[QUOTE="110million"][QUOTE="RurouniSaiyajin"] [QUOTE="110million"] No, its not. That interview was cleared up later. When they say "no difference on PC" they mean from every other version DA2 not from DA1. They said it will be the same game on PC and consoles, on PC you can zoom out a little, and when you choose attack, the character attacks automatically instead of having to click a button everytime. That is pretty much all they said in terms of differences.
They removed equipping your partners, and progressing them through a proper skill tree and all that, these things are for every version.
I'm afraid you're misinformed. Everything but the armor of companions is still customizable so that means belts, rings, amulets and weapons are chosen by the player. Also, the player chooses their skills as well. In addition to the usual tree they have access to like dual wielding and such, they now also have a unique tree. In Isabella's case, this unique tree is called the Swashbuckler.
The unique tree stuff sounds like crap, they are re-arranging the menu to make it look more indepth, but its the same crap as before, just limiting your actual tech tree to this "unique tree" to make it look fancier than it actually is. And I don't care about deciding on all the small equips for a companion, that means the majority of what you could equip them with, is gone. Its not like armor was a thing, it was boots, gloves, headgear, body armor. You're putting it all into one category and making a big list out of accessories to make it seem less stupid. My god...Just go to the bioware forum. Their list of all this info there that clears everything up.
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