@mrxboxone said:
The reason why some are not (CoD and Ryse) is because they don't quite have the system optimized fully to allow more power for game developers. Supposedly there is a lot of power not used and they are going to unlock more of this power with driver updates and optimizing the Kinect OS to unlock that extra 10%.
Personally, I'm not to worried with IGN, eurogamer and now Gamespot proclaiming Ryse as having the best graphics of any next gen game.
What do you guys think, DC or is there some truth to this?
There will be no 10% unlock,that part is reserve for the system snap features and Kinect,if you eliminate that 10% on what it will run.? It takes 10% in the first place because it requires heavy recources compute on Kinect is not done on a separate chip,but on the GPU it self.
And Ryse is all smoek and mirrors is a game very enclosed,with nothing to explore,is build like a fightin game,basically all is non interactive crap.
And last 10% will not make for a 720p to 1080p difference,if that could be achieve by only 10% imagine how much stronger the PS4 would be than the xbox one,is basically 40% stronger.
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