I very much doubt that TC.
Especially when Rising's lead platform is PS3, why would they shun their main fanbase for the bro gamers on the 360, let alone the pirates on the PC.
As far as I'm concerned, a pirate+bro gamer in one would be a more pleasant thing than a deluded and entitled cow ;)
Sorry, gaming industry is bussiness, Sony doesn't care about you, only for your money. If you stop being a source of revenue, they'll abandon you in a second, and switch to someone else who seems more promising from a bussiness perspective...
You're evidently not too bright, that was the heart of my point in my previous post.
The existing fanbase is present on the PS3 at the moment, the people who will go out of their way to buy this game, Konami know this, so they will seek to fulfil the needs and wants of this group of players FIRST, prioritising them, whilst trying to expand to a wider audience at the same time secondarily.
They also run the risk of pissing off PS3 gamers and damaging their sales, of course.
What previous post? The one where you insult PC and 360 gamers just because a game isn't exclusive anymore? :?
Sorry, I haven't seen any point in that, just insults and feeling of entitlement...
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