I should add here, "imho", but I sincerely hope someone will actually agree with me.
The dog is called Riley.
Also, if someone already posted this somewhere, feel free to lock the topic.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
I should add here, "imho", but I sincerely hope someone will actually agree with me.
The dog is called Riley.
Also, if someone already posted this somewhere, feel free to lock the topic.
I just want it to be great on a multiplayer level, as that is what I'll be playing on my xbox one online once I get my hands on it :)
Looks like the same game to me. I am not a fan of CoD, so I probably will not be getting this game. It was a mistake for me to have bought MW2.
There are three things that really disappointed me:
- small levels, corridor movement just like in previous games.
- the engine which will probably be used during the whole lifespan of this-gen consoles.
- literally zero gameplay innovations. Except you can give voice orders to the dog.
what weed u smoking ? gimme somei have to admit, that actually looks a lot better than kzsf.Â
Is this what the next gen will be all about?
The gameplay didn't go through any changes whatsoever compared to the previous CoD games, it was all seen before, even when you control the dog, it's very similiar to controlling some sort of a robot, and we had plenty of those moments in CoD already.
Also, is it the video, or do the visuals look nearly identical to Black Ops 2 and MW3? :?
For the love of God, let there be Spec Ops. I don't have to follow an audio instruction manual to play that.
Is this what the next gen will be all about?
The gameplay didn't go through any changes whatsoever compared to the previous CoD games, it was all seen before, even when you control the dog, it's very similiar to controlling some sort of a robot, and we had plenty of those moments in CoD already.
Also, is it the video, or do the visuals look nearly identical to Black Ops 2 and MW3? :?
1. This is how Call of Duty will be next-gen
2. Yes, they are
3. CoD is made for people who are bad at games so nobody will care, as long as they can roll in killstreaks and perks that make them unkillable demigods
i have to admit, that actually looks a lot better than kzsf.Â
I'm not even sure if it looks better than Crysis 3 on 360/PS3...
Is this what the next gen will be all about?
The gameplay didn't go through any changes whatsoever compared to the previous CoD games, it was all seen before, even when you control the dog, it's very similiar to controlling some sort of a robot, and we had plenty of those moments in CoD already.
Also, is it the video, or do the visuals look nearly identical to Black Ops 2 and MW3? :?
1. This is how Call of Duty will be next-gen
2. Yes, they are
3. CoD is made for people who are bad at games so nobody will care, as long as they can roll in killstreaks and perks that make them unkillable demigods
Well, I don't play CoD anymore, I'm just dissapointed how lackluster all the next gen game showings have been... there's absolutely nothing that wow'd me so far, nothing that screams next gen. I really hope the E3 can change that!
Looks current gen! thankfully Battlefield 4 will save the day.
I don't know... even BF4 fairly dissapointed me. That video we had lately, I must say, aside from some minor improvements and a few extra effects like better particles, it looked very similiar to BF3 played on a competent gaming PC...
Looks current gen! thankfully Battlefield 4 will save the day.
I don't know... even BF4 fairly dissapointed me. That video we had lately, I must say, aside from some minor improvements and a few extra effects like better particles, it looked very similiar to BF3 played on a competent gaming PC...
Still looked better than BF3 on PC!
Let's not forget this is the first wave on 8th gen games, anyway. Compare CoD2 to Halo 4 and you get my point :)
Compare Forza 2 to Forza 4. Huge difference. Although overall, I think we are reaching a point of diminishing returns on graphics.Still looked better than BF3 on PC!
Let's not forget this is the first wave on 8th gen games, anyway. Compare CoD2 to Halo 4 and you get my point :)
Looks current gen! thankfully Battlefield 4 will save the day.
I don't know... even BF4 fairly dissapointed me. That video we had lately, I must say, aside from some minor improvements and a few extra effects like better particles, it looked very similiar to BF3 played on a competent gaming PC...
To some extent, I suppose it shouldnt' be surprising the new consoles will just be running games at higher settings but basically the same overall layout and gameplay.
However I would have hoped they would at least have taken advantage of the new consoles to actually do SOMETHING better than slightly better animations and character models. Why couldn't the they have SUBSTANTIALLY opened the size and scope of these levels? It looks like it's literally going to be the exact same 5 hour linear campain, where at least 1 hour of your gameplay is just following a narrow path (like that mountain pass in the dog video, and the long swimming on rails swimming section in the scuba level). It's obvious they use those "slow walk" sections to pad your playtime, don't want people rushing through the campaign in 2 hours now do we!!! Â
I guess this game is still being catered to PS3/360... not really next gen game at all. Hopefully we see some more games that are ONLY designed for next gen platforms and PC.
Man the series is getting really tired now. It's just been done before over and over again.
Battlefield 4 was the same thing too. It's just that linear, in-game cutscene ridden bullcrap. They really need to think of something new for single player FPSs.
huh? why did he let the dog take one out? There was another guy with a gun. That didn't make much sense. Â
I don't get why people expected more out of it when the game still runs on a modified(a heavily modified) quake 3 engine.
Looks current gen! thankfully Battlefield 4 will save the day.
I don't know... even BF4 fairly dissapointed me. That video we had lately, I must say, aside from some minor improvements and a few extra effects like better particles, it looked very similiar to BF3 played on a competent gaming PC...
To some extent, I suppose it shouldnt' be surprising the new consoles will just be running games at higher settings but basically the same overall layout and gameplay.
However I would have hoped they would at least have taken advantage of the new consoles to actually do SOMETHING better than slightly better animations and character models. Why couldn't the they have SUBSTANTIALLY opened the size and scope of these levels? It looks like it's literally going to be the exact same 5 hour linear campain, where at least 1 hour of your gameplay is just following a narrow path (like that mountain pass in the dog video, and the long swimming on rails swimming section in the scuba level). It's obvious they use those "slow walk" sections to pad your playtime, don't want people rushing through the campaign in 2 hours now do we!!! Â
I guess this game is still being catered to PS3/360... not really next gen game at all. Hopefully we see some more games that are ONLY designed for next gen platforms and PC.
Yeah... now, it's possible these consoles won't be able to come up with anything that beats the finest looking PC games like Crysis 3 for a while, but I'm still dissapointed... I too want to see at least something new and fresh, most preferably, some awesome new physics, seeing ragdolls replaced with something like Euphoria from GTA IV or Max Payne 3 would be awesome... but sadly, in this CoD trailers, the physics looked laughable! :(
Its call of duty, the most generic fps frenchise ever created, what did you expect? Its sad cod ended up like this, the first call of duty game in the series was awesome.Raziel831991The sad thing is that its not its fault that its generic. Its like if you started a fad and then everyone else started copying it. Over time people will forget that you started and just consider you one of those generic douche-tards that follows the fad. That's what happened to COD. It made its own formula, then everyone else just copied it and made their own bootleg version that flooded the market. So while they do make way too many COD games, this "deja-vu" feeling is exacerbated by the fact that every other FPS on the market is a knock off of COD.
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