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No killzone 1 wasnt the the halo killer i though that was settled a few years back. Killzone 2 was never hyped to be the halo killer. Some dont represent all.
Hail, the most sensible person here. I'd like to add that while both maybe good games, and Killzone certainly DIDN'T kill anything, Halo is still NOT the most popular or long-lived FPS series in history. That title either goes to Quake or Counter Strike.I don;t know whats with the aggressive fanboys from both sides, but both games are good games, and you can't really compare Halo 3's score to Killzone's when they are 2 years apart and on the other spectrum of the CoD4 release (which likely impacted everything in shooters after its release). My only complaint for either is that Killzone 2 should have been a bit more focused on co-op and split screen then graphics (although I will admit it is the most beautiful console game out there right now) and Halo 3 was a bit too much like Halo 2, and much too short.
Simple answer... It depends who you ask. Any one here with a 360 will say no (theyll never say halo was killed by anything). And a ps3 owner will say yes
Probably not. There will never be a Halo killer, ever. Halo is just so... unkillable.enterawesomeYes, its almost at a Mario or Madden level of unkillability. I thought that KZ2's campaign (on veteran/elite) destroyed Halo 3's. By the end of Halo 3, I just wanted it to be over so I could friggin finish the fight already. I also liked KZ2's multiplayer better; I just really like the feel of it. The guns are just great.
who hyped KZ2 as a Halo killer? :? link?GiancarThe original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time.
[QUOTE="Giancar"]who hyped KZ2 as a Halo killer? :? link?MortalDecayThe original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time.
You know, just because it didn't 'kill' Halo doesn't mean its a bad game...
The original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time.[QUOTE="MortalDecay"][QUOTE="Giancar"]who hyped KZ2 as a Halo killer? :? link?psn8214
You know, just because it didn't 'kill' Halo doesn't mean its a bad game...
Agreed. So do many others who play it.[QUOTE="Giancar"]who hyped KZ2 as a Halo killer? :? link?MortalDecayThe original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time. "KZ2 no way less out of 10"?, now you are making up things :| KZ2 wasn't hyped here in SW or in the media as a halo killer, do you have any link showing credible sites or credible poster hyping it as a Halo killer? The way they talked about it was as an AAA game, which it got here in GS and across the sites
Even though it was a good attempt, I don't think it even made a dent in the behemoth that is Halo. If anything, it'd be MW2 that'd compete with Halo.
[QUOTE="enterawesome"]Probably not. There will never be a Halo killer, ever. Halo is just so... unkillable.dercoo
At least in individual console sales.
and gameplay, and FUNIf I recall correctly Killzone 2 wasn't hyped as a Halo 3 killer by user here on GS (aside from the usual band of rabid fanboys). But at this point the only thing that can kill Halo is Halo.
Let me put this in "nice" words, only a moronic, uninformed fanboy would pick two cartoon lizards over a Spartan-II.From what I remember, apparently Bub & Bob killed TeH Halo RoBoT.:P
[QUOTE="glez13"]Let me put this in "nice" words, only a moronic, uninformed fanboy would pick two cartoon lizards over a Spartan-II.From what I remember, apparently Bub & Bob killed TeH Halo RoBoT.:P
Lots of those running around here then, eh? :P
[QUOTE="enterawesome"]Probably not. There will never be a Halo killer, ever. Halo is just so... unkillable.dercoo
At least in individual console sales.
Exactly! Even with individual sales for each game, Halo sells ridiculously well! Count total sales and holy Hell, thats a lot of copies. Halo 3 also had the most successful launch of a product for any entertainment medium, ever, according to Guisness World Record Video Game Edition 2008.[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"][QUOTE="glez13"]
From what I remember, apparently Bub & Bob killed TeH Halo RoBoT.:P
Let me put this in "nice" words, only a moronic, uninformed fanboy would pick two cartoon lizards over a Spartan-II.Lots of those running around here then, eh? :P
No not the ones that voted for characters like Kratos, Snake, Lara Croft, etc. Mario included as well. I could understand those and I kind of agree they deserved it more. But it's just common sense. Put aside everything you know about games and think to yourself which one would be the cooler character. But this is old news and I acted out of ignorance towards ignorance.There have been months since Killzone 2 was released, and I think it's time to answer the question: - did killzone 2 murder Halo 3? It was for so long hyped to put an end to one of consoles most popular iconic fpss', to bury the Halo name and become the new king of FPS, to own the FPS crown and laugh at all other FPS slaves. So, did it happen? is halo dead and buried? What's your opion, yes or no, and why/why not? Is killzone 2 the new FPS king, above all else?SchoolThing
As a Halo 3 and Killzone 2 player, I would say Halo 3 had a better story and ending....and more colourful.
Killzone 2 beats Halo 3 in the technical department. Everything from death animations, AI, lighting, textures, detail,atmosphereand realism are superior in Killzone 2.
I found Halo 3 more interesting towards the end. Killzone 2 was consistently interesting throughout the whole game, but the end chapter wasn't as Epic as Halo 3.
From all those you mentioned, why don't you decide for me.
Whoa the damage control by cows in here is sweet. Perhaps most of you weren't here a year ago, but cows, and I mean the majority, hyped Killzone 2 as a Halo-killer. However it failed massively. It's a good game, but not even close to the superiority of Halo.
Killzone 1 blew and didn't kill halo.
Killzone 2 blew and didn't kill halo 3.
Halo sold more then KZ1 and KZ2 combined, Halo 3 did the same, Both games likely had more users playing then their Killzone counterparts.
Halo as a series has obliterated killzone in popularity, scores, and sales.
There have been months since Killzone 2 was released, and I think it's time to answer the question: - did killzone 2 murder Halo 3? It was for so long hyped to put an end to one of consoles most popular iconic fpss', to bury the Halo name and become the new king of FPS, to own the FPS crown and laugh at all other FPS slaves. So, did it happen? is halo dead and buried? What's your opion, yes or no, and why/why not? Is killzone 2 the new FPS king, above all else?SchoolThingIMO yes...
There have been months since Killzone 2 was released, and I think it's time to answer the question: - did killzone 2 murder Halo 3? It was for so long hyped to put an end to one of consoles most popular iconic fpss', to bury the Halo name and become the new king of FPS, to own the FPS crown and laugh at all other FPS slaves. So, did it happen? is halo dead and buried? What's your opion, yes or no, and why/why not? Is killzone 2 the new FPS king, above all else?SchoolThing
Lol no one plays KZ2 online anymore... Its pretty hard for me to find a match
I honestly can't believe people don't remember the 2 years of Killzone 2 being hyped the Halo 3 killer. There were threads almost every day on it.Zero5000X
Yep! Ive been on these boards frequently ever since Halo 1 released and ive seen it all! I remember the KZ1 developer hype, HL2 being leaked and then delayed, Far Cry hype, STALKER being delayed forever, the Lair hype, Halo 2/ILoveBees crazyness, Halo 3 hype, LBP being hyped AAAA everywhere, and KZ2 being hyped high AAA to AAAA. Ahhh the good ole days! Now this board is filled with a bunch of "This is why Halo sucks!" threads :roll:
Too many PS3 only owners here now
CoD4 killed Halo IMO.bobbetybob
yeah right. 1 million players every day is something a "killed" game has? cod4 got big, but not close to Halo 3.
how can a game be killed in your opinion btw? if you think a game is better than another then "killed" isn't the right word to use.
[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]CoD4 killed Halo IMO.Cyberfairy
yeah right. 1 million players every day is something a "killed" game has? cod4 got big, but not close to Halo 3.
how can a game be killed in your opinion btw? if you think a game is better than another then "killed" isn't the right word to use.
A Halo killer is a bigger/better FPS than Halo as far as I'm concerned, which judging by the amount of hype for MW2 and that for ODST, I'd say CoD is as big a series, if not a bigger series than Halo is. I see what you mean about the killed, but I'm pretty sure that was never what killed meant, I don't think anybody can imagine a game that's suddenly going to stop people playing another game.[QUOTE="Zero5000X"]I honestly can't believe people don't remember the 2 years of Killzone 2 being hyped the Halo 3 killer. There were threads almost every day on it.BodyElite
Yep! Ive been on these boards frequently ever since Halo 1 released and ive seen it all! I remember the KZ1 developer hype, HL2 being leaked and then delayed, Far Cry hype, STALKER being delayed forever, the Lair hype, Halo 2/ILoveBees crazyness, Halo 3 hype, LBP being hyped AAAA everywhere, and KZ2 being hyped high AAA to AAAA. Ahhh the good ole days! Now this board is filled with a bunch of "This is why Halo sucks!" threads :roll:
Too many PS3 only owners here now
You haven't been here, you a new poster, but you both are wrong.
KZ1 was indeed hyped up by some rabid cows as a Halo 2 Killer. IT flopped, bad. There was so much ridicule about it, it was years and years of a sorespot for the cows. Cows got pwned. There were various threads on the topic, and the popular :TCHBO! was shouted whenver ownage is needed. You know how cows use RROD to get free ownage? That was KZ1 on PS2, free ownage, to be brought up at anytime. It was years and years of free fun at the expense of those cows. Every fanboy has a sore spot, and KZ1 was the cows sorest spot. It was a huge punishment issue. Outside the internet is one thing, I'm speaking about SW and GS. I'm coming from over 20,000 posts in this place. I was here.
Then Sony finally announced KZ2.
After that, Cows never had the nerve to promote KZ's sequel as a Halo Killer, not again. After those years of ownage? Nope.It was bad.
However Cows did hype KZ2's graphics once they were shown at that E3. Cows hyped KZ2's Looks as an amazing game, and cows hyped KZ2 as a quality game. The cows were laughed at due to the trailer being CGIish, and were constantly owned for bring KZ2 up. Threads of and threads and even more threads of how "fake" the trailer was, definitely sealed the deal on Cows hyping the sequal of a massive flop again.
KZ2 was promoted as a Eyecandy, and the hope it was going to be an excellent game.
This subject is always brought about to try and get ownage, and it always will fail, as it's fanboy's trying to rewrite history for a week year for them(lack of AAAE's and 1st Party will cause this sort of thing).
I've been here a long, long time, and I've seen the KZ's both get born and dealt with here in SW.
The SECOND Post killed this thread, Giancar asked for a LINK, and it wasn't presented.
For the record, there are no KILLER games.
No God of War Killer, Final Fantasy Killer, No Zelda Killer, Halo Killer, No Street Fighter Killer, etc
Also, For the record, The Halo series is the better series (as far as scores), and has phenom sales...and is quite legendary. Doesn't mean other games aren't good though.
The original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time.[QUOTE="MortalDecay"][QUOTE="Giancar"]who hyped KZ2 as a Halo killer? :? link?psn8214
You know, just because it didn't 'kill' Halo doesn't mean its a bad game...
I never said it was a bad game. It's not the greatest, imo, but it's a decent game.[QUOTE="BodyElite"]
[QUOTE="Zero5000X"]I honestly can't believe people don't remember the 2 years of Killzone 2 being hyped the Halo 3 killer. There were threads almost every day on it.SolidTy
Yep! Ive been on these boards frequently ever since Halo 1 released and ive seen it all! I remember the KZ1 developer hype, HL2 being leaked and then delayed, Far Cry hype, STALKER being delayed forever, the Lair hype, Halo 2/ILoveBees crazyness, Halo 3 hype, LBP being hyped AAAA everywhere, and KZ2 being hyped high AAA to AAAA. Ahhh the good ole days! Now this board is filled with a bunch of "This is why Halo sucks!" threads :roll:
Too many PS3 only owners here now
You haven't been here, you a new poster, but you both are wrong.
You know me all too well :roll:
Yep! Ive been on these boards frequently ever since Halo 1 released and ive seen it all! I remember the KZ1 developer hype, HL2 being leaked and then delayed, Far Cry hype, STALKER being delayed forever, the Lair hype, Halo 2/ILoveBees crazyness, Halo 3 hype, LBP being hyped AAAA everywhere, and KZ2 being hyped high AAA to AAAA. Ahhh the good ole days! Now this board is filled with a bunch of "This is why Halo sucks!" threads :roll:
Too many PS3 only owners here now
You haven't been here, you a new poster, but you both are wrong.
KZ1 was indeed hyped up by some rabid cows as a Halo 2 Killer. IT flopped, bad. There was so much ridicule about it, it was years and years of a sorespot for the cows. Cows got pwned. There were various threads on the topic, and the popular :TCHBO! was shouted whenver ownage is needed. You know how cows use RROD to get free ownage? That was KZ1 on PS2, free ownage, to be brought up at anytime. It was years and years of free fun at the expense of those cows. Every fanboy has a sore spot, and KZ1 was the cows sorest spot. It was a huge punishment issue. Outside the internet is one thing, I'm speaking about SW and GS. I'm coming from over 20,000 posts in this place. I was here.
Then Sony finally announced KZ2.
After that, Cows never had the nerve to promote KZ's sequel as a Halo Killer, not again. After those years of ownage? Nope.It was bad.
However Cows did hype KZ2's graphics once they were shown at that E3. Cows hyped KZ2's Looks as an amazing game, and cows hyped KZ2 as a quality game. The cows were laughed at due to the trailer being CGIish, and were constantly owned for bring KZ2 up. Threads of and threads and even more threads of how "fake" the trailer was, definitely sealed the deal on Cows hyping the sequal of a massive flop again.
KZ2 was promoted as a Eyecandy, and the hope it was going to be an excellent game.
This subject is always brought about to try and get ownage, and it always will fail, as it's fanboy's trying to rewrite history for a week year for them(lack of AAAE's and 1st Party will cause this sort of thing).
I've been here a long, long time, and I've seen the KZ's both get born and dealt with here in SW.
The SECOND Post killed this thread, Giancar asked for a LINK, and it wasn't presented.
For the record, there are no KILLER games.
No God of War Killer, Final Fantasy Killer, No Zelda Killer, Halo Killer, No Street Fighter Killer, etc
Also, For the record, The Halo series is the better series (as far as scores), and has phenom sales...and is quite legendary. Doesn't mean other games aren't good though.
You know me all too well :roll:
Well, then you should feel priviledged that someone that has been here since before both KZ games, and has over 20,000+ posts in SW alone can enlighten you. :)
The TC is a brand new user, he's just trying to get a war started, and using fake ownage.
[QUOTE="MortalDecay"][QUOTE="Giancar"]who hyped KZ2 as a Halo killer? :? link?GiancarThe original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time. "KZ2 no way less out of 10"?, now you are making up things :| KZ2 wasn't hyped here in SW or in the media as a halo killer, do you have any link showing credible sites or credible poster hyping it as a Halo killer? The way they talked about it was as an AAA game, which it got here in GS and across the sites
Just to name a few.
"KZ2 no way less out of 10"?, now you are making up things :| KZ2 wasn't hyped here in SW or in the media as a halo killer, do you have any link showing credible sites or credible poster hyping it as a Halo killer? The way they talked about it was as an AAA game, which it got here in GS and across the sites[QUOTE="Giancar"][QUOTE="MortalDecay"] The original KZ was hyped to be the Halo killer. Same with KZ2. I think cows believed there was no way KZ2 would get anything less than a 10. They may have hyped it AAA, or less, but the way they talked about it, it was the second coming. Oh well...Maybe next time.MortalDecay
Just to name a few.
That wasn't SW.
I won't get into the entire internet, but this is about SW.
There wasn't a sense of ownage and punishment for hyping with folks outsidle of SW.
As far as Im concernec, all PS3 owners hyped it to be the true Halo murderer.[QUOTE="SchoolThing"][QUOTE="Fizzman"]
delusional cows hyped it as a Halo killer, and who cares what they think?
As far as your concerned? How long have you been around System Wars?
Almost every cow hyped it halo killer after the E3 07 trailer was released.[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="SchoolThing"] As far as Im concernec, all PS3 owners hyped it to be the true Halo murderer.lm2f
As far as your concerned? How long have you been around System Wars?
Almost every cow hyped it halo killer after the E3 07 trailer was released.wrong, only a group of fanboys did that... surely many (incl myself)were hyped for KZ2 but didnt say it was the Halo3 killer.. imo the Hype was justified cause KZ2 did deliver upon expectations, its a great fps...
Unfortunately many think it isnt cause it didnt sell 10 million copies...
[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="SchoolThing"] As far as Im concernec, all PS3 owners hyped it to be the true Halo murderer.lm2f
As far as your concerned? How long have you been around System Wars?
Almost every cow hyped it halo killer after the E3 07 trailer was released.Link to prove that? A lot of people thought it would be a good game, but using the word "every" in your sentence denotes it as resolute.
[QUOTE="Zero5000X"]I honestly can't believe people don't remember the 2 years of Killzone 2 being hyped the Halo 3 killer. There were threads almost every day on it.SolidTy
Yep! Ive been on these boards frequently ever since Halo 1 released and ive seen it all! I remember the KZ1 developer hype, HL2 being leaked and then delayed, Far Cry hype, STALKER being delayed forever, the Lair hype, Halo 2/ILoveBees crazyness, Halo 3 hype, LBP being hyped AAAA everywhere, and KZ2 being hyped high AAA to AAAA. Ahhh the good ole days! Now this board is filled with a bunch of "This is why Halo sucks!" threads :roll:
Too many PS3 only owners here now
You haven't been here, you a new poster, but you both are wrong.
KZ1 was indeed hyped up by some rabid cows as a Halo 2 Killer. IT flopped, bad. There was so much ridicule about it, it was years and years of a sorespot for the cows. Cows got pwned. There were various threads on the topic, and the popular :TCHBO! was shouted whenver ownage is needed. You know how cows use RROD to get free ownage? That was KZ1 on PS2, free ownage, to be brought up at anytime. It was years and years of free fun at the expense of those cows. Every fanboy has a sore spot, and KZ1 was the cows sorest spot. It was a huge punishment issue. Outside the internet is one thing, I'm speaking about SW and GS. I'm coming from over 20,000 posts in this place. I was here.
Then Sony finally announced KZ2.
After that, Cows never had the nerve to promote KZ's sequel as a Halo Killer, not again. After those years of ownage? Nope.It was bad.
However Cows did hype KZ2's graphics once they were shown at that E3. Cows hyped KZ2's Looks as an amazing game, and cows hyped KZ2 as a quality game. The cows were laughed at due to the trailer being CGIish, and were constantly owned for bring KZ2 up. Threads of and threads and even more threads of how "fake" the trailer was, definitely sealed the deal on Cows hyping the sequal of a massive flop again.
KZ2 was promoted as a Eyecandy, and the hope it was going to be an excellent game.
This subject is always brought about to try and get ownage, and it always will fail, as it's fanboy's trying to rewrite history for a week year for them(lack of AAAE's and 1st Party will cause this sort of thing).
I've been here a long, long time, and I've seen the KZ's both get born and dealt with here in SW.
The SECOND Post killed this thread, Giancar asked for a LINK, and it wasn't presented.
For the record, there are no KILLER games.
No God of War Killer, Final Fantasy Killer, No Zelda Killer, Halo Killer, No Street Fighter Killer, etc
Also, For the record, The Halo series is the better series (as far as scores), and has phenom sales...and is quite legendary. Doesn't mean other games aren't good though.
[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="SchoolThing"] As far as Im concernec, all PS3 owners hyped it to be the true Halo murderer.lm2f
As far as your concerned? How long have you been around System Wars?
Almost every cow hyped it halo killer after the E3 07 trailer was released.That isn't true, and considering your low posting history, I'm surprised you are making that claim. I just gave a rundown of what it was like...
Click back on wait, I will do it for you.
EDIT : This is for the gentleman above.
"You haven't been here, you a new poster, but you both are wrong.
KZ1 was indeed hyped up by some rabid cows as a Halo 2 Killer. IT flopped, bad. There was so much ridicule about it, it was years and years of a sorespot for the cows. Cows got pwned. There were various threads on the topic, and the popular :TCHBO! was shouted whenver ownage is needed. You know how cows use RROD to get free ownage? That was KZ1 on PS2, free ownage, to be brought up at anytime. It was years and years of free fun at the expense of those cows. Every fanboy has a sore spot, and KZ1 was the cows sorest spot. It was a huge punishment issue. Outside the internet is one thing, I'm speaking about SW and GS. I'm coming from over 20,000 posts in this place. I was here.
Then Sony finally announced KZ2.
After that, Cows never had the nerve to promote KZ's sequel as a Halo Killer, not again. After those years of ownage? Nope.It was bad.
However Cows did hype KZ2's graphics once they were shown at that E3. Cows hyped KZ2's Looks as an amazing game, and cows hyped KZ2 as a quality game. The cows were laughed at due to the trailer being CGIish, and were constantly owned for bring KZ2 up. Threads of and threads and even more threads of how "fake" the trailer was, definitely sealed the deal on Cows hyping the sequal of a massive flop again.
KZ2 was promoted as a Eyecandy, and the hope it was going to be an excellent game.
This subject is always brought about to try and get ownage, and it always will fail, as it's fanboy's trying to rewrite history for a week year for them(lack of AAAE's and 1st Party will cause this sort of thing).
I've been here a long, long time, and I've seen the KZ's both get born and dealt with here in SW.
The SECOND Post killed this thread, Giancar asked for a LINK, and it wasn't presented.
For the record, there are no KILLER games.
No God of War Killer, Final Fantasy Killer, No Zelda Killer, Halo Killer, No Street Fighter Killer, etc
Also, For the record, The Halo series is the better series (as far as scores), and has phenom sales...and is quite legendary. Doesn't mean other games aren't good though."
Yep! Ive been on these boards frequently ever since Halo 1 released and ive seen it all! I remember the KZ1 developer hype, HL2 being leaked and then delayed, Far Cry hype, STALKER being delayed forever, the Lair hype, Halo 2/ILoveBees crazyness, Halo 3 hype, LBP being hyped AAAA everywhere, and KZ2 being hyped high AAA to AAAA. Ahhh the good ole days! Now this board is filled with a bunch of "This is why Halo sucks!" threads :roll:
Too many PS3 only owners here now
You haven't been here, you a new poster, but you both are wrong.
KZ1 was indeed hyped up by some rabid cows as a Halo 2 Killer. IT flopped, bad. There was so much ridicule about it, it was years and years of a sorespot for the cows. Cows got pwned. There were various threads on the topic, and the popular :TCHBO! was shouted whenver ownage is needed. You know how cows use RROD to get free ownage? That was KZ1 on PS2, free ownage, to be brought up at anytime. It was years and years of free fun at the expense of those cows. Every fanboy has a sore spot, and KZ1 was the cows sorest spot. It was a huge punishment issue. Outside the internet is one thing, I'm speaking about SW and GS. I'm coming from over 20,000 posts in this place. I was here.
Then Sony finally announced KZ2.
After that, Cows never had the nerve to promote KZ's sequel as a Halo Killer, not again. After those years of ownage? Nope.It was bad.
However Cows did hype KZ2's graphics once they were shown at that E3. Cows hyped KZ2's Looks as an amazing game, and cows hyped KZ2 as a quality game. The cows were laughed at due to the trailer being CGIish, and were constantly owned for bring KZ2 up. Threads of and threads and even more threads of how "fake" the trailer was, definitely sealed the deal on Cows hyping the sequal of a massive flop again.
KZ2 was promoted as a Eyecandy, and the hope it was going to be an excellent game.
This subject is always brought about to try and get ownage, and it always will fail, as it's fanboy's trying to rewrite history for a week year for them(lack of AAAE's and 1st Party will cause this sort of thing).
I've been here a long, long time, and I've seen the KZ's both get born and dealt with here in SW.
The SECOND Post killed this thread, Giancar asked for a LINK, and it wasn't presented.
For the record, there are no KILLER games.
No God of War Killer, Final Fantasy Killer, No Zelda Killer, Halo Killer, No Street Fighter Killer, etc
Also, For the record, The Halo series is the better series (as far as scores), and has phenom sales...and is quite legendary. Doesn't mean other games aren't good though.
Oh yeah, there is always going to be the occasional Cow that goes undercover to hype a 360 game, or an occasional Lemming that goes undercover to hype a PS3 game.
Fakeboys, you know it.
The trick is to see if the poster is new when you see a thread entitled "OMG! KZ will KILL Halo!" or "OMG Blue Dragon will pwn Final Fantasy!", etc.
But the community at large is not represented by such fakeboys or the occasional oddman out, for sure.
It's like Halo 3:ODST, I can imagine if it got a "8", and a year from now, some Cow makes a thread calling for ownage on Halo ODST being hyped as an AAA. Nope. That's probably going to happen, but that cow would be wrong. For whatever reason, Halo ODST has got AA hype.
CoD4 killed Halo IMO.bobbetybob
yeah right. 1 million players every day is something a "killed" game has? cod4 got big, but not close to Halo 3.
how can a game be killed in your opinion btw? if you think a game is better than another then "killed" isn't the right word to use.
A Halo killer is a bigger/better FPS than Halo as far as I'm concerned, which judging by the amount of hype for MW2 and that for ODST, I'd say CoD is as big a series, if not a bigger series than Halo is. I see what you mean about the killed, but I'm pretty sure that was never what killed meant, I don't think anybody can imagine a game that's suddenly going to stop people playing another game. When were we talking about ODST? It hasn't even come out yet. How can it "kill" anything yet?[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]CoD4 killed Halo IMO.Cyberfairy
yeah right. 1 million players every day is something a "killed" game has? cod4 got big, but not close to Halo 3.
how can a game be killed in your opinion btw? if you think a game is better than another then "killed" isn't the right word to use.
Halo sold like 10 million. 1 million? That'd be the pre-orders alone...Please Log In to post.
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