Latest feature preveiw from Gamespot!!!!
New IGN videos shown! High resolution and X-Box graphics for all those that care. :P The Feburary 2nd ones are the ones you should look at. :wink:
First off, if I'm wrong feel free to bookmark this and claim ownage if you want. I could care less. :) I really like it and will buy it, only if it's above A. (Which is good for a 3D Sonic game.) If not I give up on Sonic. :( So here is what I'm hyping - High A (Meaning 7.5 to 7.9.) to low AA. (Meaning 8-8.3.) I'm being catious due to the fact it's a Sonic game. :P
Also I am not a sheep. I have a PS2 and I am planning on buying a 360 or PS3 one day. I say this because I know someone will call me that in a future post.
This game is currently going to come out in 20 days from now in the U.S. so I figured I could start I hype thread on what we know. :) So this is my little attempt to hype people for the game. :) Link for reference.
This game was built up SPECIFICALLY with the Wii in mind and has been so for the past 2 years. :) Now how can this be bad? Answer, it can't. I hope to see more ground up titles soon from third party developers.
-Sonic and the Secret Rings has been in production for approximately two years-
And being built off Wii hardware it looks nice too. (I know someone will bash these. :roll: But thats what you get for being in a forum of haters and fanboys. :) I'll take the risk. )
If you know where there are better screens then these, please tell me. :wink:
Videos of game in action here! : The ones from Janurary 19th are the most recent.
New trailer by Famistu!
Decent quality:
Excellent quality from Famistu themselves: Click on Sega logo.
Credit to last 2 links goes to magiciandude. :) You rock! 8)
70 different missions, with 40 party games (These aren't much to be excited about. :P ). Up to 10 hours to complete game, excluding unloakable. (Which there is a lot of. :) )
The story begins with Sonic turning the pages of the forbidden>
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