@JangoWuzHere said:
@jg4xchamp said:
Bigger issue, how is it that Crysis and Warhead still clown so many FPS games on the gameplay front? Including the games Crytek themselves made.
The shooting in Crysis isn't very good these days. The stealth is overly simplistic (clock-uncloak-headshot-cloak.) The second half of the game also still sucks.
Crysis is still a unique game, but its aging every year.
2 things
1: If said game is still clowning things, and I agree with what you are saying on some level, that adds to my point of how a half baked tech demo that was a glimpse at the potential future of this genre is still shitting on games that have come since
The shooting is more than functional, and you never played Crysis because the gunplay was the tits or something, the stealth is a complimentary mechanic at best, and it's true joy is that it can be done on the fly. Aging? Yeah the second blows monkey dick, mega monkey dick, the type of monkey dick reserved for astronomical bullshit that isn't worthy of defense, but somehow you always find that crazy person that says "no bro, that part totally wasn't that shit". Be it planet scanning in Mass Effect 2, The Library in Halo, the scourge of modern gaming that is cinematic walking.
But yeah having a setting that actually isn't static and responds to gun fire and basic physics, scenarios that allow you to get very creative and think outside the box without an Ubisoft checklist attached to it, and oh by the way there is always Delta difficulty, yeah the game is still delivering those buzzwords "dynamic" and "emergent' a hell of a lot harder than most modern FPS games. Plus Warhead exists, where Crysis is merely really good (and yeah I would argue that first half is hardly aging, but that's because I wildly disagree with wildly aging. It's more limp gunplay was always there and should have always been knocked for that, people just excused it because pretty), Warhead I would argue is absolutely worthy of being great.
The more focused nature improves the games overall pacing, even if they don't like the "well it's more linear than Crysis", the nanosuit is still bitchin, the aliens are more enjoyable to fight (read improved, not necessarily a great enemy), and it has all the strengths of Crysis 1, without the big **** up where the 2nd half is total bullshit.
In contrast to FPS I've gotten since where the best this space has had to offer on the gameplay front (at least single player wise) are.....Resistance 3 and Wolfenstein?
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