@svaubel: Yeah, that's why I still hold the Gamecube version as better than the Wii version.
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@Chutebox: that just means you don't want to play that game. Skyward Sword is motion controls. For people like me, it was a resounding success. For others, not so much.
The greatest boss fight of Zelda history, Ghirahim, would be crap if the motion controls were removed. That experience should not be robbed from anyone.
It might not be great at being a Zelda game, but it's among the very best games to have come out of the Zelda Franchise.
You never know really. I don't expect BotW to sell NX's, but it could. And install base correlating directly to software sales rarely pans out, even for the same series. MGS2 (+sub) sold nearly 7 million copies into a PS2 install base of less than 15 million. MGS3 (+sub) sold 3.5 million into an install base of 100+ million. Crazy difference there.
Way too many other factors to be taken into account.
That's a PS4 type attach rate. Yikes.
Yikes is kinda weird context when it comes to ps4 software sales actually. The general thought is that put anything on ps4 even that Zelda game and chances are it will sell more at this point of its cycle. This is where attach rate can mean shit when you sell more regardless of the install base you simply reached more audiences. Would like to have attach rate like the Vita sure but hey there are simply more audiences for everything. We can't suddenly expect or pretend Until Dawn for example to all of sudden have a high attach rate. Yet that game or any sorts of games will probably reach more of there critical mass audiences on ps4. Its kinda of a system that kills it when it comes to a shit load of software selling more right now. In a good way its not just only the exclusives that sell but multi platform games as well. CD PR would be hiding and stop celebrating The Witcher 3 if this Attach Rate shit mattered given how huge multi platform install base is.
Back on topic sometimes fans should be commended if they didn't buy something compare to what the series does. Skyward Sword wasn't a good Zelda game.
Vita has a shatty attach rate, who told you it was good? Nobody buys Vita games no more. They dont even sell them in local stores.
I was comparing Vita bigger selling games would have higher attach rate because of its relative small install base. Which as you know its set now. When its all said and done Those Uncharted games on Vita would have higher attach rate then UC4 despite of UC4 selling way more copies.
Anyways my post was meant to try and get people off this attach rate shit. Its has become a bit stupid as i see it getting applied for every game. Now days we are all pretending that games like Until Dawn attach rate not good like Halo. Or on the other side we wonder why other xboxone games are no where near attach rate like Halo for example. Even Halo is going to settle into its depriciation and attach rate will go down as the hardware keep selling. We have forgotten that on consoles not all games sold like some of the Nintendo games, Gran Turismo, Halo and on lower pack Gears, Uncharted and so on. In fact at the end of the cycle only a few games reach double digits on much bigger install base systems. Atleast 80+ millions. Yet we have talked about them and hyped them.
Basically this thread was about why so many people talk about Zelda when this game sold supposedly bad or the Zelda games don't sell like the other Nintendo games looking at the attach rate. My quip is that I have heard this about Bloodborne, and even The witcher 3 in sw before and i think that's kinda messed up. Critically and sell wise going by the past those games or their series are successful that's why people talk about them. Again The Vita was me making a joke about attach rate. There is time when they matter and time when they don't. ps4 is making alot of shit sell multi million copies early. Looking at the past that's actually very impressive. So NX has a chance to sell well early with a Zelda game (given the massive hype) and other combination of games.
I find the sales of SS quite impressive. That game wasn't very good and it was on a console people had stopped caring about. And it still sold much. My hunch is that Breath of the Wild will sell. A lot.
93 on Metacritic...
I find the sales of SS quite impressive. That game wasn't very good and it was on a console people had stopped caring about. And it still sold much. My hunch is that Breath of the Wild will sell. A lot.
93 on Metacritic...
You do know that Metacritic doesn't change someone's opinion of any game unless you lack the ability to derive your own.
@Chutebox: that just means you don't want to play that game. Skyward Sword is motion controls. For people like me, it was a resounding success. For others, not so much.
The greatest boss fight of Zelda history, Ghirahim, would be crap if the motion controls were removed. That experience should not be robbed from anyone.
It might not be great at being a Zelda game, but it's among the very best games to have come out of the Zelda Franchise.
I bought the game because i didn't want to play the game?
The Wii sold 100 million but only a tiny fraction of that were core gamers, as we can see the core are more like GC/WiiU numbers. 3.7 million out of the 10? 15? 20? million core Wii gamers ain't bad. Especially since the Wii was dead at that point.
Same deal as the PS2, most casuals weren't playing MGS or Final Fantasy.
There are number of reasons why Skyward Sword did poorly.
- Zelda is a franchise geared more towards core gamers.
- Wii users were mostly casuals/non gamers.
- The game came later in the console life cycle and the hardware was really dated and last gen. Most core gamers were focused on PC/360/PS3.
- Any hype for motion controls had died off and was now a turn off for traditional core games.
- Skyward Sword did not look very appealing in general compared to past Zelda games.
I find the sales of SS quite impressive. That game wasn't very good and it was on a console people had stopped caring about. And it still sold much. My hunch is that Breath of the Wild will sell. A lot.
93 on Metacritic...
You do know that Metacritic doesn't change someone's opinion of any game unless you lack the ability to derive your own.
I thought the game was excellent. My point was he stated that the game "wasn't very good". According to who? If it's his opinion fine, but don't generalize. The general consensus was that it was a AAA title.
That's because Skyward Sword was a massive let-down to the general crowd suffering awful controls, and the fact it came out at the end of the Wii lifespan. It did not get the reviews to excite many people to dust their Wii's off.
Breath of the Wild is getting a load of hype because there has never been a Zelda game of this pedigree yet, and it looks incredibly promising. It does not boast clunky controls the way SS did, and I think in general it's promising to be one of the largest and most compelling open-world games to date.
I don't think its hype is central around whether the consumer will buy it on the Wii U or the NX, but its hype is centered around this being the new era for the franchise.
@Kruiz_Bathory: Thank you, that is my biggest gripe with ninty! They have games that came out 2 years ago still selling for full price.....
Skyward Sword had best motion controls in gaming.
Sometimes, arguably, in combat perhaps. At others they were horrible. Swimming for example, probably the worst controlling aspect of any Zelda, nay any Nintendo game I've ever played.
Overall? Just give me a control pad Nintendo. Oh, you did on WiiU? Thanks.
Thank you, that is my biggest gripe with ninty! They have games that came out 2 years ago still selling for full price.....
I think it's pretty clever actually. I'm very likely to buy Ninty games day 1, more so than almost anyone else, purely because I know there'll never be a deal on them.
@locopatho: I agree it is smart, and most of the nintendo games I get are day 1 buys. That being said some like Capt toad, starfox, and a few 3ds titles I want to play, I can not justify paying full price.
@jaydan: Skyward Sword had best motion controls in gaming.
Considering the fact there's such a strong divide between whether or not the motion controls for the game are any good at all, and more people that straight up HATED the controls for the very reason of contrived and clunky motion controls being forced down a player's throat, I'll say it's impossible to claim SS has the best motion controls in gaming - and if it must be crowned that way then it's just quite telling how bad motion controls are in general.
@jaydan: Critics even praised the motion controls. Seems a bunch of motion control people had the tin foil on to thick like usual.
Skyward Sword gets a lot of silly hate. Its a shame, cause the game is amazing.
@jaydan: Critics even praised the motion controls. Seems a bunch of motion control people had the tin foil on to tight like usual.
Excuse me, but I have played good motion control games, like Metroid Prime Trilogy or even the freakin' Goldeneye 007 Wii game had vastly superior motion controls than the horrendous setup in SS. Even WarioWare: Smooth Moves had a more a more practical and fun way with motion controls than SS.
Skyward Sword is a lot like Star Fox Zero. Most people will hate these games for the very reason of clunky controls, but there will be the few that end up tolerating them enough to "see the light", so to speak. But no one gives a shit if you ran your head into a wall enough to see stars.
@jaydan: Yeah, i guess me, all the critics, and majority of fans saw the light. Not sure what happened to you though.
You do know that Metacritic doesn't change someone's opinion of any game unless you lack the ability to derive your own.
I thought the game was excellent. My point was he stated that the game "wasn't very good". According to who? If it's his opinion fine, but don't generalize. The general consensus was that it was a AAA title.
According to him. His opinion. He did not generalize. He does not need to say "In my opinion". That is not a necessary clause. That should simply be understood. Its obvious you were offended by his comment and took it as a personal attack on your taste. Metacritic does not represent my opinion or the opinion of all gamers. Metacritic can speak on behalf of you but don't automatically assume its speaking on the behalf of others.
Yeah, i guess me, all the critics, and majority of fans saw the light. Not sure what happened to you though.
"Inconsistent controls continually torment poor Link" "you'll curse the game for damning you with such a cumbersome control scheme." "so much time fighting the controls" - Gamespot
"The only blight—and it’s so significant that it threatens to derail the game—comes in the form of the Wii MotionPlus control scheme" "shameful exercises in arm-flailing" - AV Club
"the controls do their best to mess up your good time" - The Escapist
"an issue with the motion control, it’s that the implementation of it is straining against the limitations of the technology." "MotionPlus controller often needs recentering." - Wired
"Nintendo should have allowed for Classic Controller support" - Destructoid
Lol. Keep spewing those lies ;)
I thought the game was pretty good, but those sales are pathetic. It is a total failure. I will also say that the game doesn't hold up very well on a 2nd playthrough. It's very slow and padded, with far too much dead time and a lot of horrible exposition dumping. I like the core gameplay enough, although the motion sensing is simply not good enough. It needed to be 100%
However, every game is unique. Breath of the Wind looks like it might be setting itself apart from Skyward Sword. I like what Nintendo is saying about the game as well, such as taking some cues from Link Between Worlds. That tells me that Nintendo at least sees that Skyward Sword was a disappointment and needs new direction, but at the same time I don't think Nintendo fully understands what it would take to make Zelda into a mass market success again. I'll play the new game, which doesn't say much since I'm a mark for Zelda, and I'm expecting a satisfying game but nothing special.
@locopatho: So you found a few. Majority still praise the motion controls. Also wasnt it Gamespot where the dude played the motion controls wrong? I remember that shat.
@Pedro: I dont feel that way. I found the motion controls fun. They were on point. Skyward Sword had some of the best combat ever in a Zelda game also thanks to it. Was fun doing the waddle.
@Pedro: I dont feel that way. I found the motion controls fun. They were on point. Skyward Sword had some of the best combat ever in a Zelda game also thanks to it. Was fun doing the waddle.
I know you don't feel that way. :) But all of the mechanism for the motion control could have been easily implemented on a standard controller. The entire thing was gimmicky. A more successful use of the motion control gimmicks but gimmicky none the less. I would have preferred the option not to play with the motion controls. I don't understand why developers; especially Nintendo, that they know whats best for the gamer.
You do know that Metacritic doesn't change someone's opinion of any game unless you lack the ability to derive your own.
I thought the game was excellent. My point was he stated that the game "wasn't very good". According to who? If it's his opinion fine, but don't generalize. The general consensus was that it was a AAA title.
According to him. His opinion. He did not generalize. He does not need to say "In my opinion". That is not a necessary clause. That should simply be understood. Its obvious you were offended by his comment and took it as a personal attack on your taste. Metacritic does not represent my opinion or the opinion of all gamers. Metacritic can speak on behalf of you but don't automatically assume its speaking on the behalf of others.
Where in my "93 on metacritic" comment did I seem offended? I was pointing out a fact. If that's not a fact, please show me otherwise. As for the posters' opinion? I couldn't care less what his opinion is - he's entitled to it. That was not my point.
As I am sure you are well aware of, Metacritic is a review aggregate site, it speaks on behalf of the collective critics. I didn't say otherwise. The "imo" is to preface; necessary, or unnecessary, in your opinion (see what I did there). The way I understood the comment is evident, I read it as a generalization, hence, the reason for the metacritic post.
You're the one who clearly is trying to escalate a simple remark. Someone from the old GS should know better.
Where in my "93 on metacritic" comment did I seem offended? I was pointing out a fact. If that's not a fact, please show me otherwise. As for the posters' opinion? I couldn't care less what his opinion is - he's entitled to it. That was not my point.
As I am sure you are well aware of, Metacritic is a review aggregate site, it speaks on behalf of the collective critics. I didn't say otherwise. The "imo" is to preface; necessary, or unnecessary, in your opinion (see what I did there). The way I understood the comment is evident, I read it as a generalization, hence, the reason for the metacritic post.
You're the one who clearly is trying to escalate a simple remark. Someone from the old GS should know better.
He was not stating a fact. You reacting the way you are to his comment was unnecessary. Metacritic is simply the views of other gamers that are no better or worse than anyone on the this site/forum. A score on Metacritic does not make a game factually good or bad because the nature of game reviews is mostly subjective and not objective. So, trying to understate his opinion with the opinion of others is rather silly. If someone says a game is terrible/great it is obviously their opinion.
Someone from the old GS should know better about opinions and facts. :)
@Chutebox: you didn't want to play the game because you wish it was entirely different. The game was built on the foundation of motion controls and you wish the foundation wasn't even there.
Skyward Sword had best motion controls in gaming.
Sometimes, arguably, in combat perhaps.
Nope, not even there, fundamentally it's the worst 3d zelda combat once the novelty of the gimmick is gone. Which doesn't take long. You're even more restricted in Skyward Sword than you usually are in Zelda combat. Shit is simon says.
Skyward Sword had best motion controls in gaming.
Sometimes, arguably, in combat perhaps.
Nope, not even there, fundamentally it's the worst 3d zelda combat once the novelty of the gimmick is gone. Which doesn't take long. You're even more restricted in Skyward Sword than you usually are in Zelda combat. Shit is simon says.
I was trying to meet him halfway lol.
So you found a few. Majority still praise the motion controls. Also wasnt it Gamespot where the dude played the motion controls wrong? I remember that shat.
Lol, from "everyone" to "the majority". Still a lie. Some loved them, some hated them.
Bottom line, controls shouldn't be a divisive issue. They should just work.
Making a game where it's possible to "play wrong" is a failure of game design.
@Chutebox: you didn't want to play the game because you wish it was entirely different. The game was built on the foundation of motion controls and you wish the foundation wasn't even there.
Skyward Sword is definitely possible to play without motion controls if Nintendo really wanted to.
The motion controls don't really add that much to the game, I know controlling the sword is key to some parts of the game but there are ways around that, that don't involve motion plus or motion controls in general.
Skyward Sword came well after the Wii hype had faded. It also wasn't a revolutionary game. So, not surprising.
By the time Skyward Sword came out the Wii bubble had already bursted for like around a year, from which it went from being the new PS2 to being a pile of sh*t that no one was interested in. Regardless of the impressive amount of consoles they had already sold, most people had already abandoned the console and even less where interested in acquiring one.
@brah4ever: skyward sword had bad graphics, a small world, handholding gameplay and poor game mechanics. Many were turned off by the idiotic forced failed motion controls and wrote the game off. Can't blame them, you also had to buy wii motion plus and the shit still didn't work right.
Breath of the wild looks like a reimagining of the Zelda series, something that hasn't really been done in 20 years with the franchise. Oh yeah, and it's going to use an actual controller and not a gimmick! That'll help sales right there. I guarantee BotW ends up selling better than SS
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