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Pen and Paper RPGs > both
win, because most video game 'rpgs' arents even real rpgs, expansion on my worthless thoughts ont he matter:;blog1
This is just your opinion, not a fact.
I played some WRPGs.. and I gotta say that I did not like them at all.
Morrowind was so-so, Obilivion was horrible for me. FF owns them easily.
Fable was good, but there are a lot of JRPGs that are better.
But well.. this are just opinions :P
Nice job on picking the worst representation of the genre with the exception of Morrowind.This is just your opinion, not a fact.
I played some WRPGs.. and I gotta say that I did not like them at all.
Morrowind was so-so, Obilivion was horrible for me. FF owns them easily.Fable was good, but there are a lot of JRPGs that are better.
But well.. this are just opinions :PShoooryuken
Very true. I love playing RPGs on both console and formally on the PC (ala EverQuest and such) but pencil, paper, and dice RPGs are the kings and grandaddies of the genre, and still remain the best. Your imagination is the only limit. :)Pen and Paper RPGs > both
Games like
Kotor 1-2
Mass Effect
Fallout 1-2-3
Baulders Gate
World Of Warcraft
And new games Like
Mass Effect 2
Alpha Protocol
Dragon Age
Fallout Vegas
Deus Ex 3:shock:
Honestly jRPG's have been far supassed years ago. I do agree that FF is the best that Japan has to offer and yes FF13 looks pretty sweet. It's still small potatoes to what the good ol US OF A puts out these days.
The amount of bad scores for Jrpg's is much worse then WRPG's
you are wrong just for the simple fact, that you're stating your personal opinion as evidence.
mass effect and kotor were great and all but my favourite and most memorable games are jrpg's. does this make them better or worse than wrpg's? probably not since it's just a matter of personal preferences.
besides, there are better jrpg's than most FF games.
Nice opinion TC JRPGS for me but it doesnt mean WRPGS arn't good. But I think WRPGS have just gotten really good for me at least. ME FALLOUT 3
I played Oblivion right after finishing FFXII. I enjoyed Oblivion much more, In hindsight I was very conscious of the FF Story>Dungeon Maze/Level Up>Story>Dungeon Maze/Level Up>Rinse>Repeat formula.
But twelve sucks...
9 be the awesome.
Oblivion can't hold a candle to 9 IMO.
i like JRPG better. And there are only a few WRPGs that can hold my attention for a long span of time (ex. wow and Diablo).
I like them more, that much I can agree with. However, there are so many bad WRPGs that actually can be named(2 worlds for instance) and JRPGs have been impressive as well and are just as good in some cases if not better. The PErsona series, DragonQuest, Kingdom Hearts(i don't like it, but whatever), Shin Megami Tensei Series that i can never remember :P, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Dark Cloud, etc etc have all been great games, and I love SRPGs like Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Fire Emblem. So no I disagree that JRPGs are vastly inferior, i may love the WRPGs more but there are so many good JRPGs. iT really just comes down to preference, because alot of JRPGs come off as animeish...which is a turnoff for anyone who isn't too fond of anime(me for one)jg4xchamp
Oh my god Dark Cloud < 3
[QUOTE="nitekids2004"]And none of them are WRPGs.i like JRPG better. And there are only a few WRPGs that can hold my attention for a long span of time (ex. wow and Diablo).
WoW is definatly western.
Orks and Elves man.
And obviously Diablo is Western.
I mean, it has the cow level.
Not in terms of story and imo battle system, most wrpgs stories are just thrown with a few exceptions like ME however those few good stories cannot add up to the tons of epic emotionally charged plots that have come out of jrpgs over the years. Also lots of wrpgs have rather lackluster combat,like button mashing, when compared to the deeper combat styles of jrpgs like turn based.
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