Right, I am going to write something really unpopular right now.
X1 Won't fail. Part of the reason that it will not fail is the following:
1) The X1 is shunned by the "core gamers" that will be you, me and most other people on sites like this, but the sad truth is that people like us are one of the smallest minorities of the gaming consumer. IF initial sales fail, MS will simply apply dumping prices to the console, and you will have to watch as sales explode. The livingroom is by far the area which has the most revenue in the house. For any kind of 3rd Party the cost can break a company, but Box manufactors DO make profit on near everything. Also if the sub model is true, then cable companies will likely push consumers for an X1. Since most of the consumers are not like people on here (for reference look at the Wii sales), they will buy it with little or no question, most families with smaller children will opt for an x1 over a PS4 at a lower pricepoint. Kids are more expensive then anyone can imagine (except if they have kids).
2) The X1 does not really feel like it aims soley at the Gamers, basicly I thik the X1 can be quite popular and profitable as an entertainment box alone, it even felt like gamers were not the target for most of what they did with it. it is a mass consumer general entertainment box. (For us here, it is pretty much multimedia pc minus the freedom of choice, for most of the world that is appealing, and less frightening).
3) Alot of people are stupid. No I am not calling people here stupid, even those who like the X1, this is not really aimed at one group, but people in general. Buy enough adverticement on shows people watch, and spend enough money on adverts and people will consider the X1 the next comming. A huge jump in tech which the world have never seen (despite it is barely what weve had access to for the last 10 years). But the majority will be influenced enough, and not do any research into th rather draconic areas of the X1s consumer practices. Even if we all stood and yelled that no one should ever buy one, our voices would simply be drowned out, not be heard under the huge marketing machine.
4) MS always have the "Apple Route" Apple spent alot of cash on pretty much unfounded smear campaigns against all other PC brands by making false claims, and pretty much quietly taking the hits in the courtrooms in the world. How many of you still think that apple produces the most durable pieces of tech? They do not, not in PCs, in phones, or even the MP3 players. It is not more secure (infact it is quite easy to hack, there is an european hacking contest every year, and Apple tends to be one of the first to get cracked at these security contests) Nevertheless, this is not an anti apple thread (Alot of corperations do this ther eare very few ethical corperations in the world), but merely to point out something which works rather well for MS if the sales are low.
Unrelates: Since this is just for this gen, this is unrelated. But MS will not leave the livingroom area fight. Again due to the revenue one can garner. I think that MS would gladly suffer 10 years of bleeding cash on the X1, if only they can stay in the buisness, in a worst case, they can pretty much in 10 years, go on stage, and say "yeah We done goofed, but now we are doing right" and people will love them. Just Look at Sony this Gen, pretty much the exact same thing. Doing something like this, might cause an explosive following.
So let me see if I get this right the most expensive and least powerful console with the most restrictions is the best console ??
Sorry I call bs on that. Now if the ps4 had no games then just maybe the spybox would have a shot but that is not the case. Hell if the wii u drops down to 300 and gets some games then most likely the x1 will be in last place. IMO the x1 has the least value out of the big three.
Oh make no mistake, none of the points I made were points as to how the X1 would "win" such terms do not really exist outside of sites like these.
The points I made were about the sad facts that MS has more then enough chances to get the X1 moving by truckloads.
As you might have noticed on the points they do not apply to anyone visiting sites like this on a regular basis, the people the industry like to refer to as "core gamers." I assure that if MS starts a pricedump on their consoles the image will shift fast, most people never reads small print, and so far every generation of consoles the victor have been determined on pricepoint basicly. The average Joe will speed out and pick up one of these "great deals"
If you were sharp and read through the points they are not exactly praise for MS, quite the opposite, as well as a general critique of the average consumer. I would hate to see the X1 be sucessful at any stretch, but I am not so foolish as to belive that MS will simply roll over, just wait for the hordes of soccer wives stampeding out to buy them when their favorite shows have demonstrations and hosts "up in arms of how good it is".
In truth even if we look at the much feared smear campaign that MS could pull, they need look no further then this gen to get alot of good ammo against Sony (breaking promises, huge security breach and so on).
I predict a very ugly COnsole Generation where the gloves are off,
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