Bring back Jet Moto! Perfect for local co-op!
sadly for sony, 2017 will be the year of the switch and scorpio.
Unfortunately for Scorpio, 2017 will be the year of the exclusives. Between PS4 and Switch, only the most ardent among the XBox fanbase will be given any reason to upgrade to Scorpio.
Hopefully something else decent comes out other then Horizon Zero Dawn because G.G. ain't made anything good in a long time ... I really wanna play that Days Gone game hopefully it comes out this year
Hopefully something else decent comes out other then Horizon Zero Dawn because G.G. ain't made anything good in a long time ... I really wanna play that Days Gone game hopefully it comes out this year
probably in 2019
You should look at NiOh.
A lot of the usual suspects making their rounds. My question is, where's the Xbox Hype thread for the year?
I think the more reasonable question is why does any system need a hype thread for the year? Games are coming for everything, it doesn't really matter...
Why not? Why not showcase what each platform is getting and be excited for it instead of just dumping on a certain set?
In case you missed!
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
Sony didn't even fund Shenmue 3 when they knew it's what their fanbase wanted the most in their own words. They couldn't even risk $2-10M at most and cows brag about their risk taking ability. What a joke!
There are 1st person games and there are 3rd person games, being third person is literally irrelevant when comparing games. Seriously, you're saying games are the same because of third person, cinematic = it has a well developed plot and game design.
None of the games had any 'well defined' plot. All were cliche and the game design is non-existent. All they had is full of cinematics and onrails sequences with press 'X' to win gameplay that even a chimp can complete in a single playthrough.
Spider-Man? Why are you saying lol? It's literally one of the most anticipated games across the board, but there will be a lot of action in that game and spider-man games are typically rather free roamish with a focus on gameplay.
Was there ever a good SpiderMan game? Forget that, was there ever a good superhero comic game apart from Batman Arkham series? It's only getting hype because of 'Only on Playstation' label and because it's published by Sony. If it was a multiplat no one will give a shit about another lol SpiderMan trash. Oh, and Sony's iteration again focussing extensively on cinematics. The trailer is there for everyone to see.
Can we even say death stranding is 3rd person yet or that it's action? We wimply know it's action.
Only that Kojima confirmed it's like Uncharted and we all know how much Kojima is obsessed with cinematics. If there was any doubt, the two pre-rendered trailers should provide a clue about the shit.
Is days gone cinematic? Seems pretty damn open world sandboxy.
It isn't then what was the opening sequence of the demo at E3? Why was he wondering aimlessly and examining objects? Oh and where did it was confirmed that it's open world? It's another cinematic bullshit with zombies.
See, that's your problem, you think third person is a genre, it's not. There is also the fact that action is a disgustingly large umbrella term, almost all game in existence is action, also you only really listed the cinematic games anyway.
Third Person is a genre but that in it self is not a problem. The problem is Sony's brand of same copy-paste third person cinematic action template like Ubisoft.
So, are they cinematic games or not because in the first paragraph of your post you argue about it being a diverse lineup of games and now you are agreeing that they are all copy-pasted cinematic bullshit. Make up your mind.
You're ignoring games like world of final fantasy (a turn based pokemon style game), Ace Combat 7, Gran Turismo Sport, Alienation, Nex Machina, Resogun, etc etc.
LEL, not funded or published by Sony apart from GT or Resogun. Again examples that Sony is the one that's playing extremely safe.
1st person is only really good for stealth games or shooters (or shooters or something)
WTF! 1st person can be used for variety of genres: puzzle, platforming, stealth, RPG pretty much everything but what it isn't good for is cinematic onrails experience hence Sony avoids it.
See, your argument is one made out of logical argument, it's one out of reaching for anything you can get desperately because you are a fanboy.
LOL, Sony drones couldn't refute anything and writing bullshit to defend their overlords while prentending that Sony is not following the UC2 formula like Ubisoft and copy-paste all their games.
@zeeshanhaider: Get back to me when you aren't a trolling toolbag, we can talk then.
Not interested because you talk out of Sony's a**.
They want to talk about software because they are running from them he hardware discussion I wonder why...
Because they have no new hardware to market in 2017?
How is a discussion of their games bad? It might be bad to people who don't like games.
Those are the lemmings
sadly for sony, 2017 will be the year of the switch and scorpio.
Unfortunately for Scorpio, 2017 will be the year of the exclusives. Between PS4 and Switch, only the most ardent among the XBox fanbase will be given any reason to upgrade to Scorpio.
People don't buy consoles for exclusives. Just look at the data, nothing remotely points to the fact that people buy consoles for exclusives. They buy it to play games (most of them multi-platform), and to play with friends (so they buy what the others buy). Exclusives are only important for a few people. You think PS4 sold so much in the beginning due to their exclusives like Knack? It was hype, friends, and power.
sadly for sony, 2017 will be the year of the switch and scorpio.
Unfortunately for Scorpio, 2017 will be the year of the exclusives. Between PS4 and Switch, only the most ardent among the XBox fanbase will be given any reason to upgrade to Scorpio.
People don't buy consoles for exclusives. Just look at the data, nothing remotely points to the fact that people buy consoles for exclusives. They buy it to play games (most of them multi-platform), and to play with friends (so they buy what the others buy). Exclusives are only important for a few people. You think PS4 sold so much in the beginning due to their exclusives like Knack? It was hype, friends, and power.
Of course exclusives matter. The PS4 was successful because people knew Sony will focus on high quality exclusives like they did with the PS3 even though they came late (the PS3 had power in the beginning and people didn't buy it, when it started delivering games it started to sell and outsold the 360). Meanwhile people knew MS was going to focus on a gimmick like Kinect, the triad HaloGearsForza and probably abandon support quite fast like they usually do. People trust Sony with games because Sony delivers games.
sadly for sony, 2017 will be the year of the switch and scorpio.
Unfortunately for Scorpio, 2017 will be the year of the exclusives. Between PS4 and Switch, only the most ardent among the XBox fanbase will be given any reason to upgrade to Scorpio.
People don't buy consoles for exclusives. Just look at the data, nothing remotely points to the fact that people buy consoles for exclusives. They buy it to play games (most of them multi-platform), and to play with friends (so they buy what the others buy). Exclusives are only important for a few people. You think PS4 sold so much in the beginning due to their exclusives like Knack? It was hype, friends, and power.
Of course exclusives matter. The PS4 was successful because people knew Sony will focus on high quality exclusives like they did with the PS3 even though they came late (the PS3 had power in the beginning and people didn't buy it, when it started delivering games it started to sell and outsold the 360). Meanwhile people knew MS was going to focus on a gimmick like Kinect, the triad HaloGearsForza and probably abandon support quite fast like they usually do. People trust Sony with games because Sony delivers games.
All wrong, but keep trying. Too easy
Once they don't give us crappy movie games I am all for it.
You are stretching and that makes you look sad.
Is he.? How much did Quantum Flop took to arrived to stores.? 3 years...
It was announce in CG form on E3 2013 the xbox wasn't even launch and landed last year,Crackdown,scalebound also 3 years IF they make it out this year,fable cancel.. come one man.
sadly for sony, 2017 will be the year of the switch and scorpio.
Unfortunately for Scorpio, 2017 will be the year of the exclusives. Between PS4 and Switch, only the most ardent among the XBox fanbase will be given any reason to upgrade to Scorpio.
People don't buy consoles for exclusives. Just look at the data, nothing remotely points to the fact that people buy consoles for exclusives. They buy it to play games (most of them multi-platform), and to play with friends (so they buy what the others buy). Exclusives are only important for a few people. You think PS4 sold so much in the beginning due to their exclusives like Knack? It was hype, friends, and power.
Of course exclusives matter. The PS4 was successful because people knew Sony will focus on high quality exclusives like they did with the PS3 even though they came late (the PS3 had power in the beginning and people didn't buy it, when it started delivering games it started to sell and outsold the 360). Meanwhile people knew MS was going to focus on a gimmick like Kinect, the triad HaloGearsForza and probably abandon support quite fast like they usually do. People trust Sony with games because Sony delivers games.
All wrong, but keep trying. Too easy
I've asked this for years, and not one single lem has had an answer. So, here we go again. . .
If exclusives didn't matter, then how come the PS3 caught up with the 360 and surpassed it after Kinect came out?
All wrong, but keep trying. Too easy
I've asked this for years, and not one single lem has had an answer. So, here we go again. . .
If exclusives didn't matter, then how come the PS3 caught up with the 360 and surpassed it after Kinect came out?
First of all, it never surpassed the 360, but I'll answer the other part of your question.
You are making some mistakes in your logic, you are pretending that the users of PS3, and Xbox 360 are one and the same. This is not the case. This is about population, and the reason why PS3 got close to the Xbox 360 is because the brand has always been stronger in the world (except USA). There are indeed people that first bought a Xbox 360, and then a PS3, but many more only bought the PS3. Why the PS3? Because they know the brand better, they might have had a PS2, their friends had a PS3, and so on. Nothing is pointing in the directions of exclusives.
When you look at the list of most sold games (retail, and digital) for a console. What is always coming out on top? Multi-platform games. I know a lot of people that only buy multi-platform games, I mostly buy multi-platform games. When you look at sales, then nothing is saying that people buy consoles for the exclusives, else the exclusives would sell way better.
All wrong, but keep trying. Too easy
I've asked this for years, and not one single lem has had an answer. So, here we go again. . .
If exclusives didn't matter, then how come the PS3 caught up with the 360 and surpassed it after Kinect came out?
First of all, it never surpassed the 360, but I'll answer the other part of your question.
You are making some mistakes in your logic, you are pretending that the users of PS3, and Xbox 360 are one and the same. This is not the case. This is about population, and the reason why PS3 got close to the Xbox 360 is because the brand has always been stronger in the world (except USA). There are indeed people that first bought a Xbox 360, and then a PS3, but many more only bought the PS3. Why the PS3? Because they know the brand better, they might have had a PS2, their friends had a PS3, and so on. Nothing is pointing in the directions of exclusives.
When you look at the list of most sold games (retail, and digital) for a console. What is always coming out on top? Multi-platform games. I know a lot of people that only buy multi-platform games, I mostly buy multi-platform games. When you look at sales, then nothing is saying that people buy consoles for the exclusives, else the exclusives would sell way better.
Okay, fine, I'll take it on the nose and say my logic has mistakes.
What is the incentive for people to buy a machine for multiplats if the console that does have exclusives will have more players due to people who do buy consoles for their exclusives?
I've asked this for years, and not one single lem has had an answer. So, here we go again. . .
If exclusives didn't matter, then how come the PS3 caught up with the 360 and surpassed it after Kinect came out?
First of all, it never surpassed the 360, but I'll answer the other part of your question.
You are making some mistakes in your logic, you are pretending that the users of PS3, and Xbox 360 are one and the same. This is not the case. This is about population, and the reason why PS3 got close to the Xbox 360 is because the brand has always been stronger in the world (except USA). There are indeed people that first bought a Xbox 360, and then a PS3, but many more only bought the PS3. Why the PS3? Because they know the brand better, they might have had a PS2, their friends had a PS3, and so on. Nothing is pointing in the directions of exclusives.
When you look at the list of most sold games (retail, and digital) for a console. What is always coming out on top? Multi-platform games. I know a lot of people that only buy multi-platform games, I mostly buy multi-platform games. When you look at sales, then nothing is saying that people buy consoles for the exclusives, else the exclusives would sell way better.
What is the incentive for people to buy a machine for multiplats if the console that does have exclusives will have more players due to people who do buy consoles for their exclusives?
I think most people buy a console based on what their friends have so they can all play happily together. But that doesn't mean that all the others buy them for exclusives. I didn't buy my Xbox One for exclusives, and definitely not because my friends bought it (I don't have any...). I actually like their center of the livingroom, gaming console/media hub idea. I still use my Kinect actually (mostly voice commands).
People that do a day-one buy mostly do this because of hype I think. Really not for exclusives, look at the exclusives launch line-up of the PS4: Killzone, Knack, and Resogun (might be forgetting one). None of them are worth owning a PS4, what was worth it? New console generation, the stronger console (immediately visible with the new CoD that ran at 900p-1080p), and of course the hype since E3 where Microsoft was completely shotdown with their always-online ideas, and Sony took great advantage of that. Sony was ahead from the start, and then coming back is quite hard unless you already have a brand name (PS3 scenario), and no big marketing issues (Microsoft had a bad name for 1-2 years because of that)
All wrong, but keep trying. Too easy
I've asked this for years, and not one single lem has had an answer. So, here we go again. . .
If exclusives didn't matter, then how come the PS3 caught up with the 360 and surpassed it after Kinect came out?
First of all, it never surpassed the 360, but I'll answer the other part of your question.
You are making some mistakes in your logic, you are pretending that the users of PS3, and Xbox 360 are one and the same. This is not the case. This is about population, and the reason why PS3 got close to the Xbox 360 is because the brand has always been stronger in the world (except USA). There are indeed people that first bought a Xbox 360, and then a PS3, but many more only bought the PS3. Why the PS3? Because they know the brand better, they might have had a PS2, their friends had a PS3, and so on. Nothing is pointing in the directions of exclusives.
When you look at the list of most sold games (retail, and digital) for a console. What is always coming out on top? Multi-platform games. I know a lot of people that only buy multi-platform games, I mostly buy multi-platform games. When you look at sales, then nothing is saying that people buy consoles for the exclusives, else the exclusives would sell way better.
Okay, fine, I'll take it on the nose and say my logic has mistakes.
What is the incentive for people to buy a machine for multiplats if the console that does have exclusives will have more players due to people who do buy consoles for their exclusives?
Most people here that claim to prefer the xbone it's because it is made by an american company (even though it is actually made in China like every other). That's the most common justification I've seen and the one that doesn't fall apart constantly by logical contradictions. Maybe the one that their friends play on it is also valid but that's suspicious considering the PS4 sells much more so it's more possible that their friends have a PS4.
First of all, it never surpassed the 360, but I'll answer the other part of your question.
You are making some mistakes in your logic, you are pretending that the users of PS3, and Xbox 360 are one and the same. This is not the case. This is about population, and the reason why PS3 got close to the Xbox 360 is because the brand has always been stronger in the world (except USA). There are indeed people that first bought a Xbox 360, and then a PS3, but many more only bought the PS3. Why the PS3? Because they know the brand better, they might have had a PS2, their friends had a PS3, and so on. Nothing is pointing in the directions of exclusives.
When you look at the list of most sold games (retail, and digital) for a console. What is always coming out on top? Multi-platform games. I know a lot of people that only buy multi-platform games, I mostly buy multi-platform games. When you look at sales, then nothing is saying that people buy consoles for the exclusives, else the exclusives would sell way better.
Okay, fine, I'll take it on the nose and say my logic has mistakes.
What is the incentive for people to buy a machine for multiplats if the console that does have exclusives will have more players due to people who do buy consoles for their exclusives?
Most people here that claim to prefer the xbone it's because it is made by an american company (even though it is actually made in China like every other). That's the most common justification I've seen and the one that doesn't fall apart constantly by logical contradictions. Maybe the one that their friends play on it is also valid but that's suspicious considering the PS4 sells much more so it's more possible that their friends have a PS4.
That seems like the European conclusion. Unfortunately, Americans are an insular bunch. Many never see the shores of other countries or even participate in much of anything on a global scale. Most Americans are shocked that something like the UEFA Championships utterly dwarf the Super Bowl in terms of viewership and interest. Just like, almost 100% of your "Digital Future" threads are created by some American gamer who thinks the world must be running off of cable modems just like they do.
It's a mentality that is incredibly hard to reach through. What you take for granted as fact is literally unimaginable to the common American.
In case you missed!
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
Sony didn't even fund Shenmue 3 when they knew it's what their fanbase wanted the most in their own words. They couldn't even risk $2-10M at most and cows brag about their risk taking ability. What a joke!
There are 1st person games and there are 3rd person games, being third person is literally irrelevant when comparing games. Seriously, you're saying games are the same because of third person, cinematic = it has a well developed plot and game design.
None of the games had any 'well defined' plot. All were cliche and the game design is non-existent. All they had is full of cinematics and onrails sequences with press 'X' to win gameplay that even a chimp can complete in a single playthrough.
Spider-Man? Why are you saying lol? It's literally one of the most anticipated games across the board, but there will be a lot of action in that game and spider-man games are typically rather free roamish with a focus on gameplay.
Was there ever a good SpiderMan game? Forget that, was there ever a good superhero comic game apart from Batman Arkham series? It's only getting hype because of 'Only on Playstation' label and because it's published by Sony. If it was a multiplat no one will give a shit about another lol SpiderMan trash. Oh, and Sony's iteration again focussing extensively on cinematics. The trailer is there for everyone to see.
Can we even say death stranding is 3rd person yet or that it's action? We wimply know it's action.
Only that Kojima confirmed it's like Uncharted and we all know how much Kojima is obsessed with cinematics. If there was any doubt, the two pre-rendered trailers should provide a clue about the shit.
Is days gone cinematic? Seems pretty damn open world sandboxy.
It isn't then what was the opening sequence of the demo at E3? Why was he wondering aimlessly and examining objects? Oh and where did it was confirmed that it's open world? It's another cinematic bullshit with zombies.
See, that's your problem, you think third person is a genre, it's not. There is also the fact that action is a disgustingly large umbrella term, almost all game in existence is action, also you only really listed the cinematic games anyway.
Third Person is a genre but that in it self is not a problem. The problem is Sony's brand of same copy-paste third person cinematic action template like Ubisoft.
So, are they cinematic games or not because in the first paragraph of your post you argue about it being a diverse lineup of games and now you are agreeing that they are all copy-pasted cinematic bullshit. Make up your mind.
You're ignoring games like world of final fantasy (a turn based pokemon style game), Ace Combat 7, Gran Turismo Sport, Alienation, Nex Machina, Resogun, etc etc.
LEL, not funded or published by Sony apart from GT or Resogun. Again examples that Sony is the one that's playing extremely safe.
1st person is only really good for stealth games or shooters (or shooters or something)
WTF! 1st person can be used for variety of genres: puzzle, platforming, stealth, RPG pretty much everything but what it isn't good for is cinematic onrails experience hence Sony avoids it.
See, your argument is one made out of logical argument, it's one out of reaching for anything you can get desperately because you are a fanboy.
LOL, Sony drones couldn't refute anything and writing bullshit to defend their overlords while prentending that Sony is not following the UC2 formula like Ubisoft and copy-paste all their games.
For fucks sake, those games have well defined stories more than any game out there, if you're going to talk, don't say stupid shit, you'll be taken more seriously if you keep those thoughts out of your argument and a portion of those games are aimed at core gamers, they aren't filthy casual. A little high and mighty that you beat a mid diff game like dark souls? Get your ego out of this.
Shattered Dimensions, Spider-Man 2: The Game, and Web of Shadows. The next good game will be Spider-Man. People would care, just like they would have cared if ratchet and clank was on all platforms, insomniac is one of the better devs around and spider-man is a great character to have a video game around.
It's hard to take you seriously when you compare games like gravity rush 2, spider-man, and horizon zero dawn to games like god of war.
Sony drone? I just spent 1100 getting his pc up and running, the fact of the matter is that I'll be playing good games while you whine and lie about sony because you're the true definition of a fanboy. Your jealousy is pathetic.
Sony is surviving on hype so get ready for a barrage a pre-rendered CGI of vaporware. If anyone is in doubt have a look at Sony's promise for 2016:
MS/Lems surviving on Scorpio/hardware games to look forward to...poor lems:(
That's not exactly how publishing works, Sony has publishing rights overseeing the PlayStation 4 outside of Japan, Koei Tecmo is self-publishing within Japan. If this game comes to PC Sony has nothing to do with however or whoever that version of the game would be published by.
This isn't their IP, it's not their game.
That is totally dependent on what deal sony has with the game maker,as simple as that it can be whole it can be partial it can be for 1 platform only example Bloodborn.
The same shit was say about bloodborn and still no PC version.
@dynamitecop: I think that would be the case. The only sure things from that video should be the stuff that sony makes. The rest is typical confusing sony pr. What happened to Nier for example the game was recently confirmed for pc and possible xone. They put a ps4 exclusive label on it.
Yeah I saw that as well, I think they intentionally do this confusing stuff until things are completely solidified one way or the other.
You people mean like Quantum Break where MS tag it as xbox one exclusive for 2+ years until a month from launch where they reveal the PC
They want to talk about software because they are running from them he hardware discussion I wonder why...
You mean like MS has for the last 3+ years? And will continue to since the majority of the xbox one user base will not magically get a 4k native boost just because scorpio will come out.
But then again they do the same with sales numbers and you people say nothing.
What are they? Oh let me guess probably Xbox exclusives. Is that your best defense for Sony's outright lies and lack of diversity?
I have no defense for that. You got me.
lol went right over his head..
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
So much diversity. Hurray for Sony funding the cheap and low budget Demon Souls 4 with new title Bloodborne. Such a risky bet as Yoshitia said, right.
Many of these are different. stylle gameplay. Just because you type "Cinematic Third Person Actionn" doesn't mean anything. lol. And where is Gravity Rush 2, Granturismo , Wild, Matterfall, Next Machina, MLB Dreams, Hot Shots Golf, Knack 2, Ratchet & Clank, etc, etc.? Conviently you are missing a tone of games. HmmmmI wonder why?
Yea it's a diverse library especially when you include third party exclusives like Ace Comvat 7, Yakazu, Persona 5 and more. The Soul series started because of Sony and Bloodborne is definitly not a low budget game.. Many games Sony create are made with the attentiion of losing money. This is why they they are seen a risky company. TLG alone is proof of this. Let's be honest Sony games are just more unique and creative. They have experiences you can't find anywhere else. MS games are usually generic and typical outside a few titles.
yeah but it's true, a lot of ps4 owners don't realize this, yet they're whining why some games never come to their system, or they why they coming a lot later. They thought it was obvious that all games that were on pc and xbox were also on ps4 (besides the obvious ms exclusives like forza, halo and gears)
When they bought a ps4, they thought it would be a more powerfull xbox with some sony exclusives and another controller. Then you see threads asking why magic duels didn't come to ps4 yet, why fifa legends aren't on ps4. 2015 was a game starved year, yet xbox players got world of tanks, smite, elite dangerous magic duels, ark survival, rise of the tomb raider. Most of these games are now on ps4 as well but in the meantime a lot of other stuff have released as well.
Of course if you loved the souls games, you had bloodborne in 2015, this year, the last guardian, uncharted 4, and a ton of other games from japanese devs but if you're really not that much into those type of games then you bought the wrong system.
Hahahaahhaaa who the fu** cares about fifa legends is a damn add on for a yet another freaking fifa game,the only reason it was on xbox was because MS money hat EA on it just like Titanfall was on xbox for the same reason...hahahaa
2015 was a staved year for who.? Lemmings.? The PS4 not only got more games than the xbox one on 2015 but also OFFICIALLY had higher rated ones to..hahahahaa
Unless you can find me something higher rated than Bloodborn on the shitty xbox one,hell the xbox one didn't have games for the first half of 2015 all the way to august i think,it had nothing...hahaha
Hell the xbox one is a console mostly aimed at americans so tell me where is MLB on xbox.?
Because the PS4 version in 2015 charted like 3 months in a row in NPD,not even Halo 5 did that for xbox
No considering that the PS4 has more exclusive and console exclusive than the xbox one,it is easy to see it was you who pick the wrong system...
Riding downloadable content for Fifa as some kind of win is a joke even more on a american oriented console soccer isn't bigger than baseball in I think you chose the wrong consoles unless you are European and care about soccer.
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
So much diversity. Hurray for Sony funding the cheap and low budget Demon Souls 4 with new title Bloodborne. Such a risky bet as Yoshitia said, right.
OH i can do that to..
Forza Cinematic Racer.
Halo 5 Cinematic first person shooter.
Quantum Break Cinematic 3rd person shooter.
Gear of war Cinematic 3rd person shooter.
Recore Cinematic 3rd person platformer shooter with shitty mechanics
Should i go on peasant?
Was there ever a good SpiderMan game? Forget that, was there ever a good superhero comic game apart from Batman Arkham series? It's only getting hype because of 'Only on Playstation' label and because it's published by Sony. If it was a multiplat no one will give a shit about another lol SpiderMan trash. Oh, and Sony's iteration again focussing extensively on cinematics. The trailer is there for everyone to see.
Unless you consider 87 as something bad
Should i go on.?
The only thing Cinematic about spider man on PS4 is the amount of anal discomfort is causes you alone with other sony games.. Poor lemming...
First of all, it never surpassed the 360, but I'll answer the other part of your question.
You are making some mistakes in your logic, you are pretending that the users of PS3, and Xbox 360 are one and the same. This is not the case. This is about population, and the reason why PS3 got close to the Xbox 360 is because the brand has always been stronger in the world (except USA). There are indeed people that first bought a Xbox 360, and then a PS3, but many more only bought the PS3. Why the PS3? Because they know the brand better, they might have had a PS2, their friends had a PS3, and so on. Nothing is pointing in the directions of exclusives.
When you look at the list of most sold games (retail, and digital) for a console. What is always coming out on top? Multi-platform games. I know a lot of people that only buy multi-platform games, I mostly buy multi-platform games. When you look at sales, then nothing is saying that people buy consoles for the exclusives, else the exclusives would sell way better.
Okay, fine, I'll take it on the nose and say my logic has mistakes.
What is the incentive for people to buy a machine for multiplats if the console that does have exclusives will have more players due to people who do buy consoles for their exclusives?
Most people here that claim to prefer the xbone it's because it is made by an american company (even though it is actually made in China like every other). That's the most common justification I've seen and the one that doesn't fall apart constantly by logical contradictions. Maybe the one that their friends play on it is also valid but that's suspicious considering the PS4 sells much more so it's more possible that their friends have a PS4.
That seems like the European conclusion. Unfortunately, Americans are an insular bunch. Many never see the shores of other countries or even participate in much of anything on a global scale. Most Americans are shocked that something like the UEFA Championships utterly dwarf the Super Bowl in terms of viewership and interest. Just like, almost 100% of your "Digital Future" threads are created by some American gamer who thinks the world must be running off of cable modems just like they do.
It's a mentality that is incredibly hard to reach through. What you take for granted as fact is literally unimaginable to the common American.
Yep, that's a pretty accurate observation.
Check these out if you haven't seen them.
yeah but it's true, a lot of ps4 owners don't realize this, yet they're whining why some games never come to their system, or they why they coming a lot later. They thought it was obvious that all games that were on pc and xbox were also on ps4 (besides the obvious ms exclusives like forza, halo and gears)
When they bought a ps4, they thought it would be a more powerfull xbox with some sony exclusives and another controller. Then you see threads asking why magic duels didn't come to ps4 yet, why fifa legends aren't on ps4. 2015 was a game starved year, yet xbox players got world of tanks, smite, elite dangerous magic duels, ark survival, rise of the tomb raider. Most of these games are now on ps4 as well but in the meantime a lot of other stuff have released as well.
Of course if you loved the souls games, you had bloodborne in 2015, this year, the last guardian, uncharted 4, and a ton of other games from japanese devs but if you're really not that much into those type of games then you bought the wrong system.
Hahahaahhaaa who the fu** cares about fifa legends is a damn add on for a yet another freaking fifa game,the only reason it was on xbox was because MS money hat EA on it just like Titanfall was on xbox for the same reason...hahahaa
2015 was a staved year for who.? Lemmings.? The PS4 not only got more games than the xbox one on 2015 but also OFFICIALLY had higher rated ones to..hahahahaa
Unless you can find me something higher rated than Bloodborn on the shitty xbox one,hell the xbox one didn't have games for the first half of 2015 all the way to august i think,it had nothing...hahaha
Hell the xbox one is a console mostly aimed at americans so tell me where is MLB on xbox.?
Because the PS4 version in 2015 charted like 3 months in a row in NPD,not even Halo 5 did that for xbox
No considering that the PS4 has more exclusive and console exclusive than the xbox one,it is easy to see it was you who pick the wrong system...
Riding downloadable content for Fifa as some kind of win is a joke even more on a american oriented console soccer isn't bigger than baseball in I think you chose the wrong consoles unless you are European and care about soccer.
Well, a lot more people care about fifa than you think it's pretty much the best selling game on all platforms. Not to mention ea makes more more revenue with just in game transactions than any other game, every year.
Those legends are one of the reasons ea makes so much money with in game transactions If I would have all legends on my xbox, I could sell them easily for 5000$. You act like this is some dlc, but this is a multi million dollar businness, which pretty much dwarfs any other game out there in terms of revenue.
When ultimate team became so popular in 2013-2014, it was the first year they started with those legends. That year ea stock multiplied 10 times in value.
What other games you had besideds bloodborne in 2015 on the ps4 ? until dawn? I'm not going to deny bloodborne isn't a good game, but it isn't for everyone.
Not every playstation exclusive has such a select audience like bloodborne, but you can't deny the playstation caters a certain crowd a lot better than the xbox, and vice versa.
In case you missed!
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
Sony didn't even fund Shenmue 3 when they knew it's what their fanbase wanted the most in their own words. They couldn't even risk $2-10M at most and cows brag about their risk taking ability. What a joke!
There are 1st person games and there are 3rd person games, being third person is literally irrelevant when comparing games. Seriously, you're saying games are the same because of third person, cinematic = it has a well developed plot and game design.
None of the games had any 'well defined' plot. All were cliche and the game design is non-existent. All they had is full of cinematics and onrails sequences with press 'X' to win gameplay that even a chimp can complete in a single playthrough.
Spider-Man? Why are you saying lol? It's literally one of the most anticipated games across the board, but there will be a lot of action in that game and spider-man games are typically rather free roamish with a focus on gameplay.
Was there ever a good SpiderMan game? Forget that, was there ever a good superhero comic game apart from Batman Arkham series? It's only getting hype because of 'Only on Playstation' label and because it's published by Sony. If it was a multiplat no one will give a shit about another lol SpiderMan trash. Oh, and Sony's iteration again focussing extensively on cinematics. The trailer is there for everyone to see.
Can we even say death stranding is 3rd person yet or that it's action? We wimply know it's action.
Only that Kojima confirmed it's like Uncharted and we all know how much Kojima is obsessed with cinematics. If there was any doubt, the two pre-rendered trailers should provide a clue about the shit.
Is days gone cinematic? Seems pretty damn open world sandboxy.
It isn't then what was the opening sequence of the demo at E3? Why was he wondering aimlessly and examining objects? Oh and where did it was confirmed that it's open world? It's another cinematic bullshit with zombies.
See, that's your problem, you think third person is a genre, it's not. There is also the fact that action is a disgustingly large umbrella term, almost all game in existence is action, also you only really listed the cinematic games anyway.
Third Person is a genre but that in it self is not a problem. The problem is Sony's brand of same copy-paste third person cinematic action template like Ubisoft.
So, are they cinematic games or not because in the first paragraph of your post you argue about it being a diverse lineup of games and now you are agreeing that they are all copy-pasted cinematic bullshit. Make up your mind.
You're ignoring games like world of final fantasy (a turn based pokemon style game), Ace Combat 7, Gran Turismo Sport, Alienation, Nex Machina, Resogun, etc etc.
LEL, not funded or published by Sony apart from GT or Resogun. Again examples that Sony is the one that's playing extremely safe.
1st person is only really good for stealth games or shooters (or shooters or something)
WTF! 1st person can be used for variety of genres: puzzle, platforming, stealth, RPG pretty much everything but what it isn't good for is cinematic onrails experience hence Sony avoids it.
See, your argument is one made out of logical argument, it's one out of reaching for anything you can get desperately because you are a fanboy.
LOL, Sony drones couldn't refute anything and writing bullshit to defend their overlords while prentending that Sony is not following the UC2 formula like Ubisoft and copy-paste all their games.
For fucks sake, those games have well defined stories more than any game out there, if you're going to talk, don't say stupid shit, you'll be taken more seriously if you keep those thoughts out of your argument and a portion of those games are aimed at core gamers, they aren't filthy casual. A little high and mighty that you beat a mid diff game like dark souls? Get your ego out of this.
Shattered Dimensions, Spider-Man 2: The Game, and Web of Shadows. The next good game will be Spider-Man. People would care, just like they would have cared if ratchet and clank was on all platforms, insomniac is one of the better devs around and spider-man is a great character to have a video game around.
It's hard to take you seriously when you compare games like gravity rush 2, spider-man, and horizon zero dawn to games like god of war.
Sony drone? I just spent 1100 getting his pc up and running, the fact of the matter is that I'll be playing good games while you whine and lie about sony because you're the true definition of a fanboy. Your jealousy is pathetic.
None of the Sony 'non-games' have a story like I said previously. Only brain dead drones like you claim they have any meaningful stories. All of them are cliche, predictable, boring, run of the mill garbage with high production values as their only saving grace. Dark Souls is not a Sony game. Demon Souls was and that was in 2009 during the PS3 when Sony still experimented while UC2's success hasn't came yet because both UC2 and DeS was in production for a longer time than just their released windows. After that every Sony trash followed the same formula of cinematic onrails garbage with no gameplay. Oh cheers because they also supported Bloodborne aka DeS 5 under a new IP with medicore budget. Such a risk by Sony, pathetic.
Spider-Man has a history of shitty video game adaptions and no one cared if there was another Activision funded Spider-Man was in production as the history suggests. The only reason it's getting so much hype is because of a Sony logo and again because of its cinematic bullshit with high production values as its only saving grace. Hell SpiderMan never even made to any showings before Sony acquired the rights or publications even gave half a page coverage to this franchise as a video game, LEL.
LOL, all are TPS with high focus on cinematics. Yeah they are generations apart. Loser.
No matter how many you spend on your gaming PC it still won't change the fact that you are a Sony drone when you defend them like that. You having a PC is a testament to the diverse and high quality of PC gaming rather than you being a unbiased gamer since Sony drones like you couldn't survive without PC, FANBOY!
Sony is surviving on hype so get ready for a barrage a pre-rendered CGI of vaporware. If anyone is in doubt have a look at Sony's promise for 2016:
MS/Lems surviving on Scorpio/hardware games to look forward to...poor lems:(
Now I actually agree with you. Motherf****ers have cancelled the only game that was interesting in their lineup. F**k MS for cancelling Scalebound, I hope Platinum finds another publisher.
What are they? Oh let me guess probably Xbox exclusives. Is that your best defense for Sony's outright lies and lack of diversity?
I have no defense for that. You got me.
lol went right over his head..
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
So much diversity. Hurray for Sony funding the cheap and low budget Demon Souls 4 with new title Bloodborne. Such a risky bet as Yoshitia said, right.
Many of these are different. stylle gameplay. Just because you type "Cinematic Third Person Actionn" doesn't mean anything. lol. And where is Gravity Rush 2, Granturismo , Wild, Matterfall, Next Machina, MLB Dreams, Hot Shots Golf, Knack 2, Ratchet & Clank, etc, etc.? Conviently you are missing a tone of games. HmmmmI wonder why?
Yea it's a diverse library especially when you include third party exclusives like Ace Comvat 7, Yakazu, Persona 5 and more. The Soul series started because of Sony and Bloodborne is definitly not a low budget game.. Many games Sony create are made with the attentiion of losing money. This is why they they are seen a risky company. TLG alone is proof of this. Let's be honest Sony games are just more unique and creative. They have experiences you can't find anywhere else. MS games are usually generic and typical outside a few titles.
LOL indie level garbage with budget of $200 made in a garage titles sold as a $60 games. So much for Sony taking risks. News flash even MS funds little 'SAFE' projects like this as evident with cuphead etc.
Where are the big budget diversity cows brags about? Oh right, they couldn't even willing to fund Shenmue 3 with budget of $2M when in their own words their fans demanded it the most. So much for Sony's diversity and it taking risks. Pathetic.
yeah but it's true, a lot of ps4 owners don't realize this, yet they're whining why some games never come to their system, or they why they coming a lot later. They thought it was obvious that all games that were on pc and xbox were also on ps4 (besides the obvious ms exclusives like forza, halo and gears)
When they bought a ps4, they thought it would be a more powerfull xbox with some sony exclusives and another controller. Then you see threads asking why magic duels didn't come to ps4 yet, why fifa legends aren't on ps4. 2015 was a game starved year, yet xbox players got world of tanks, smite, elite dangerous magic duels, ark survival, rise of the tomb raider. Most of these games are now on ps4 as well but in the meantime a lot of other stuff have released as well.
Of course if you loved the souls games, you had bloodborne in 2015, this year, the last guardian, uncharted 4, and a ton of other games from japanese devs but if you're really not that much into those type of games then you bought the wrong system.
Hahahaahhaaa who the fu** cares about fifa legends is a damn add on for a yet another freaking fifa game,the only reason it was on xbox was because MS money hat EA on it just like Titanfall was on xbox for the same reason...hahahaa
2015 was a staved year for who.? Lemmings.? The PS4 not only got more games than the xbox one on 2015 but also OFFICIALLY had higher rated ones to..hahahahaa
Unless you can find me something higher rated than Bloodborn on the shitty xbox one,hell the xbox one didn't have games for the first half of 2015 all the way to august i think,it had nothing...hahaha
Hell the xbox one is a console mostly aimed at americans so tell me where is MLB on xbox.?
Because the PS4 version in 2015 charted like 3 months in a row in NPD,not even Halo 5 did that for xbox
No considering that the PS4 has more exclusive and console exclusive than the xbox one,it is easy to see it was you who pick the wrong system...
Riding downloadable content for Fifa as some kind of win is a joke even more on a american oriented console soccer isn't bigger than baseball in I think you chose the wrong consoles unless you are European and care about soccer.
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
So much diversity. Hurray for Sony funding the cheap and low budget Demon Souls 4 with new title Bloodborne. Such a risky bet as Yoshitia said, right.
OH i can do that to..
Forza Cinematic Racer.
Halo 5 Cinematic first person shooter.
Quantum Break Cinematic 3rd person shooter.
Gear of war Cinematic 3rd person shooter.
Recore Cinematic 3rd person platformer shooter with shitty mechanics
Should i go on peasant?
LEL, flipflop flipflop!
Oh and you look butthurt.
Was there ever a good SpiderMan game? Forget that, was there ever a good superhero comic game apart from Batman Arkham series? It's only getting hype because of 'Only on Playstation' label and because it's published by Sony. If it was a multiplat no one will give a shit about another lol SpiderMan trash. Oh, and Sony's iteration again focussing extensively on cinematics. The trailer is there for everyone to see.
Unless you consider 87 as something bad
Should i go on.?
The only thing Cinematic about spider man on PS4 is the amount of anal discomfort is causes you alone with other sony games.. Poor lemming...
LOL El-Tomato hyping SpiderMan. Show me the amount of threads or media coverage as dedicated to those games as the Sony one? LOL pathetic. What's more pathetic is you using MC again as some sort of proof.
lol went right over his head..
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
So much diversity. Hurray for Sony funding the cheap and low budget Demon Souls 4 with new title Bloodborne. Such a risky bet as Yoshitia said, right.
Many of these are different. stylle gameplay. Just because you type "Cinematic Third Person Actionn" doesn't mean anything. lol. And where is Gravity Rush 2, Granturismo , Wild, Matterfall, Next Machina, MLB Dreams, Hot Shots Golf, Knack 2, Ratchet & Clank, etc, etc.? Conviently you are missing a tone of games. HmmmmI wonder why?
Yea it's a diverse library especially when you include third party exclusives like Ace Comvat 7, Yakazu, Persona 5 and more. The Soul series started because of Sony and Bloodborne is definitly not a low budget game.. Many games Sony create are made with the attentiion of losing money. This is why they they are seen a risky company. TLG alone is proof of this. Let's be honest Sony games are just more unique and creative. They have experiences you can't find anywhere else. MS games are usually generic and typical outside a few titles.
LOL indie level garbage with budget of $200 made in a garage titles sold as a $60 games. So much for Sony taking risks. News flash even MS funds little 'SAFE' projects like this as evident with cuphead etc.
Where are the big budget diversity cows brags about? Oh right, they couldn't even willing to fund Shenmue 3 with budget of $2M when in their own words their fans demanded it the most. So much for Sony's diversity and it taking risks. Pathetic.
They are there.
@zeeshanhaider: you believe MS would actually green lit games like dreams, knack, the last guardian, bloodborne, gravity rush, tearaway, tokyo jungle etc or freedom wars? You know, games that arent expected to get gears of war level sales? Cut the crap already, its obvious MS is not willing for more diversity, when the game doesnt promise Halo level appeal(or shooter appeal). Thats also what is holding MS back, but I guess people like the Halo Forza gears box
@zeeshanhaider: you believe MS would actually green lit games like dreams, knack, the last guardian, bloodborne, gravity rush, tearaway, tokyo jungle etc or freedom wars? You know, games that arent expected to get gears of war level sales? Cut the crap already, its obvious MS is not willing for more diversity, when the game doesnt promise Halo level appeal(or shooter appeal). Thats also what is holding MS back, but I guess people like the Halo Forza gears box
Pretty sure yes. All of them are low budget games and MS did infact invested in project SPARC, Ninja Gaiden, Sea of Thieves, Sunset, Ori, cuphead etc. The funny thing about your lineup is the only game Bloodborne but even it was a safe bet on Sony's part because of it being a DeS reskin. Fact: Neither Sony nor MS take risks regardless of what their fans believe.
If MS and Sony are truly diverse and take risks then where are their Deus Ex, Dishonored, Prey, Kingdom Come, Hitman etc. You know games that actually have gameplay?
@zeeshanhaider: you believe MS would actually green lit games like dreams, knack, the last guardian, bloodborne, gravity rush, tearaway, tokyo jungle etc or freedom wars? You know, games that arent expected to get gears of war level sales? Cut the crap already, its obvious MS is not willing for more diversity, when the game doesnt promise Halo level appeal(or shooter appeal). Thats also what is holding MS back, but I guess people like the Halo Forza gears box
Pretty sure yes. All of them are low budget games and MS did infact invested in project SPARC, Ninja Gaiden, Sea of Thieves, Sunset, Ori, cuphead etc. The funny thing about your lineup is the only game Bloodborne but even it was a safe bet on Sony's part because of it being a DeS reskin. Fact: Neither Sony nor MS take risks regardless of what their fans believe.
If MS and Sony are truly diverse and take risks then where are their Deus Ex, Dishonored, Prey, Kingdom Come, Hitman etc. You know games that actually have gameplay?
What it boils down too is you are clueless.
@zeeshanhaider: you believe MS would actually green lit games like dreams, knack, the last guardian, bloodborne, gravity rush, tearaway, tokyo jungle etc or freedom wars? You know, games that arent expected to get gears of war level sales? Cut the crap already, its obvious MS is not willing for more diversity, when the game doesnt promise Halo level appeal(or shooter appeal). Thats also what is holding MS back, but I guess people like the Halo Forza gears box
Pretty sure yes. All of them are low budget games and MS did infact invested in project SPARC, Ninja Gaiden, Sea of Thieves, Sunset, Ori, cuphead etc. The funny thing about your lineup is the only game Bloodborne but even it was a safe bet on Sony's part because of it being a DeS reskin. Fact: Neither Sony nor MS take risks regardless of what their fans believe.
If MS and Sony are truly diverse and take risks then where are their Deus Ex, Dishonored, Prey, Kingdom Come, Hitman etc. You know games that actually have gameplay?
What it boils down too is you are clueless.
No, it boils down to the fact that you people are so far up Sony's a** to even remotely acknowledge the shortcommings of your overlord. Diversity my a**!
@zeeshanhaider: you believe MS would actually green lit games like dreams, knack, the last guardian, bloodborne, gravity rush, tearaway, tokyo jungle etc or freedom wars? You know, games that arent expected to get gears of war level sales? Cut the crap already, its obvious MS is not willing for more diversity, when the game doesnt promise Halo level appeal(or shooter appeal). Thats also what is holding MS back, but I guess people like the Halo Forza gears box
Pretty sure yes. All of them are low budget games and MS did infact invested in project SPARC, Ninja Gaiden, Sea of Thieves, Sunset, Ori, cuphead etc. The funny thing about your lineup is the only game Bloodborne but even it was a safe bet on Sony's part because of it being a DeS reskin. Fact: Neither Sony nor MS take risks regardless of what their fans believe.
If MS and Sony are truly diverse and take risks then where are their Deus Ex, Dishonored, Prey, Kingdom Come, Hitman etc. You know games that actually have gameplay?
What it boils down too is you are clueless.
No, it boils down to the fact that you people are so far up Sony's a** to even remotely acknowledge the shortcommings of your overlord. Diversity my a**!
Yea. You are clueless and don't realise taking losses and supporting niche titles are a risk. You also think any game without realsm is low budgdet... Fact is Sony us known for taking risk not only by Sony fans but gamers general.
In case you missed!
Famous for no Shadows: Cinematic Third person Action
Out of Order 800: Cinematic Third Person Action
Uncharted 4: Cinematic Third Person Action
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Third Person Cinematic Action (Uncharted with Robo Dinosaurs)
Detroit: Cinematic Third Person
God of War: Cinematic Third Person Action (Ouch, even they turned this into the walking simulator)
The Last Guardian: Not a shooter but definitely Third person
The Last Of US 2: Cinematic Third Person Action.....
Days Gone: Cinematic Third Person Action
Spider-Man(LOL): Cinematic Third Person Action
Death Stranding: Cinematic Third Person Action
Sony didn't even fund Shenmue 3 when they knew it's what their fanbase wanted the most in their own words. They couldn't even risk $2-10M at most and cows brag about their risk taking ability. What a joke!
There are 1st person games and there are 3rd person games, being third person is literally irrelevant when comparing games. Seriously, you're saying games are the same because of third person, cinematic = it has a well developed plot and game design.
None of the games had any 'well defined' plot. All were cliche and the game design is non-existent. All they had is full of cinematics and onrails sequences with press 'X' to win gameplay that even a chimp can complete in a single playthrough.
Spider-Man? Why are you saying lol? It's literally one of the most anticipated games across the board, but there will be a lot of action in that game and spider-man games are typically rather free roamish with a focus on gameplay.
Was there ever a good SpiderMan game? Forget that, was there ever a good superhero comic game apart from Batman Arkham series? It's only getting hype because of 'Only on Playstation' label and because it's published by Sony. If it was a multiplat no one will give a shit about another lol SpiderMan trash. Oh, and Sony's iteration again focussing extensively on cinematics. The trailer is there for everyone to see.
Can we even say death stranding is 3rd person yet or that it's action? We wimply know it's action.
Only that Kojima confirmed it's like Uncharted and we all know how much Kojima is obsessed with cinematics. If there was any doubt, the two pre-rendered trailers should provide a clue about the shit.
Is days gone cinematic? Seems pretty damn open world sandboxy.
It isn't then what was the opening sequence of the demo at E3? Why was he wondering aimlessly and examining objects? Oh and where did it was confirmed that it's open world? It's another cinematic bullshit with zombies.
See, that's your problem, you think third person is a genre, it's not. There is also the fact that action is a disgustingly large umbrella term, almost all game in existence is action, also you only really listed the cinematic games anyway.
Third Person is a genre but that in it self is not a problem. The problem is Sony's brand of same copy-paste third person cinematic action template like Ubisoft.
So, are they cinematic games or not because in the first paragraph of your post you argue about it being a diverse lineup of games and now you are agreeing that they are all copy-pasted cinematic bullshit. Make up your mind.
You're ignoring games like world of final fantasy (a turn based pokemon style game), Ace Combat 7, Gran Turismo Sport, Alienation, Nex Machina, Resogun, etc etc.
LEL, not funded or published by Sony apart from GT or Resogun. Again examples that Sony is the one that's playing extremely safe.
1st person is only really good for stealth games or shooters (or shooters or something)
WTF! 1st person can be used for variety of genres: puzzle, platforming, stealth, RPG pretty much everything but what it isn't good for is cinematic onrails experience hence Sony avoids it.
See, your argument is one made out of logical argument, it's one out of reaching for anything you can get desperately because you are a fanboy.
LOL, Sony drones couldn't refute anything and writing bullshit to defend their overlords while prentending that Sony is not following the UC2 formula like Ubisoft and copy-paste all their games.
For fucks sake, those games have well defined stories more than any game out there, if you're going to talk, don't say stupid shit, you'll be taken more seriously if you keep those thoughts out of your argument and a portion of those games are aimed at core gamers, they aren't filthy casual. A little high and mighty that you beat a mid diff game like dark souls? Get your ego out of this.
Shattered Dimensions, Spider-Man 2: The Game, and Web of Shadows. The next good game will be Spider-Man. People would care, just like they would have cared if ratchet and clank was on all platforms, insomniac is one of the better devs around and spider-man is a great character to have a video game around.
It's hard to take you seriously when you compare games like gravity rush 2, spider-man, and horizon zero dawn to games like god of war.
Sony drone? I just spent 1100 getting his pc up and running, the fact of the matter is that I'll be playing good games while you whine and lie about sony because you're the true definition of a fanboy. Your jealousy is pathetic.
None of the Sony 'non-games' have a story like I said previously. Only brain dead drones like you claim they have any meaningful stories. All of them are cliche, predictable, boring, run of the mill garbage with high production values as their only saving grace. Dark Souls is not a Sony game. Demon Souls was and that was in 2009 during the PS3 when Sony still experimented while UC2's success hasn't came yet because both UC2 and DeS was in production for a longer time than just their released windows. After that every Sony trash followed the same formula of cinematic onrails garbage with no gameplay. Oh cheers because they also supported Bloodborne aka DeS 5 under a new IP with medicore budget. Such a risk by Sony, pathetic.
Spider-Man has a history of shitty video game adaptions and no one cared if there was another Activision funded Spider-Man was in production as the history suggests. The only reason it's getting so much hype is because of a Sony logo and again because of its cinematic bullshit with high production values as its only saving grace. Hell SpiderMan never even made to any showings before Sony acquired the rights or publications even gave half a page coverage to this franchise as a video game, LEL.
LOL, all are TPS with high focus on cinematics. Yeah they are generations apart. Loser.
No matter how many you spend on your gaming PC it still won't change the fact that you are a Sony drone when you defend them like that. You having a PC is a testament to the diverse and high quality of PC gaming rather than you being a unbiased gamer since Sony drones like you couldn't survive without PC, FANBOY!
So you're just outright lying now, got it.
Gears had a shitty story, Halo had a shitty story, only high production values to save.
Also it's cute how you're ignoring the disgusting amount of gameplay in a game like gravity rush 2.
Spider-Man has a history of great video games that people love.
The amazing spider-man was "okay", the amazing spider-man 2 though was bad.
Sony literally are having insomniac make the game, they didn't rush in and go "oh sure we'll buy it", they led insomniac to make the game.
I do hope you are flame baiting or you're the biggest fanboy retard I've ever seen. I'm defending a superior product with logic and reasoning, once upon a time I was considered an xbox one and I'm glad I didn't go with one since it's worse now. No, I have a pc/ps4 combo since the xbox one is trash, not because I am a fanboy like you. Xbox one couldn't exist currently without blind fanboyism, the console has no other value.
It's cute how you think there is a relation between games like gravity rush 2, dreams, horizon zero dawn, grand turismo sport, new hotshots golf, etc etc yet you don't think there is a relation between halo and gears of war because "oh it's third person vs first person and one is more colorful"
So you're just outright lying now, got it.
Gears had a shitty story, Halo had a shitty story, only high production values to save.
Also it's cute how you're ignoring the disgusting amount of gameplay in a game like gravity rush 2.
Spider-Man has a history of great video games that people love.
The amazing spider-man was "okay", the amazing spider-man 2 though was bad.
Sony literally are having insomniac make the game, they didn't rush in and go "oh sure we'll buy it", they led insomniac to make the game.
I do hope you are flame baiting or you're the biggest fanboy retard I've ever seen. I'm defending a superior product with logic and reasoning, once upon a time I was considered an xbox one and I'm glad I didn't go with one since it's worse now. No, I have a pc/ps4 combo since the xbox one is trash, not because I am a fanboy like you. Xbox one couldn't exist currently without blind fanboyism, the console has no other value.
It's cute how you think there is a relation between games like gravity rush 2, dreams, horizon zero dawn, grand turismo sport, new hotshots golf, etc etc yet you don't think there is a relation between halo and gears of war because "oh it's third person vs first person and one is more colorful"
Stop repeating your self with nothing to back you up. Accept that you have been owned. Regarding Gears and Halo, I never claimed otherwise, show me where did I ever defended them. I always say I don't even understand why people like them. Oh and SpiderMan was always been a shit game, deal with it. There are no superior product on Sony's side.
Oh and your example about Gravity Turd 2. Congratulations for having a game 4 people developed in a garage with shiity graphics and no budget. Just because it sells for $60 doesn't mean it's an AAA product. It's a shitty indie garbage that if a western studio would have made it had a price of $10 in early access.
@zeeshanhaider: you believe MS would actually green lit games like dreams, knack, the last guardian, bloodborne, gravity rush, tearaway, tokyo jungle etc or freedom wars? You know, games that arent expected to get gears of war level sales? Cut the crap already, its obvious MS is not willing for more diversity, when the game doesnt promise Halo level appeal(or shooter appeal). Thats also what is holding MS back, but I guess people like the Halo Forza gears box
Pretty sure yes. All of them are low budget games and MS did infact invested in project SPARC, Ninja Gaiden, Sea of Thieves, Sunset, Ori, cuphead etc. The funny thing about your lineup is the only game Bloodborne but even it was a safe bet on Sony's part because of it being a DeS reskin. Fact: Neither Sony nor MS take risks regardless of what their fans believe.
If MS and Sony are truly diverse and take risks then where are their Deus Ex, Dishonored, Prey, Kingdom Come, Hitman etc. You know games that actually have gameplay?
What it boils down too is you are clueless.
No, it boils down to the fact that you people are so far up Sony's a** to even remotely acknowledge the shortcommings of your overlord. Diversity my a**!
Yea. You are clueless and don't realise taking losses and supporting niche titles are a risk. You also think any game without realsm is low budgdet... Fact is Sony us known for taking risk not only by Sony fans but gamers general.
Yeah, so much risk taking by Sony. They gladly offered Yu Suzuki $2M instead of a kickstarter, oh wait!
Yeah, so much risk taking by Sony. They gladly offered Yu Suzuki $2M instead of a kickstarter, oh wait!
I wonder if it ever occurred to you that a lot of developers choose to go independent so that they have complete control over the creative and development process for their games. I know that it's very easy to look at a kickstarter kickoff on an E3 stage as farcical. Likely, nothing I or anyone else would say will keep you from seeing it as such. Fine. I get it.
However, one need only look at how a certain game got the axe recently to see why a developer would perhaps want to take that precaution. In Sony's eyes, they saw a title announcement that would enrich their lineup and came to a mutually beneficial arrangement. I say laugh it up. Shenmue 3 is going to be a reality and Scalebound goes to the great code graveyard in the Cloud. Extra bonus points for Gryffondor if Kamiya comes back from his hiatus and goes indie.
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