I found it to be one of the more engaging parts of the game, and really made for some interesting customization.FF8 has gorgeous art design, but I disliked the junction system.
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I found it to be one of the more engaging parts of the game, and really made for some interesting customization.FF8 has gorgeous art design, but I disliked the junction system.
[QUOTE="Pikachu69er"][QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"]Pokemon HG/SSIAmNot_fun
EFFF YOU! Pokemon is an RPG
And made in Japan, therefore JRPG. It's not that hard to understand.It's Bigger in the west then it is in japan, and if you knew anything about a jrpg you would know it's linear and story driven, while rpg's are more open and that's what pokemon is.
Xenogears. Next question.
I've been playing Xenogears. 30 hours in and it's not doing it for me. I hear so many great things about it. Maybe it wraps up well?
If you have played 30 hours and still don't like it then forget it. When you get to the last disc you will kill yourself.
And made in Japan, therefore JRPG. It's not that hard to understand.[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"][QUOTE="Pikachu69er"]
EFFF YOU! Pokemon is an RPG
Has all the cliche's of a JRPG, too.
Young kid ventures out, collects party members, random encounters in certain areas, ends up saving the planet or destroying some evil organization through "the power or friendship and teamwork", plus cute and furry animals. It's just not a JRPG without at least 1 cute and furry animal.
RPG's are usually more open ended with more choice making and character interaction
JRPG's generally follow a linear story line with story driven characters. They are also usually turn based games. Usually they are told more like a story or movie.
you know nothing, plus pokemon is bigger in the west
And made in Japan, therefore JRPG. It's not that hard to understand.[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"][QUOTE="Pikachu69er"]
EFFF YOU! Pokemon is an RPG
It's Bigger in the west then it is in japan, and if you knew anything about a jrpg you would know it's linear and story driven, while rpg's are more open and that's what pokemon is.
the "J" in JRPG stands for "Japanese". This is not a genre defining connotation, the "J" only means that the RPG comes from Japan.
[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"] And made in Japan, therefore JRPG. It's not that hard to understand.Gue1
It's Bigger in the west then it is in japan, and if you knew anything about a jrpg you would know it's linear and story driven, while rpg's are more open and that's what pokemon is.
the "J" in JRPG stands for "Japanese". This is not a genre defining connotation, the "J" only means that the RPG comes from Japan.
I think you're being trolled.:lol: You know nothing about RPGs, do you? JRPG is a sub-genre of RPG. There cannot be a JRPG that isn't an RPG. A JRPG is simply a Japanese Role Playing Game. And Pokemon fits that perfectly.It's Bigger in the west then it is in japan, and if you knew anything about a jrpg you would know it's linear and story driven, while rpg's are more open and that's what pokemon is.
[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"] And made in Japan, therefore JRPG. It's not that hard to understand.Pikachu69er
Has all the cliche's of a JRPG, too.
Young kid ventures out, collects party members, random encounters in certain areas, ends up saving the planet or destroying some evil organization through "the power or friendship and teamwork", plus cute and furry animals. It's just not a JRPG without at least 1 cute and furry animal.
RPG's are usually more open ended with more choice making and character interaction
JRPG's generally follow a linear story line with story driven characters. They are also usually turn based games. Usually they are told more like a story or movie.
you know nothing, plus pokemon is bigger in the west
You did basically just describe Pokemon. It's not as flashy as Final Fanasy or Xenogears, but it's a turn-based RPG with characters that have backstory and change over the course of the game (or "story-driven), like N or Silver.
I know Pokemon. I've been an avid player since 1998. I don't care if it's bigger in the West. It's a Japanese RPG with JRPG elements. It's a JRPG.
I wish they would put that on the Virtual Console.
Xenogears. Next question.
I've been playing Xenogears. 30 hours in and it's not doing it for me. I hear so many great things about it. Maybe it wraps up well?
If you have played 30 hours and still don't like it then forget it. When you get to the last disc you will kill yourself.
That sucks. You know the only JRPGs I really enjoyed were FF6,4,7 and chrono trigger. Vlakeria Cronicles as well but that's an srpg. I've put in a lot of time playing JRPGs trying to find one that has that FF6 "magic". But they've all fallen short. Enjoying Persona 3 though got it on PSN. Not quite up there with FF6.
FF6 was just so fleshed out. So many characters yet each had a great unique story, and the music? Amazing. FF7 had a geat story too but the ending fell flat and the music not nearly as good. Other JRPGs have been a little too Jpop anime'd out for me. Not that I mind Japanese art or music, in fact I quite enjoy it but FF6 was a great game because it was a great game. Not because it was Japanese. Hoping to find some good suggestions here but the inherent problem with the genere is it can take hours and hours of investment to be able to determine if it's a good game.
Is pokemon JRPG? I think so..... I votes pokemanz
It is a JRPG.
I found it to be one of the more engaging parts of the game, and really made for some interesting customization.[QUOTE="GreySeal9"]
FF8 has gorgeous art design, but I disliked the junction system.
The problem about the JS is that it's broken. A few years ago I played it and what I'm about to say it's true; I killed every enemy in the game with a single strike. And those that took more than one I just used the trick of low health for infinite limit break. And this is not glitching, all of this is legal and very easy is just that people never fully understand how to work the "JS" but once you understand it you realize how stupidly broken the entire battle system is.
At the very beginning when you get Quetzacol, Ifrit and Shiva you go to the beach and start killing fish because these provide the most AP for the least EXP. You just need to develop the 3 abilities that let you convert magic to more powerful one and then you start drawing fire, thunder and blizzard to convert it to fira and the other lvl 2 magic. You junction that to the Attack and 'voala!'. You already are powerful enough to kill most enemies and bosses with just one hit until around the end of the second disc.
Later in the game when you can get lvl2 magic more easily then you turn it into lvl3 (firaga) and again,unstoppable. You will not do 9999 damage if you don't have Ultima or Triple but who cares when you already are powerful enough and have the infinite limit breaks.
you can put me down for Breath of Fire III as my favorite.
I also want to point out that it is possible for people to have ff7 as one of their favorite jrpgs they've played. You're hating the popularity it has, more than you hate the actual game, because ff7 is the same, or more than most of the other under-the-radar jrpg that nobody ever says are garbage.
[QUOTE="GeoffZak"]You made a typo , bro.Tales of the Abyss
I-..I don't get it...I meant to type Tales of the Abyss. XD
Tales of Vesperia is a really great game, but Tales of the Abyss is better.
I'm not sure what it is about Vesperia, but the combat system isn't nearly as much fun as the Abyss's combat system.
I feel like Tales of Vesperia wasn't as challenging as Tales of the Abyss.
And Tales of the Abyss has a better story.
I've been playing Xenogears. 30 hours in and it's not doing it for me. I hear so many great things about it. Maybe it wraps up well?
If you have played 30 hours and still don't like it then forget it. When you get to the last disc you will kill yourself.
That sucks. You know the only JRPGs I really enjoyed were FF6,4,7 and chrono trigger. Vlakeria Cronicles as well but that's an srpg. I've put in a lot of time playing JRPGs trying to find one that has that FF6 "magic". But they've all fallen short. Enjoying Persona 3 though got it on PSN. Not quite up there with FF6.
FF6 was just so fleshed out. So many characters yet each had a great unique story, and the music? Amazing. FF7 had a geat story too but the ending fell flat and the music not nearly as good. Other JRPGs have been a little too Jpop anime'd out for me. Not that I mind Japanese art or music, in fact I quite enjoy it but FF6 was a great game because it was a great game. Not because it was Japanese. Hoping to find some good suggestions here but the inherent problem with the genere is it can take hours and hours of investment to be able to determine if it's a good game.
The reason why he says this is because after Disc 1 they ran out of time or money and had to summarize certain parts of the game and do time jumps, then the game starts up again.
It really depends on what you don't like about Xenogears at that point. The story moves on to much, much bigger things than a conflict between two countries in a desert region. I really encourage you to keep going. Disc 2 is a gameplay lapse, but it's not necessarily a story lapse considering the plot gets better and better.
Most would say Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI (older fans), or Final Fantasy VII (younger fans). As for myself I'll throw my hat in the ring for the original Grandia.
No game before or since has created such an excellent world history to explore and it still has one of the all-time best combat systems in JRPGs (I'd probably give a slight edge to Grandia II on that front though). The thing about Grandia's world is that there are numerous complex and believable cultures with their own mythologies, but each of them are related to and provide additional insight into the actual story behind fall and the big bad.
Many would disparage how linear the game is, but unlike many other linear games it has quite a few areas to explore and secrets to find, even some secrets within secrets. The linearity allows it to focus in better on the story, but it doesn't make the world feel small. The few points where you can no longer return give a sense of consequence to your actions and it has a mature story in the sense that your enemies have shades of gray and that the good guys can have bad things happen to them, and not just in the typical "my village was attacked" way either.
It came out near the same time as Final Fantasy VII and it suffered because it has a little bit of a slow buildup and looks to be very childish at first, but it is IMO a more mature and well-developed game than Final Fantasy VII, plus it ages far, far better thanks both to its art, the better combat, and the lack of random encounters.
Xenoblade. And I'm not even finished. It has the best game world I have ever had the joy to experiance.
you can put me down for Breath of Fire III as my favorite.
I also want to point out that it is possible for people to have ff7 as one of their favorite jrpgs they've played. You're hating the popularity it has, more than you hate the actual game, because ff7 is the same, or more than most of the other under-the-radar jrpg that nobody ever says are garbage.
Wow, how did I not think of BoF III? I've never completed it because I never did figure out how to get across the desert at the end (maybe I'm stupid), but the apprenticeship system and skill ink were great things that I wish they had in other JRPG franchises. Fishing and some of the other side activities were also surprisingly great.
As for Final Fantasy VII, I'll certainly acknowledge that it's possible for it to be peoples' favorite, but I would suggest that it is more due to a lack of experience with the genre rather than the game's own merits. It was a great game for the time and quite a bit different mood-wise from much of what was out around then, but going back and playing it now it is INCREDIBLY antiquated in ways and I don't just mean the graphics. Meanwhile much of what made it unique is anything but now. The game is still huge, but that is one of the only ways it stands out now IMO.
no one voted for dragon quest 8? Lol oh my... Greatest - dragon quest 8 and pokemon red/bluecampzor
There were a couple of votes earlier for DQ 8 (personally I don't get the appeal all that much, but to each their own).
As for Pokemon, you might be able to say that Red/Blue had a better story than Gold/Silver, but it wasn't truly open-ended given the issues with making money once you'd beaten all the trainers in the game. While it's true that you could make money with Pay Day and by re-battling the Elite 4, unless your team was VERY highly leveled you'd usually spend more beating the Elite 4 than you made off them and Pay Day took ages.
FFX because it was the first JRPG I've played. Played it 8 years ago and I can still remember most parts of the story. FFX is truly an amazing game.
FFX because it was the first JRPG I've played. Played it 8 years ago and I can still remember most parts of the story. FFX is truly an amazing game.
FFX has amazing visual design, a good story (even tho it has awkward voice acting), an amazing world and atmosphere, the best music I've ever heard in a video game, and a fairly decent combat system (for the time), but I'd argue that it laid the basis for the main problem with FFXIII, which was being overly linear. Still, FFX handled its linearity better than FFXIII did.
[QUOTE="campzor"]no one voted for dragon quest 8? Lol oh my... Greatest - dragon quest 8 and pokemon red/blueAidenfury19
There were a couple of votes earlier for DQ 8 (personally I don't get the appeal all that much, but to each their own).
As for Pokemon, you might be able to say that Red/Blue had a better story than Gold/Silver, but it wasn't truly open-ended given the issues with making money once you'd beaten all the trainers in the game. While it's true that you could make money with Pay Day and by re-battling the Elite 4, unless your team was VERY highly leveled you'd usually spend more beating the Elite 4 than you made off them and Pay Day took ages.
or u could just cheat like the rest of the population :PXenogears, but only for its story. The depth and the well thought out interactions between the characters and the complex plot woven by religious & psychological themes make it, by far, the greatest story ever made in a JRPG. A story describing thousands of years of history and the origins of God. There is simply nothing that comes close. The downsides to this magnificient game are the mediocre VA in cutscenes, the horribly tedious random encounters and the decent combat system (it's very good at first, but once you unlock every combo, it gets repetitive). The only game that rivals, arguably surpasses Xenogears is Planescape Torment.
Then there's Chrono Trigger, for its wonderful charm. Its story and characters are simplistic, it's a very short JRPG, but that simplicity is what makes it one of the best. The fact that it's short makes its 10+ different endings something that anyone could discover. The characters have immense charm, and the simplistic story makes it easy to understand. It's, by far, the best JRPG of the 16 bit era, and it shows, because it's ageless.
You probably wont say Xenoblade once you finish it; unless you're somehow liking the last quarter of it. - I am gonna hand it to Chrono Trigger. It holds up so well, you could port the game for ages and it'll stand its ground of greatness.Xenoblade. And I'm not even finished. AdamPA1006
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