So what is the greatest JRPG of all time? I will tally votes here. I know it can be tough to pick just 1, but if you list more then one I'll just count the first one you mention.
Votes so far
Final Fantasy 6 (4 votes)
Xenogears (5 votes)
Pokemon (3 votes)
Final Fantasy 7 (6 votes)
Lost Odyssey (3 votes)
shin megami tensei nocturne (2 votes)
Persona 3 (3 votes)
Chrono Trigger (5 vote)
Super Mario RPG (1 vote)
phantasy star the end of the millenium (1 vote)
Final Fantasy 9 (2 vote)
Dragon Quest 8 (3 votes)
Skies of Arcadia (2 votes)
Final Fantasy 8 (1 vote)
Final Fantasy 10 (2 votes)
Tales of Vesperia (1 vote)
Earthbound (1 vote)
Grandia (1 vote)
Xenoblade (1 vote)
Disgaea (1 vote)
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (1 vote)
Mother 3 (1 vote)
Tales of the Abyss (1 vote)
Breath of Fire 3 (1 vote)
Golden Sun: the Lost Age (1 vote)
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