TC you should try doing some research before putting up such a topic.I dont see any reason that GOW cant be ported to the PS.That article is so BS.That its talking of 256mb of difference between RSx and 360s GPU :D.Did you even know that 360 shares its memory.That means its NEVER even getting above 400mb of ram ! Hell its running even below that.No wonder so far the games which require a kick out of the system lag on the 360 example GTA IV.
Remmember that your link is from a FORUM .You cant quote things from forums :).There are so many thing i can pawn this guy on but i dont want to waste anyones time.
Just know that the MOST demanding game so far was undoubtable CRYSIS.The next KING of the RING is undoubtably FAR CRY 2.In terms of demanding system.The developers of FC2 have clearly stated that PS3 suites their needs !
Forget it looks like a 2 year old forum post by some dumb xbox fanboy...i shouldnt bother reading through it anymore.So far what ever we have seen on PS3,IF NOT BETTER but EQUALLY gud looking to Xbox 360 titles.
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