@NFJSupreme said:
I'm looking for this magical PS4 that runs BF4 at max settings at 1080p at a solid 60fps. I can't seem to find one. Maybe he has the one that's had the magic pixie dust sprinkled on it.
Anyway I like how consolites like to mark up the price of PC. You need a monitor (who doesn't have one these days), you need a mouse and keyboard (again who doesn't have one). You need and OS (no you just need a product key but ok sure). If you are going to do that then lets be fair. You are not paying $400 to play BF4 on console. That is a lie. Flat out incorrect statement. The FACT is you are paying $450 this year to play. By next year that cost is $500. Then $550. Then $600. But lets say you plan on playing BF4 till BF5 comes out. That's two years. So it's really $500 minimum to play BF4 not including the price of the actual game. If you are demanding that a monitor and keyboard be included in cost then you HAVE to include the cost of PSN and stop lying to yourself that you only pay $400 to play BF4. So I'm no longer doing $400 dollar PCs. I'm dong $500 PCs. Hell let's include a TV as well for console. Y'all play on teh 60" plasma that you like to brag about right? Surely for you console set up you need a TV. You also need a second controller right? I mean you aren't hermits right? Yeah add $60 more bucks to that. If we want to mark up PC cost lets start marking up console costs.
So where are we at now. $400 for console. $100 for PSN for two years. 200-2000 for TV. $60 for second controller minimum. So we are at $760 MINIMUM for a true console set up over the next two years. Each year after that add $50 to the price. Lets say this generation lasts 5 years that is $910 for that console set up over the life of that consoles generation. Now take that same $910 you will spend and spend it on a PC set up and you will be running laps backwards around "next-gen" consoles. So can we cut the bullshit about this build a "$400" PC to match the PS4 inf BF4. First show me a PS4 that costs $400 to play BF4 on.
Now this is how you damage control...
Go to walmart buy a damn $400 PC and tell me that you can run BF4 on it,most PC sold out there are already build cheap ones are the ones that sold the most period it has been like this for endless year,and they come with all windows,keyboard and mouse,so you wanting to compare the damn price of just a GPU to try to claim PC gaming is cheaper is a joke.
A stand alone GPU does sh** without a PC and most people buy a PC complete not by part,in fact the whole part thing on PC exist because PC need constant repairing as well,and since they were so expensive on the early days,it was better to buy a floppy drive to replace it than to buy a new PC for a damn floppy drive.
You can build your own PC most people don't and my first PC wasn't build and cost me $800 alone no monitor no GPU an HP back on the 90's,my first GPU like $180 an Ati Rage,i am not new to the world of PC and building one,i could save the OS sure,fact is you are not even allow to install windows on a second PC if you don't have an additional license yeah that is call piracy,you may as well walk out of the store and not pay for it.
I would not add the price of a monitor to a PC in fact i have mine hooked to my 42 inch TV,and i browse the internet from my couch.
But if you are going to add every stupid thing for consoles should i bring the money i save by having a console that use way less electricity than my PC.?
Because a year alone on a titan would more than make for PSN+ i am sure.
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