I'm usually all for fps on consoles, but game like CS should be avoided like the black plague on consoles. Played the hell out of CS and CS:S back in the days to the point I'm all burnt out from it. Going to pass.
I already have it. I couldn't imagine playing CS with a controller. It would be so clunky.
CS was the first competitive shooter with an extremely low TTK. It did it without iron sights or autoaim. Each gun had a very specific useage and was difficult to master. The meta game is also extremely unique as it makes you really think about which weapons to purchase depending on the map, objective, your teammates, your opponents, and your bank account.
That's still one of the most unique systems in gaming right now.
lets not forget its greatest contribution to the fps genre.... camping.
Was the first fps i can remember that popularized hiding behind a box staring at a corner, waiting for enemies to run around it.
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