@loe12k said:
It won't. Who's going to keep paying for Playstation now, if it's got no PS4 games.
BC is free on xbox. You have to pay if you playstation fan.
PS5 will just not play PS4 games native.
Just saying buy a Scorpio. Least you have free 360 and xbox one games you can play natively problem solved. And purchase, game pass, if you want to play a game properly on your new system!
Really so tell me why can't you play Halo 1,2,3 and 4 on xbox one?
Forza 1,2,3,4?
How about COD MW 1,2 and 3.?
You can play freaking Halo spartan but not those halo why? Oh wait because MS sell you a damn collection of Broken Halo games..hahahahahaa
Most xbox backward compatibility is composed of arcade games indies and old classics that are not even xbox related in any way.
You can play Galaga but not Ghost Recon,you can play 9 sonic games 9 games,and you can't play minecraft,or unreal tournament,no crackdown,no red dead revolver,no GTA5..
So you see trying to pretend like MS is giving free backward compatibility is a joke you want to play Halo 1,2,3 and 4 buy a collections is what MS say.
Today, we’re continuing our commitment to give you more options to diversify and expand your library of games with Xbox Game Pass, a new gaming subscription service coming later this spring. Xbox Game Pass gives you unlimited access to over 100 Xbox One and backward compatible Xbox 360 games – all for $9.99 per month.Read more at
But but but backward compatibility is free,if you pay for the services and play a 360 game you are officially paying for backward compatibility worse most games on that services are 360 games..lol
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