Actually no, Its a decade old classic campaign thats been rebuilt, and despite its age, is still better than 99% other FPSs out there. What you people seem to forget is that Halo is the game that launched dual analgoue shooters, its the game that started the console FPS craze and since then the controls have barely evolved at all. Halo being a 10 year old game means nothing, its a modern classic and not only holds up well to todays shooters but actually betters them.
You're talking out your *** if you think this should retail for $15. Do some research buddy before embarrassing yourself.
BTW, ODST. 9.0. Get over it.
When did I say that Halo: Combat Evolved wasn't revolutionary for it's time?
When did I ever complain about ODST's score?
Did you even read my post? I don't think a polished decade old campaign and a incomplete version of a multiplayer that's already been released a year ago warrant a price tag above $15. Anymore would just be ridiculous and shameless milkage. No need to get angry.
You called it a "decade old campaign" implying it has aged badly, when it hasn't at all. Age is irrelevant to the discussion.
You said ODST shouldnt have retailed over $20 when it was an AAA game that delivered a brilliant new campaign, a brand new multiplayer mode and the entire Halo3 multiplayer. Maybe it wasn't worth the $60, but you are really reaching if you think thats worth $20. Idiots pay $60 for games like god of war 3 that provides a 9 hour campaign and nothing else.
Anyway no its not ridiculous or shameless milkage. This is just people who love finding new ways to bash the Halo franchise. halo > you.
You seem to be under the impression that I'm just a mindless fanboy bashing Halo for no reason. Look at my ratings - Halo: Combat Evolved is one of my highest rated games, and I also gave Halo 2 a 9.0. I have been a fan of the franchise for a very long time, but that doesn't make me a sap who will just mindlessly hand over my money for any old game with a new coat of paint that's released.
Let me put it this way - Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game of all time, but if Capcom "remade" it with little to no improvements other than technical aspects, I wouldn't pay over $20 for it. That's just how I am. The quality of Halo ODST isn't the issue. In terms of content it was severely lacking and I found the original $60 pricetag to be ridiculous.
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