[QUOTE="LibertySaint"][QUOTE="-wii60-"][QUOTE="Polaris_choice"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"][QUOTE="Polaris_choice"] [QUOTE="thinicer"]Redfingers, that's all well and good, but nobody is disputing the power of the PS3. PS3 games look good and will continue to look fantastic in future titles. But as we have seen in previous generations, raw power and graphics is not going to win you a console war. Price and content, two things the PS3 is having real trouble with right now, will do that for you.Polaris_choice
Except people are disputing the power of the PS3. There are still people under the delusion that the 360 is more powerful because of some badly optimzed ports. Theare are people on this forum that are under the delusion that a 7900gtx can outperform the PS3 on anything and everything( sorry only on badly optimized pc ports).
I think most of us are simply waiting for some tangible proof of the PS3's so-called graphical superiority, because there hasn't been any.
You obviously dont own both consoles do you? Go play Heavenly sword and then come tell me anything on the 360 is even in the same league. No game on the 360 has that quality of visuals with 1000+ enemies on screen at at time sorry thats a fact.
Kameo was a launch game for the 360 and it has the same amount of characters on the screen.., and nothing is stoping the devs to make a game with the same number of characters, i guess dead raising 2 will have even more zombies than before.
tahts right kameo too... i guess that guy doesn't have 2systems...bt wi never liked kameo tho, i still ike Hs better then kameo...and dea rising more so then HS.
To bad I have played Kameo and I own Dead Rising Gamertag(TheSterls) look it up for yourself yes I do own 2 systems. And if you played both games you would know kameo is not even close to the same level of visual quality as heavenly sword. The textures are lower res the characters are low poly and that scene with 1000 trolls on screen at a time has all the trolls looking exactly the same. The same goes with DR eventhough it has tons of enemies its visual quality pails in comparison to HS.
i guess its a matter of opion then, cause i think dead rising wins in graphics period, not things on screen and hs wins in character modeling and kameo wins in things on screen.
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