@Vaasman said:
This game has a dearth of content for a 40 dollar upfront cost, and whether you think those modes are good or not they would at least add some semblance of flavor and variety to some really boring modes. In fact maybe if they wanted to stand out they should have come up with a new or interesting mode. Even Heroes manages to have more variety with it's map objectives, and that game is free to play.
I mean lets be honest, this is clearly not a moba blend. There is no leveling, there are no lanes, there are no mobs, there are no bases. No in or out of game progression other than aesthetics. And the only environmental consideration is bottomless pits to wall off the map.
It's just TF2 style class shooter with a long cooldown, douchey ability for each class. So sue me if I hold it to that standard.
And your argument against bigger teams is nonsensical. If they properly scaled up the maps, 12v12 would be just fine. 6v6 and small, samey maps has no chance of holding my interest, not with so many other shooters on the market.
The game ships with more maps then Battlefield 4 came with. It ships with four game modes for those maps, and twenty-ish different classes who traverse these maps and assault objectives in extremely different ways. It also has interesting and fun off the wall game modes with crazy rules that change weekly to spice things up.
It has way more classes then TF2, and those classes are way more interesting then their TF2 counter parts (Mercy is like the medic, only she can glide, zoom to allies, rez her entire team, and doesn't need to equip special gear to boost ally damage) and it has a weapon verity that few shooters with competitive multiplayer can even dream of matching. I would try to compare it with the likes of Evolve but Evolve isn't as good as TF2.
On top of that, it is a Blizzard game. They are going to keep supporting it, and adding content. There is a very strong chance it will be free content as well. Unlike EA or 2k, they will not send it out to die like Titanfall, Evolve, or Hardline while hyping season passes and paid shortcuts, then enforcing a no refund policy. Overwatch blows the three games listed out of the water already, so saying it lacks content for a $60 game is a bit silly.
Saying it lacks content for a $40 title? Nonsensical would be a good word for this claim, so I will steal it. I am pretty sure we both know it is going to score better then Hardline and Evolve. Class shooters are not for everyone, but disliking a well fleshed out Class based shooter doesn't mean it has a dearth of content. It just means you favor Cod.
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