I like it so far, but not as much as UC2. The gameplay feels different from UC2; it's slower and feels a little sluggish. The little cutscenes before the match actually starts is nice, and the airplane level is pretty fun. Customization is great, and the new features are also great - but a few need some tweaking.
The Power-play is cool addition since it makes the match more interesting. However, it can be unbalanced at time. In one game, I was marked as the VP, then we were visible by the opposing and then the opposing team can do double damage. The opposing team caught up and beat us because of that. Complete BS.
Spawing is a little off at times. In two occasions, I spawned right behind the enemy team, and I was able to take out three with a grenade before they killed me. I overheard one of the guys saying, "Where the f- did he come from?" LOL!
I also like that the teams are more balanced now. The thing I hated about UC2's multiplayer was that the teams were sometimes unbalanced. Sometimes, one time would have a bunch of players about lvl 20, while the other team consisted of either single digit players or players lower than 20 and with one player above 20. All the games I've played in the beta so far have had balanced teams.
Haven't tried co-op yet, but I'll give it a whirl sometime tonight.
Yeah Uncharted 3 has a more weighty feel to it, it took me by suprise at first , but yet its still faster and smoother then Gears at least, and after playing some more of the beta I'm really diggin it. Some more refinement and it will be awesome Im so loving the power plays too. Its keeps things interesting and most of the time it keeps matches competitve It brings a whole new dynamic to the game. loving the kickbacks too. In my experience its been beautifully balanced. Of course there are still refinements and improvements left to be made, remember ND has 5 months, but thats what betas are for, so things can only get better from here on out. Keep playing and enjoying that beta! It's it going to be here for a couple weeks!
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