God of War II sold 4.24 million copies on the PS2 which sold over 150 million systems.
What do God of War II and Skyward Sword have in common? They were both late arrivals on aging hardware at the time they first came out.
I don't honestly get the point of this. Even the best selling game on the best selling system of all time which is the PS2 managed to sell 22 million, and that was Grand Theft Auto: San Anderas.
But since people love to toss some numbers around, here's some numbers for games that were major titles on the PS2.
Metal Gear Solid 2: 7 Million
Final Fantasy X: 6.6 Million
Tekken 5: 6 Million
Final Fantasy XII: 5.2 Million
Kingdom Hearts: 4.78 Million
God of War: 4.61 Million
Dragon Quest VIII: 4.44 Million
Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy: 4.2 Million
And the list goes on. So, what was the point of this topic again?
Zelda is a proven seller. Maybe not to the level of other franchises, but it does sell over a million copies at the lowest number for most entries of the series.
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