[QUOTE="kcpp2b"][QUOTE="comstrikeiscool"]Wow. First of all, making a gaming site would require me to basically start a business with paid employers which I am in no position to do so. As far as bashing, I never bashed. I asked the question of "What makes Halo 3 so epic?" Red the original post. Thanks, have a nice. day.
Dude we've seen this a million times nice try. People do this once a every couple of days. Pretend to wanna ask and talk about why Halo is looked at as amazing but it's done only to get people here so you can bash it without getting modded for doing so. We weren't born yesterday dude it's been done a million times and you're a million and one.
And btw...saying Halo is only popular because of Marketing is 100% bashing and trolling / flamebait.
Halo has huge sales, amazing Ratings for AAA and up for 3 games making it a AAA franchise. Yet it's the Marketing right?
Well by your very very wrong and absurd theory shouldn't "Snakes on a Plane" have made $500 Million at the box office and break records?
Hey "Dude," I'm not pretending about anything. I play fps games competitively on pc and was curious as to why Halo 3 was so good compared to other fps's. So please, don't jump to conclusion. As for Snakes on a Plane, that's a movie in a different field of entertainment.
this is my theory on why it is such a good game (sorry if i spell like crap i have been up for 2 days playing halo3) there is nothing indavidually spectacular about the game, every aspect of it is only average but it is the way that bungie put it together that makes it so much fun and makes the game get such great reviews, but compared to other games its not the best
gameplay isnt better than HL2
graphics arent better than crysis
online cant touch counterstrke in terms of longevity and awsome-ness
but it is the the game that has the higehst leve of all of them at once, most games are the best at one but not the rest (crysis seens to be the BEST in all by far but only time will tell)
anyway, i hope my theory provides some help to you now im going to bed
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