6 Million
Tekken 5: 6 Million
Final Fantasy XII: 5.2 Million
Kingdom Hearts: 4.78 Million
God of War: 4.61 Million
Dragon Quest VIII: 4.44 Million
Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy: 4.2 Million
And the list goes on. So, what was the point of this topic again?
Zelda is a proven seller. Maybe not to the level of other franchises, but it does sell over a million copies at the lowest number for most entries of the series.
That's a PS4 type attach rate. Yikes.
Yikes is kinda weird context when it comes to ps4 software sales actually. The general thought is that put anything on ps4 even that Zelda game and chances are it will sell more at this point of its cycle. This is where attach rate can mean shit when you sell more regardless of the install base you simply reached more audiences. Would like to have attach rate like the Vita sure but hey there are simply more audiences for everything. We can't suddenly expect or pretend Until Dawn for example to all of sudden have a high attach rate. Yet that game or any sorts of games will probably reach more of there critical mass audiences on ps4. Its kinda of a system that kills it when it comes to a shit load of software selling more right now. In a good way its not just only the exclusives that sell but multi platform games as well. CD PR would be hiding and stop celebrating The Witcher 3 if this Attach Rate shit mattered given how huge multi platform install base is.
Back on topic sometimes fans should be commended if they didn't buy something compare to what the series does. Skyward Sword wasn't a good Zelda game.
People around here will rave about Zelda and the NX endlessly but only a fraction of them will buy either.
Kinda like the Xbox.
That's a PS4 type attach rate. Yikes.
Yikes is kinda weird context when it comes to ps4 software sales actually. The general thought is that put anything on ps4 even that Zelda game and chances are it will sell more at this point of its cycle. This is where attach rate can mean shit when you sell more regardless of the install base you simply reached more audiences. Would like to have attach rate like the Vita sure but hey there are simply more audiences for everything. We can't suddenly expect or pretend Until Dawn for example to all of sudden have a high attach rate. Yet that game or any sorts of games will probably reach more of there critical mass audiences on ps4. Its kinda of a system that kills it when it comes to a shit load of software selling more right now. In a good way its not just only the exclusives that sell but multi platform games as well. CD PR would be hiding and stop celebrating The Witcher 3 if this Attach Rate shit mattered given how huge multi platform install base is.
Back on topic sometimes fans should be commended if they didn't buy something compare to what the series does. Skyward Sword wasn't a good Zelda game.
Vita has a shatty attach rate, who told you it was good? Nobody buys Vita games no more. They dont even sell them in local stores.
Its a shame so many have not played the best Zelda ever made, Skyward Sword. Should be a crime.
not sure if srs
Ah but you need to factor in the Wii Motion Plus peripheral that was requisite for the game to give a real breakdown. Do those numbers first.
The game was bundled with it.
Not to mention it should still sell on name value alone assuming Zelda is the juggernaut this forum would have to believe.
Initially yes but I didn't preorder it and I had to buy the Wii motion+ accessory separately. Ninty has a habit of not making enough bundles.
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